Please stop constantly phasing us to other shards, it makes certain tasks undoablege

It’s really sad they’ll not focus on the issues (far too much being worked out in code causes the game to meltdown when more than a handful of people are in the same area) and just shard, shard, shard.

WoW just feels dead with them.

They need to resolve this issue asap as it’s making camping certain annoying rares (Karokta) even more boring than it’s supposed to be.

a couple of times i formed/joined a karkota group only for the group to phase out and the karokta rare to disappear after close to an hour of camping.

the more this is happening the less premade groups will be formed and available in the group finder and the more PITA some camps are going to be.

That’s because it’s not something a ticket/GM can do anything about. You need to make ingame bug reports with very clear descriptions of what is happening. That will go to QA who can test what’s going on and, if it’s some sort of bug, send it on to people who can fix it.

Okay so this isn’t just me.
The other day I killed a rare that I couldn’t loot cus my phase changed…

Rares are just the tip of the iceberg

This also applies to time rifts and research under fire events
If the RL forgets to delist and keeps inviting we can get phased and lose all progress
Happened to me in both events

Also world bosses resetting due to phasing
It’s a very game breaking issue they need to sort out


Does QA even exist now? Pretty sure we’re the testers who pay for that privilege at this point…

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Once I lost my purple seed in Emerald Dream. I used my last seed, there was no people so I wanted to contribute all 100/100 by myself, but got phased out almost insantly and got sh*t reward. I hated phasing/layering/sharding since it came out…


This wouldn’t be an issue if some rare timers were below 2 hours. Yesterday I was waiting for Kob’rok to respawn for a couple of hours and ended up logging off, later I found out that due to phasing it’s sometimes almost impossible to catch him.

Phasing and layer switching itself is not bad in vacuum, but it just breaks the system designed around long respawns.

I disagree with you Jâne. It’s not only about rares. It’s problematic because phasing out interrupts a lot of tasks you do in open world, and even disconnect you from the people you fighting with on warmode on…

Phasing and layering switching randomly it is a very bad experience for the players. Also it disconnect players/communities from each other. When I went on my Rogue Alliance to Durotar dueling zone, there was around 20-30 ppl, but when I went there on my main Pala that is on the same server, but in Horde I have seen only 2 people dueling, so I couln’t have fun from duels. Honestly I never seen more than 10 people there on my Paladin, so I assume my character is assigned to a bad shard?

Also I don’t know if you know this, but with Chromie timeline there are 18 shards… 9 per expansion x2 for warmode off and on. That’s why open world is empty. It’s just an awful design. There’s no more depressing feels in mmo than seeing it as a dead game without people in the world. I hope they will finally acknowledge this and fix this. Phasing/layering/sharding is awful in every game, it’s just a very bad experience like I said.


I farmed 10 Restored Obsidian Keys. I use them, Morchok spawns i pull and got phased to another shard… This is just so bad.


been dephased twice while waiting for Morchock to become attackable today.
It’s incredibly demoralizing to be constantly losing so much progress.

I keep running into this issue too, at least when playing during busier times. When I play at night, it doesn’t happen as much.

I got layered/sharded/crossrealm whatever you call it these days, about every 3 - 5 minutes yesterday for hours, tryin to grind some mobs, eventually gave up and logged out, as ofcourse everything just POOF constantly. A friend has tried to do the cooking event for days now and he can never finish it as it always sends him somewhere else over and over.

BUMP! Come on Blizzard, this needs sorted out. Read these reactions please and let us know you hear us. This is crappy consumer support.
I’ve been playing since 2004, and this really is the first time i am this frustrated with the game.
Even if you cant fix it, at least let us know you acknowledge the issue.
It’s like talking to a wall. I’ll keep bumping this, and ask others to keep posting as well untill you can find someone with a spare minute to reply.
Oh and ty for Plunderstorm and the upcoming Mix stuff, but can you please please please fix this first now?


yeah its starting to tick me off, its happening way too much.
Today 3 times
Dreamsurge event getting to 100% and starting to down the boss and - reset start again from 0%

Firebrand Fystia - killing off the mobs before she spawns and suddenly phasing and 8 mobs coming from nowhere charging me. And while writing this hovering over the area I phased again.

Forbidden reach earlier Forbidden hoard spawned near me and i phased just before I got to it and its gone.

…and this was just today. :confused:

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It’s darn annoying for sure. I was fishing Ice Holes in Azure span, well away from any events going on there. I get the Soup event started message in my chat (as it’s a zone wide announcement) and get phased shortly after.

It phased me just after i had looted a rare item for the best in slot achievement. But although i had the loot window open and i could see the loot, it would not let me loot it and i lost the item. The Ice Hole which still had two minute left also reset.

So rather annoyed i carry on… then in chat shortly later i see “Soups done” and i get phased yet again and the hole resets. Least that time i didnt loose loot though.

The event happens on the other side of the zone, so why am i being phased for it… something is very very broken just now.

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This has been going on for at least 6 months now… can safely assume Blizz don’t give a flying ------- …

And I believe it’s caused by bots since they’ve completely gotten out of hand.


There are only two Chromie time phases, one with WM on and one with WM off. Any sharding of those depend on realm and amount of players and not on the chosen expansion.

That doesn’t make any sense. Each Chromie Time is isolated on a different continent (two in the case of Cataclysm) because there is no point for players in Chromie Time to be on any other continent but the one of their expansion.

It is making getting achievements done so annoying. Like when I was doing elemental storms sometimes I got to the place and it was nice and full, all the mobs there just start grinding. And then randomly it just phased me to some hellhole of a shard, full of groups running circles in the place with every single mob greyed out.

And I mean it’s the same with rares, you sit there waiting for the rare during dreamsurge and then suddenly you get that phasing freeling and then you wait some longer and again you get that feeling that you’ve just been phased and you just keep on waiting for that rare that should have been up 3 times already. Like jesus christ!