Please stop allowing people to kick you from dungeon so easily

While tanking on my alts, it’s quite frustrating when you notice the healer is at like 20% mana, you stand still and wait for 10-15 seconds and the healer just stands there doing nothing. Happens quite a lot. Then I will just assume the healer don’t feel the need to drink and continue pulling.

Im an ideal world every tank checks their healers mana but thats the ideal world.

When im the tank i do check this bc i understand how hard healing can be i also call it out so the dps know why we have stopped snd dont ninja pull, as a healer i also post mana low in the chat bc i know how gungho some ppl get.

Its fine rly its being caught up in the moment with that feeling of this is amazing i love this.

Thats when mistakes happen overconfidence 101.

Listen i agree with you on 99% of what your saying, the other 1% is when ppl chainpull and dont bother to check mana then blame the healer in death.

Ive literally joined runs in retail and classic respecced in the dung right infront of them and the second i do that the tank pulls 3 grps … that ends up in me having to clutch heal which really is no kind of fun.

Ive also had a healer go afk with no warnings and had them refuse to dispell static cling amongst other.

( looks at that one shammy from firemaw server)

So you know the guy refusing to dispell was a shammy in a protocol dung of all places.

Suffice to say such ppl end up on my ignore list and for gd reason.

The main issue is ppl not caring, looking or being too lazy to press an extra key when or if needed.

I did a tolvir last a prot palla, now i barely play my pally and all pf a sudden i have a warlock backseat tanking telling me aura etc… warriors dont have aura so.irs not somthing im used to that ofc is no excuse at all but when die bc they try to beat you somehere we did the skip run portion and the lock died it became my fault … the readson i go frst is pull anchor so when he ran past he got it off 2 mobs and was 2 shotted thats not my fault he ran past but he seemed to think i was wrong.

End result is we finished he mouthed off the i reported/ blocked hom and his 2 dudu freinds we will never meet again thank god.

Again i agree with you on what your saying but its everyones job to make a group function not just the healer or the tank if more of us understood that and stopped the its their fault mentality there would be less kicks.

Jump when he casts it and you won’t need a dispel, protip!

Also, after his first grounding field, he will cast static cling twice before he does another grounding field. So even if you get hit by first static cling, you will not need a dispel until he’s cast it once again. Frankly, it’s just a waste of mana and a gcd since as a tank you will be able to hit the boss even if rooted.

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Yh when your dbm decides to bug it can catch you out :slight_smile:

Obv i know to jump but it wasnt just me messing it up literally 3 ppl were allowed to die bc he woundn’t dispell.

Fact is were only himsn we mistime things and make mistakes :slight_smile:

When this happens im not above throwin somone a bof or dispelling even as the tank, bit when a person outright refuses its going outright againstbwhat group play means.

in this scenario you are right to pull (and very generous with the waiting, 2 seconds are plenty to decide if you need to spend 20s on a drink), they probably have mana regen cds

is a ****!
here’s an example, in the same instance, a regular HC with resto druid (full vicious not a single piece of pve gear), the dd’s were of the 6-10k DPS ST caliber, no interrupts, taking all dmg possible, basically i was running on fumes for the whole run, we kill the last melee pack before Asaad, they jump down they lose half their health from falling damage, the tank pulls the small Stars before the boss, i’m left with 5% mana, the tank insta pulls the boss, i barely made it inside the fighting area, let alone rest. no innervate cd, i pop one mythical potion, no one dodged static cling ever no one went away with the chain lightning and that mob he spawns was alive too, when the boss was at 30%ish hp i legit had to let two dps die (by not dispelling them) or wipe, my combat regen wasn’t going to cut it with all the incoming damage.
we kill, i have like 2k mana as expected, who gets called trash by the tank? yeah :laughing: for many reasons i’m immune to such situations, but i feel bad for the new players

Thats the reason why I quit Cata.
Quiing dung and waiting in the q then coz sweaty dudes didnt like something and kicked me for the dumbest reason several times was enough for me.
One thing IF i really like pulled mobs, or afked…the thing is the reason behind the kick was always insanely stupid and unfair. One time I got kicked coz I said LOL after some guy died, another time I simply asked a question about boss tact. I would start whispering like why I get kicked, it would be 0 reply or “i didnt vote for it I have no idea why they did it”
I noticed cata pveers are extremely weird people with giant ego but low logic, So no thanx. So Id rather pve in classic where ppl dont act like bots in dungeons and even communicate