Please save my dream

Some months ago I started to work on my youthful dream, finishing all the quest in WoW Classic. I reached the 97% of all the main quest in the game but yesterday night I had a bad surprise. Was on the quest [The essence of Eranikus] [3373] with some friends in Sunken Temple, and after killing the Shade of Eranikus he didn’t drop the ‘Chained Essence of Eranikus’ to combine and finish the quest. I probably already dropped that item more than 1 year and half ago while levelling and sold or disenchanted, but have no memory of it. Is it possible to recover somehow the item and keep me going with my dream?

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Check the Blizzard Item Recovery Tool on their website

If it’s not there, open a ticket

Good luck !

Unfortunately I already tried both of them.

There is nothing on the Recovery Tool and the ticket answer was just a bot.

I think I’ll get mad if this will be the only quest left in my quest log forever.

Ah rip,

Maybe keep spamming it until you get a real response?

Have no experience with tickets. Do you think spamming them might give a solution to this? I saw a previous discussion of someone with my same problem and their answer was ‘Get a thread on the forum with many answers and view’. Bah.

No idea tbh but I don’t see what else you could do, Blizzard hardly seems to care about forums

Spamming tickets will not help, Blizzard use the same database that the item restore system uses. You are out of luck.

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Do spam tickets, it is your only chance.

Do not hold your breath though, Blizz aren’t normally (ever?) doing this. Be ready to let it go.

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No, don’t spam tickets they will stop you making more and if you have a real problem you won’t be able to ask for help.

I’ve seen threads before where someone was answered with a no from a GM, opened another ticket, spoke to a different Gm and got a yes. Wasn’t spamming but worth a couple of tries for sure


Majority of GMs are useless. I ticketed a GM about changing a quest reward, and they said it was impossible as it was already added to my transmog wardrobe. This is Classic. And even if it was Retail, the item in question was a ring.

Once in a blue moon, the earth will turn square and you will find a GM that has actually played Blizzard games and can assist you. Keep hounding them. Do it as many times as you have to.


The man’s dream is about to shatter, surely he can risk??

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That’s his choice but older threads about this say they tried many times and never got their reward back and got told that if they ticket about it again then their ticket privileges will be revoked.

I must be lucky then. I couldn’t complete Loremaster cus of a glitch in game and the very nice GM awarded me the item and let me complete the quest. I’ve always found GMs and ticket responses very helpful. Just be polite and explain how important it is to you. Good luck.

Thank you for your support people. I will try to insist with the tickets in game. Do you think posting it on the subreddit can help have someone looking into it or they ignore these channels?

They won’t help.
You wanna do ALL quests your only option is starting over I’m afraid.

That GM broke the rules Blizzard set down, some might but since tickets are now all dealt with by the US GMs he has very little chance of finding one who will give him the item.

From “Out of luck” to this, pretty much what everybody else has said in the thread.
Has to be exhausting living in a world where your baseline is always “I’ll disagee”.

It’s not my baseline but what Blizzard do, they don’t give you quest rewards back if you delete them and want them back later and can’t restore them yourself, btw the item is also very nearly BiS pre raid.

You sure you just didnt click the brazier to the left after killing the boss?

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