Please save TBC ERA (open ERA servers)

And people who are not like you are mentally unhinged?

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Last reply bc it’s just not worth it talking to someone like you.

Nah what makes you a troll isn’t because you have a diff opinion, I like to discuss things and I understand other views, just see my above replies. What I don’t think is ok is shortsightedness in the sense that you don’t care about others and call people unhinged because they have a (strong) view on something.


Yes 4. levelling alts one of each at least (minus Rogues)

You are rigth.

No, I’m not even Max level there yet (been too busy enjoying Classic Era). I thought we had more time. I’d love TBCC Era servers to stay on


Totally agree! This was the primary reason i wanted to play classic, to be able to play all my favorite expansions (vanilla, tbc & wotkl). Ofc there isnt much hype for classic era when everyone is in TBC…but after Wotkl is done ppl will spread out and play classic, tbc and wotkl. So god damn short sighted to not add tbc era realms


Ehm… Just a big NO. :slight_smile:

I agree with you.

Blizz, just let us play on which expansion we want to.

  1. Classic Vanilla
  2. Classic TBC
  3. Classic Wotlk

And let us to copy the characters if we want to move on the next exp but with the possibility to continue playing on the previous versions.

It’s hard to understand, but, we have so so so much memories on our heart and mind about our adventure we had in old times.

You have to understand that these versions of the game left a mark on our childhood, most of '90 's players just love to play these era versions.

You have to trust to your community.



I’ll be honest, after having recovered from two dumpster-tier expansions which are BfA and Shadowlands I’d be down for playing WotlK for a decade just to erase the butchering they did on the 20-year old lore from my mind.

Blizzard, please give us a TBC classic era server ! Given how powerful server hardware is today and (hopefully) how much you must’ve streamlined WoW server operation in the last decade, I doubt keeping a bunch of servers running is more than pocket change for a company like Blizzard.

Wotlk is what made me quit playing WoW (too easy, dungeon finder). I briefly subbed for most of the following expansions but in my opinion, TBC is the last expansion I would truly call “classic”.

Anyway, after a hiatus of a couple of years I started leveling a new char in TBC Classic just a couple of weeks ago because TBC is by far my favorite expansion and I did start the new char based on the assumption that there would be a TBC classic era server once Wotlk hit, just like the classic era server we already have.

Right now my char is at level 63 and with the current patch frequency (and my limited time to play), I doubt I will be able to do more than a couple heroics before Wotlk is released and everyone stops doing TBC raids & dungeons because even Sunwell equipment will eventually be surpassed by Northrend greens.

I have a job, a kid, a wife … I want to experience the content at my own speed and not be forced to skip stuff and play an extension I don’t like just because people with too much time on their hands rush through the game, run out of things to do (or fail to set new goals meaningful to them) and then whine on the forums for another xpac to repeat the cycle.

If I wanted Wotlk, Cata, pandas or any of the other theme-park stuff - I would still be playing retail.

And yes, I will definitely cancel my subscription when Wotlk lands without a TBC classic era server where I can continue playing.


After looking through my old screenshots yesterday, I tend to agree. Dungeon finder, map & Quest log integrated and with helper in it too, faster levelling, and many more “Making (Quality of) Life easier” adjustments came with Wrath. I did not realize then, but it was the beginning of the end of Classic.

My TBCC main is at 52, so I fear the same.

I fully expected to have all the time in the world to “finish” TBCC as I could just stay in the TBCC Era server, and either roll a new main in Classic Wrath with the faster levelling or even LIght forbid it pay for a clone.

I am not going to quit, as I love the achievements (and Classic), but I’m probably going to spend more time in Classic Era than in Classic Wrath.

/ signed it


Classic era after one year of TBC. Not high pop, but clearly not dead.


Alliance side


Dear friends, thank you very much for supporting this topic (likes and messages) and signing the petition! Tell me, who can try to send this topic next? Example, write to Holly Longdale (Lead Producer on WoW Classic) in twitter or other variants (e-mail, etc…)? I don’t have an account in twitter (now have problem registered account in our country).


And I’m also see extra plus for TBC ERA. Now in game very much speedruners, GBID raids, boosts and many other problem, which as example NOT in classic ERA game. Classic morally cleared after start TBC, and now TBC be more cleared after start WotLK (WotLK ERA cleared after start CATA Classic :D). In ERA game have more soul and classic expiriense in later.


if TBC or WotLK classic lasted 10+ years, does that mean you have to play it for 10+ years?

If anyone is unhinged it would be people wasting their time with low tier trolling attempts on forums where they clearly don’t belong in the first place.


Your post pretty much sums it up. You seem a little burned out of playing TBCC so you are not willing to loose progress or progress further into next expansion. But you never mentioned that you will continue playing TBC, maybe play some more weeks on inertia and when servers will become depopulated leave the game all together.

Wrath has good sides, like dualspec, Ulduar and ICC and leveling zones in general. I want to participate in Wrath Gate.

+1 for TBC era


If you don’t want it, don’t use it. But let the rest of us have fun. (Do you recognize this argument?)

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done - it’s actually free to open a Twuitter account :slight_smile:

Having TBCC Era servers in no way prevents you from playing Wrath to your hearts content. It only means that those wanting to play TBCC stays in game instead of leaving.

This post of yours is meaningful only given two condition’s:

  1. you’re afraid to not have enough people to play with in Wrath.
  2. you think that forcing people to play Wrath will make them stay and play instead of either quitting or going to Classic Era.

You do know that people are different and find different things fun or not fun? I for one do not find Ulduar and ICC fun at all, the zones in TBCC were better than Wrath with maybe Szolazar Basin on line with TBCC. And Dual spec can be in-game or not, makes no difference whatsoever to me.