Please stop rushing the content progression on anniversary

While I understand some people just want TBC asap, I feel like the majority of the current playerbase on anniversary plays to get the same feeling/experience as the 2019 fresh, not to just wait for the next expansion.

This experience, in my opinion, is heavily ruined when you dish out content phases so rapidly. It makes gear and character progression lose most of its value. People have no time to gear up alts. When are you going to realise the majority of your playerbase aren’t the sweaty people who got to 60 in the first 2 weeks (I’m stating this being that type of player in the past).

I can’t be the only one thinking phases are coming out too soon. Please, reconsider your decisions and slow down a bit. The timeline duration we had on the 2019 release up to TBC was perfect. Thanks


If you need more than around 15 months of vanilla then play Era. All you vanilla gear WILL be obsoleted by TBC. If you value pixels over experience and adventure go play Era and collect Naxx gear. If you are a Warrior or a Mage on Anniversary you have 99,9% chance to never have BiS for each raid tier. If that’s a problem for you I would recommend a single player game or rerolling druid :slight_smile: 69% of guilds will struggle to get 40 people for AQ40, while Naxx will be only for super tryhards.


You’re missing the point. I’m well aware gear is never meant to last forever and I’m good with that. There is however, a balance between the frequence of new content and character progression feeling meaningful. ~4 months per major content phase has always been the norm in classic all the way till cataclysm ever since it came out, and that’s very balanced in my opinion.

I don’t know why you boiled my argument down to just being about gear and having full bis. I don’t care about bis, I haven’t even got to raid yet on Anniversary. It’s about having a fulfilling experience from each content phase and not feeling like I’m falling behind from this rapid pace. Squishing 6 phases in 1 year is a massive mistake if you’re trying to satisfy people who love both classic and tbc.


I do think they are going in a bit of a too speedy version of classic but at the same time I´m fine with it as for me (and a lot of others) it´s a TBC waitroom we didn´t get to enjoy long enough last time because wrath had to show around the corner.
only reason I play is for the TBC stuff, rest is all extra and looking at how meta gaming most dungeon groups are i´m all for changing that.


So you are complaining they released honor post-release instead 4 months after release?

Next phase is BWL, then AQ, then Naxx.

Yh i agree but others want classic anniversary done and gone, why ? Bc many classes miss qol that tbc brings such as pallies being able to tank properly and them having a taunt as well.

Then theres the hunters qol pwt heal is un channeled in tbc which ofc is not the case in classic, classic hunters are locked from any actions when healing their pet in classic wow.

For me none of these things bother me but plenty of others will disagree.

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This is just a catch up phase meant for players who were going at a slower pace. They’re not rushing anything.

I like the increase in content release, the only downside is it doesn;t give a lot of time to play alts. I hope TBC doesn’t go by as fast though!


Afaik it was announced before release that the “classic” part will be kinda rushed.

My guess is that this “fresh” is (only) there to give an Era-TBC to those who’ve been asking for this since a long while. But since we can hardly have TBC without Classic before it is now how it is. Fast Classic to please the TBC lovers. Everyone knew about the cumulated Classic part in advance.


Yeah, the content release is super fast in anniversary and it was super fast in 2019 classic. Classic is such a huge game, it should take at least 5-8 years for all phases, they are compressed it super-tight. The whole leveling takes a year or two if you’re not rushing, so even opening MC in 2027 would be perfect.


For me the worst is the Serpent sting…that at 60 lvl the dmg is almost equal to normal white hits and 2x less than normal white crits:D and all for 7%~8% total mana :smiley:

On one hand I agree.
On the other, I suppose this release is mostly for “fresh when” people who usually start asking for it in a month. And those who just want to level up and actually ask for BC or WLK, like we did a lot over the last 2-3 years.

As such I wouldn’t particularly care if BC would launch well before Naxx, but it would be clumsy a bit. Not only would Blizzard have to clone all characters by default, but people interested in both content would feel they must play a lot more.

It’s impossible to solve the pace difference.
The first 60 occurred in 3 calendar days, I’m 34 & 29.
Literally, for me you’d have to do SoD-like gating but that invoked constant QQ as well.

Btw I agree with Scubasteve about non-alts.
With the high population and rushed pace, basically this is a big dungeon fresh. Elite quests have always been weird, so now is the time to level those tanks and healers, and then when BC comes, complement it.

Because that’s just the way all the rushers are playing this game. It’s just about getting the best gear as fast as possible…to do exactly what with this gear? I don’t even criticize. If that’s what makes them have fun, ok they should go for it. I do criticize however, that every single version and release of this game is catering to their needs.

I’d so much enjoy some slow-paced servers where people like us could just enjoy the game in a way that is fun to us.

A “catch up phase” for a game that’s running just a little bit more than a month now. You guys are really funny.


I want wotlk asap tbh

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This bothers me as well. I love slower pace, to take my time, not rush, read quests, help people around, chat, etc. Good thing is that I am on PvE server, so won’t have issues to continue my leveling by ganking. But I still feel bad, because I feel like I am slacking.

Really hope they will open the transfers/copies to ERA before TBC starts. The ERA, should be more playable then, since more people would move there and refill the current numbers. That server is something that I like… smaller community, with no rushing.

Nothing is interfiring with your alts.

People that want PVP dont focus that much on Alts or dungeons.

The next phases will just be more raids that don’t stop you with leveling alts.

You will always find people to group up.

The problem with ERA is that there is also no real journey there. Everything is available, most people already have very good gear and it ruins my whole experience.

For example, I like questing and suddenly a player of the opposite faction attacks me. Then some kind of fight develops that goes far beyond a single encounter. Maybe others are joining later. However, this is not fun if one of the players is so far ahead that the other one stands no chance to even be considered as a threat in the game.

Don’t let me even get started about the economy…

All this can only be resolved by fresh servers. That point is neglected though if everything is rushed so that the timeframe in which the playerbase is not too far spread out is just a few weeks after the start.

I’d even say we should move more slowly than in 2005. Because back then, even though the content was available, most players didn’t come to play it that early. For example on my server in 2006 when Naxxramas was released, we had very little players who even got a considerable amount of their T2 gear. So it all just felt more evenly and you got the feeling of having some kind of impact by your presence in whatever you were doing.

Well, economy is already ruined on fresh with that boosts / services meta, most ppl are buying golds for that.

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I agree. And all of these things would just vanish on slow-paced servers. There’s no need for it and players with another mindset wouldn’t join these servers, because they’d get bored.

I even believe that the playerbase for such servers wouldn’t be that small. The rushers are just the loud minority but Blizzard caters to them. I think we’d have a vast majority of players who would like the slower pace or at least wouldn’t care and enjoy it either way.

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It’s not rushed by Blizzard, it’s rushed by the players.
Most people who care just a little bit are 60 already.
(I do not, I am not.)

I’d rather have this and have 3 raids open right from the get go, compared to reading the umpteenth “release next phase, bored” threads.

I don’t think there is any actual solution for that, except for practically cutting out levelling. Like that game.