Please save TBC ERA (open ERA servers)

Bump . We need at least 2 TBC era servers , 1 pvp and 1 pve . Some just can’t understand that there are people who enjoy multiple WoW iterations almost equaly . My main focus will be wotlk to be honest but i want to have the option to move my T6 geared characters to a museum server . There’s absolutely no harm in this .


Season of mastery is doing pretty well. Go on the most populated server on Stormwind or Orgrimmar, It’s packed.

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I guess something we can do, is ask on twitter → @TheWindstalker (Holly Longdale Lead Producer on WoW Classic) and pray.


I have to agree, I want the ability to traverse all expansions at will at some point in the future.


Good idea! Your can write to Holly Longdale in Twitter with link on this post? I’m not registered in Twitter.
Our characters need in save on TBC ERA. Now or never, because after start WotLK will be too late. And too wait for WotLK ERA, when all send in Cataclysm, i think. Need ERA for save progress in everyone addons, especcialy in Classic, TBC and WotLK because its gold time of World of Warcraft! :slight_smile:


What are people doing now on the Classic ERA server after all this time?

  1. Collecting better gear, bis items. Regular passage of raids in the guild.
  2. Farm PVP rank on BG, farm reputation.
  3. Help for newbies, co-guilders and other players.
  4. Level up new characters within the original classics.

This is a large socialized game, with a small number of people, the main thing is not quantity, but quality.

The same goes for BC. Is everyone already dressed in full T6, knocked out / received the necessary mounts? That’s what I’m talking about … There is always something to do in the game, and it’s good when no one pushes you with a stick on the ERA servers, when you don’t have to run after the crowd in order to “be in time”.


For example our order in Classic ERA guild:
Monday - AQ40, Onyxia Lair
Thursday - BWL, Molten Core
Saturday, Sunday - AQ20, Zul Gurub
Next planned - Naxxramas!
We good play in some guilds, on server 4-5 raiding guilds, other play with with him.
Other times waste on playing on BG’s - WSG, Arathi, one in month on Alterac. Helping for start players! Classic ERA - live!
TBC be too live! Karazhan, SSC, BT, Sunwell and other instance wait our. Need ERA servers for all expansions.
Why dont can do this in WOTLK? 80 lvl peoples going in Karazhan? Bad expirience…
Why dont can do this in TBC Season? Season have one year duration, we dont can play for our characters and mandatory start new character (!)


Maybe It’s a little bit too much, but I’ve made a Petition.


You have my bow


Also feel free to spread it on Twitter etc… :stuck_out_tongue:

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Want to know what scares the living hell out of me?

WotLK comes to an end and they decide to push ahead with Crapaclysm.

And we’re all forced to upgrade to Crapaclysm with no option to stick with WotLK.

If and when that happens it will be so long, farewell, bye bye sub. I quit in original Crapaclysm, and will quit again if it’s a forced upgrade. The Classic dream is over.


You’re giving voice to my nightmare.


What would be the point of playing Wotlk classic if at the end all the progression is just deleted to go on Cataclysm ?

This is the same reason that why we need TBC Era i feel like i got baited, it would have been better to play on private tbc server in that case… pls spread and vote the petition.

Let peoples play the endgame content Pvp/Pve of the classics expansions they like without having to restart from nothing with a seasonnal system…

I hope Blizzard can ear us.


Thanks. Signed the this petition.

I would even recommend signing this petition to those who do not want to move from WotLK to cataclysm. After all, again it will turn out that “no one promised anything to anyone” and everyone will go into a cataclysm together, and it will be 100%, because this is real money for Blizzard.

If who can send information on USA forum, please do it - link for petition from changeorg and link for this topic. For help from all players.


Yes, It’s about choice, not being TBC hardcore or something.

I personally enjoy retail (yes I do !), classic and TBC, I will enjoy playing Wrath until I die… And cataclysm/mop too !

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My nightmare as well. I would like to revisit MoP and Legion again one day but I’m not even done with TBC, let alone Wrath and beyond. The way it’s going each classic expansion isn’t even gonna last us 16 months…

I’m hoping that they will just give us the big ol’ red reset button after Wrath, and start all the way back at Classic Vanilla - then TBC - Wrath again. This way they have a permanent up on the inevitable private servers that will show up after they nuke TBC.

And selfish people like you shouldn’t even have a voice in all this. Let’s see how you squeal when they move wrath to cata without the option of an era server.


If they leave the Era servers up for each expansion, they can stand on their heads, make annual servers and launch Cata all they like. Let the people who want to stay in the “Museum servers” do so. 2 servers for each Classic expansion, one PvE and one PvP to stay up forever = 6 servers. That can’t ruin anything for anybody.


i wouldnt care, because i dont wanna play the same game for the rest of my life, people who want that are mentally unhinged (you btw)

Lol you’re just a sad little internet troll. /shoo


people who dont share your option = troll, now i know exactly what kind of unhinged person you are irl, what a shame