Please revert today’s feral energy hotfix

Now, at least everyone knows that you don’t know what happened to Thistle Tea.

Say hello to a 5min cooldown to restore 40 energy. I don’t see you being prevented from powershifting and getting 40-60 energy whenever you feel like getting it. Do ya?

No right then. Now you know how it’ll be like to play rogue.

i hear about that stuff every day from roomie…

That’s not entirely true. Mana tide (which I assume is the one you are thinking about when you say mana spring, noone cares about losing a mana spring tick) was changed in 2.1 to consistently provide 4 ticks instead of sometimes 3 and sometimes 5.

pls dont nerf ferals any more :< we are badest dps in tbc now :((


Its more or less safe to say that if the energy problem does not get solved its a hard dps nerf to Feral, not to mention how clunky its going to feel in all dps aspects.


A spec killer for the spec already lying at the bottom of every guides our little meta slaves will follow like a bible.

Please fix it before it’s too late. Current street rep of feral is bad. Don’t make it worse.


Hi all.
So, i made a quick overview of Chrille’s pvp vids from Vanilla times starting from Season-1 TBC vid till The Fatcow 7 (Season 3)

It is clearly seen, that powershift gives exact 40 Furor energy + 20 tick

Kindly ask Blizzard to not ignore the current unfair energy tick mechanics and fix it.
If it is about real TBC experience for players, then Vanilla 60 and 70 (TBC) is the correct way of energy regen.
Regen ticks should stay vanilla-like, otherwise it is critically damages the Feral ability to proper powershift and affects every feral Player.

If someone is interested, more Vanilla tbc videos can be found on Chrille’s page:

I would like to add that powershifting feral, like was played in Original TBC (yes there were many of us playing it all the way back then too)

This way of playing feral is the SOLE reason I was coming back to play classic. It is not a tiny change, a byproduct of the spec. It IS the spec.

Playing as it should be, as it was for so long powershifting and gaining the proper energy is the ONLY spec I would be interested in playing, not this washed down version some god damn intern who never played 14 years ago, decides now out of nowhere.

I do not enjoy other classes. this rogue has not been played in over a year, and wont be played again.

I for one will not be playing TBC if the only spec I have waited years to play in it’s proper state, is broken by your incompetence


Sadly shaming them wont work, it never does and never will, but I 100% share your sentiment because I’m in the same boots as you. I was waiting for tbc way before blizzconline and it will be very hard to move on, but this is the only thing they understand:

Engagement metrics


This is what I do not believe people understand, for many people who were dedicated to a spec in the way that feral needed to play correctly (IE Far more time to learn and perfect than a one button wonder spec), People have been waiting YEARS to play their beloved spec once more.


And in the blink of an eye, the very core of a spec is torn away without an actual reason.


They have only 1 reason (which they ofc didnt give, but its easy to figure out). It is like that in their goddarn reference client and they have 0 intention to spend time and money for development. Ret paladin #somechanges was a media campaign trying to assure everyone that they learned from Classic and they will listen to the community.

We are here. Right now. Speaking our minds. Yet they dont listen to us, even though our arguement is diamond solid.

Found this Thotbot archived thread where a feral cat describes the power balance of the early expansion that he beats every fully epic geared rogues and mages, while others assure him that it’s only like this at the beginning because feral scales really badly.

It is very sad that they took away even the early advantage from us. We are a small community (were, 60% already unsubbed), we cant petition anything, if we quit, Classic moves on without issues and the other classes are mean, just like you would expect from the internet. It is hard, but we have to move on and find a better place for ourselves (I was about to quit at the end of tbc anyway).


You should be able to find videos where mages are able to ice block twice in a row in TBC, shamans double dipping elemental mastery or diamond flask ticks gaining 100% of + healing. It’s kinda pointless making videos about intended changes to show how it worked before it got changed…

They should have seen this coming with 2.4.3 being the baseline. 2.4.3 means we get the no fun allowed version of TBC.

Please stop adding unrelevant Warrior / Mage info to the topic, and blurring focus from the current energy tick problem.

2.4.3 is your problem. If Blizzard changes this there is a thousand other “issues” people will want changed to their original TBC state as well. As a mage I would love to get blizzard back to its pre 2.2 version. After all, the post 2.2 version puts significant limits on my gameplay.

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People comparing a 20 energy tick to double cloak, double ice block and everything else that was nerfed because it was too broken even for TBC… ehh…

Unintended change =/= Intended nerf


It’s not a 20 energy tick. It’s a 20 energy tick every few seconds. That’s a completely different league compared to a lot of other unfun nerfs that was introduced duing TBC. Repeating that it was an unintended change does not make it true. We know that blizzard was aware of it for a year without doing anything about it. That sounds like intent to me.

And as I told you in the other topic the post you are bringing up as “they knew” has a blue confirming it was not intended towards Feral energy.

So… why are you just nuking your own case? xD

You argument is “Mages is broken, but not super broken like in the previous patches” so you are butthurt that a feral rolled you over somewhere in pvp because you did not have double block so now you don’t want Ferals to have this gameplay change?

I will be fair, I am reaching here, but really feels like that.

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Adding my voice to this matter.

Feral druids should keep their vanilla energy regen the same way paladins were allowed to have emulated batch to keep their seal twisting mechanic. Powershifting is the core mechanic for feral dps, the same way twisting is/was for paladins.

I sincerely believe there was not enough ferals back then to have this concern voiced and looked after when it should.


Seconding this, fix it please.


Pls let us keep the old fun rotation