Please revert today’s feral energy hotfix

Still have no idea why they decided to fkk around with how the powershifting energy worked. What was wrong with the vanilla one ? Is there actually a reason for any of these negative changes that literally no one ever asked for ?

I mean… how did it work in the original TBC ?

Or is this another one of Blizzards “We broke it, then fixed it in the end so it looks like we are actually doing stuff, yay love us!”

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Powershifting was possible, but I doubt anyone really did it. I certainly don’t remember ever doing it on my druid tank/dps.

They didn’t f*** around with it. Since we’re launching on 2.4.3 we’re launching with the changes made to energy ticks in 2.2. If you want that reverted.
Then we should also revert: Spell Damage on healing gear, no experience buffs for ya’ll it’s not authentic until phase 4-5. I mean. Herpederp.

If you don’t want this change, you literally shouldn’t want anything post 2.0.1, enjoy that broken mess.

Why they’ve added seals to paladins? Well, because it puts one faction at a large disadvantages compared to the other one, so that one is a faction balance. They fixed Seal Twisting to bring it in line with how it worked in TBC because ya’ll were crying foul about the spell batching being reduced to 10ms so janky s*** didn’t happen in the game where you attacked a monster and 4s later it responded.

Energy/Powershifting as we know it in classic wow was working the exact same up to patch 2.2 which was around ZA/SW. There is no known documentation that this was meant to harm powershifting or nerf it.
Regardless this is a nerf to an already underperforming spec


Dont care much for anything outside of what affects me as Feral dps. And these energy changes have been horrible, both in pve and pvp. Im not a dev (clearly), but I fail to see why fixing it so it works like it did on vanilla would be such an issue.


Don’t put words in our mouths. We don’t want any of those things listed at the end. We want blizzard to give us the classic energy we played with up until Zul Aman


Yo blizz if ferals get the pre 2.2 energy can we get pre-nerf Dragonspine Trophy and Haste stat too, and throw in death wish for Fury Warriors. Lets roll it way back.

It’s not a matter of it being difficult to fix. It’s a matter of wanting to fix it. They don’t want to. Because apparently ferals aren’t allowed to have fun.

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Yes, but the seal twisting and giving SoB to all the Paladins was a gr8 change as it creates a much better experience for Ret, especially in raids.

Doing this do the Feral energy during powershifting is no where near the same, and results in clunky and bad gameplay. You know how many times in pvp I powershifted to finish someone off,near the end of the tick, which resulted in my energy tick getting reseted and I get no energy for ages, just feels horrible.


Feel free to be as frustrated as you want, but that doesn’t mean you get to choose which nerfs stay and which nerfs go.

We’re launching with 2.4.3 class changes. That includes a lot of nerfs for a lot of classes other than Ferals. They’re not complaining. So why are you?

Because it makes the gameplay garbage. This isn’t about competing on the damage meters, it’s about having enjoyable gameplay.


Because the changes they are experiencing don’t effectively kill the flow of their play style. I don’t even play as dps often, I tend to tank. No disrespect, I understand it’s quite a request. But even if we didn’t have this change ferals would be middle of the pack dps anyway. It’s more about wanting to preserve that playstyle which has a basis in the game up to 2.2 We are not asking for something drastic in relation to blizzards current stance on some things.


They can all say they same. You don’t get to get special treatment, because you want to powershift and a nerf removes that aspect.

Here’s what you could do. Don’t reset your energy clock. See. Problem solved. But then I have nothing to do for… 6 seconds! Yeah well, I guess now you know how it feels like being rogue and not have any decent thistle tea :).

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Yeah, he is just trolling, or stupid, most likely both. I feel sad that I took his replies half seriously and tried to answer.

Anyways, lets see what happens boiz.

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Please Blizzard, for the love of God, don’t make a gimped spec even more so by messing with the one mechanic that makes it fun to play and reasonably viable when played correctly.


couldn’t agree more with the OP (US-forums). #somechanges

"As a feral dps player, I just want to also add my voice asking for this change to be reverted, and for energy to behave as it did through classic and through the initial content patches of BC.

Aside from DPS concerns, this change is going to introduce down time in our rotation and will make the class less engaging to play. This will reduce the presence of an already under-represented spec at high levels of gameplay.

Please reconsider using this version of energy for all content cycles of TBC."


From the “Not a bug” post


Energy regeneration “tick” timers are reset when shifting into cat form.

If that’s the case then the 2.2 patch that introduced that change had those goals in mind:
:diamonds: Make sure mages don’t lose mana from 1 tick of Evocation.
:diamonds: Make sure players don’t lose mana from 1 tick of Innervate or Mana Spring Totem.
:diamonds: Make sure rogues don’t lose energy from 1 tick of Adrenaline Rush
:diamonds: Make sure druids lose a whole tick of energy when entering cat form.


Good point imo.

In the spirit of #somechanges you should really consider not murdering the dps part of the spec. Actually unplayable as it is now and I know many other ferals agree.


give us back vanilla energy regen, this is a big nerf to an already mediocre dps specc


Yo, im bad cat, preffer being beefy boy in front, but still. Did try this on PTR and it just feel owfull, beside its around 20% dps hard nerf. I thought #somechanges (paladins wink wink) are for improve gameplay experience. Pre-nerf bosses? Gimme that. Polished mechanics? Sure. Balancing, kinda, faction with Seal of Murder? Why not, everybody know what happend back then.

Being scuffed wasnt what i was hoping for, even many of us dooming these days. Now its real. #doomedcatunite