Hello everyone. I am a tank warrior and I keep getting booted from dungeons by people who want to finish the dungeon as quick as possible. They are not interested in playing the game, they are only interested in getting to end game content as fast as possible.
Therefore they must ruin my day by booting me from the dungeon.
Can we please stop giving people the ability to kick someone from a dungeon group for whatever reason they want?
This is too much power and something must be done to fix this broken feature.
It’s not fair on so many people who have done nothing wrong to anyone.
I know that a lot of people agree with me, but also a lot of people have a different opinion.
Is it fair to allow players to force you to wait 30 minutes before you can queue for dungeons again, simply because they want to save 2 or 3 minutes?
“Reduced cooldowns stacking upwards” so that if you aren’t kicked often, it starts with a minor debuff.
“Reduced cooldowns, stacking downwards” so if you’re in a “good” party, then when they surprisepikachu kick you at the end the cooldown is lower.
“Warning before Debuff” - When you get removed from dungeon you get a Warning but allows you to requeue, if you get kicked again you get debuffed on subsequent leaves.
“Add reporting for kicking” - This is akin FF where they investigate if someone is really, really using votekick so often and gets reported for it that often as well. WoW used to do this.
If you have a proper suggestion, you may submit it through the ingame feedback box. I also would like to know to see if the suggestion can be improved making it into a better experience for everyone involved.
Why reduce the cool down if you are kicked unfairly from a group?
If you’ve been kicked unfairly then you don’t deserve to be punished.
If anyone deserves to be punished, it’s those who are kicking people for simply wanting to play the game at a relaxed pace. These players insist that taking your time while levelling up (enjoying the game for what it is) is for special people and that the end game is the only fun part of the game, therefore they are justified in kicking you if you don’t go at their speed or if you even dare to question them;
Suggesting that you are AFK if you’re the tank and it takes you a minute longer to do a dungeon than what they would have liked.
The UI could be improved. In LFD, people don’t immediately recognize who are they voting against and automatically click “Yes”.
There should be a portrait, role and class at the very least. Ideally, the player in question would start glowing or something like that
Plus a confirmation dialog “Are you sure [Name] is ruining the run and should be kicked?”.
Bonus: the button would become active after a delay of say, 10 secs.
Going even further, after kicking someone, the group would get a 5 min timeout before being able to search for a replacement. This way, people would quickly learn to pay attention and think twice if it REALLY would be worth it.
A lot of people seem to click yes automatically. I never even get to vote because it passes so fast. That is not a good culture, but it is how it is. I am inclined to vote no 95% of the time simply because it would take time to wait for a replacement anyway…
if you care about your time just stop playing wow, the one thing wow is good for is killing time.
and if you want the most efficient XP/HOUR go do quests in the world. i pray for a meteorite when i see people doing skips in leveling dungeons
Yesterday I was in a group. After we had finished the dungeon, two players stayed behind.
One of the players wanted to kick the other player from the group because (their reasoning was) they were too low level; which leads me to believe that players aren’t even aware that there is a 30 minute penalty for kicking someone.
If you’re kicked from the group after the dungeon is finished, do you still get a 30 minute penalty?
Its not broken as a feature but it is abused.
As a tank myself all i can say is please go faster it’ll stop you being booted.
I get that you want to enjoy the dung the game etc but others want their points gold drops W/E its a side effect of the next gen players they live in a world where you sent txts emails instantly buy offline get the next day with no effort and so it goes.
Ppl now want it done, going by what you’ve said id imagine your planning or overthinking pulls, dont just pull and kill thats the warcraft we have now, you suffer from the issue i used to have just pull pull pull and your good kay.
An aspect of this that I don’t think gets the consideration it deserves is that people tend to forget there is a person at the other side of that vote to kick. Case in point was myself last night. Kicked from a group about half way through with absolutely no explanation at all. I don’t have the mental fortitude I had as a younger man and I spent the rest of the evening in a spiral going ever downward. That simple act of removing me from a group with no explanation ruined my session and made me question things that had nothing to do with WoW.
TLDR: There is a person with feelings playing that character.
That´s probably indicative of a deeper Problem. Who cares if you got kicked? Take the 30 minute break and move on. I was once kicked (Tank) because i refused to get the snakes again (1. boss HoO) after i asked the dps not to kill them as it makes the boss fight faster.
There is simple fix for your problem. Group up with 2 or 3 friends. As long as 2 out of 4 vote “No” everytime someone tries to kick someone, the attempt to kick fails.
Another option is to make pre-made groups. No one is forcing you to play with complete strangers and elitist pricks to whom you can say “You might aswell just purchase pre-made heroic raid geared char with maxed out gold instead of playing the game and force everyone else to play the way you want to play”
Maybe change it to that if no X amount mobs are being killed after X amount of time you only need 3 votes to kick, but 4 if mobs are being killed. Then maybe add 2 question boxes so people actually read and don’t click yes every time.
I have never been booted for tanking too slowly. As far as I can remember. Not in the last couple months, at least.
People are kicking me for:
Telling them to relax.
Having a difference of opinion.
Just making a mistake in the dungeon and causing a wipe.
Falling behind because the tank was rushing ahead and I was collecting quest items, and I didn’t heal him for a second, then when he got mad, I got sarcastic.
Many ppl who do dungs at higher teirs ate increadibly entitled not all of us are but quite a few are.
If your gnna do quest stuff in dungs perhaps its better you not heal the mindset on wow now is rush rush rush.
As the healer your gnna be expected to keep up, i dont agree with it either but its how the game is thesedays, even classic cata has rush grps they even try to in the protocol dungs which is a very bad idea given the damage the mobs can take/do.
Last bit of advise is not to get sucked into chat with pugs unless your having fun or click with somone bc pugs are toxic bc they dont know or care about you as a player.
Maybe you should join a guild and jusy do guild runs? Less likley for toxicity that way.
Toxic players can also be a server wide thing. Im literally on the same server as you so we both know which servers they’re likley to be from.
as the tank you are expected to check my mana, i will not tell you “mana” and if you pull while i’m drinking or looting mobs (never leave loot behind), then good luck
in the meanwhile i can’t see my classic characters here in the forum (relogged like 15 times), they can’t even get the web part right