Please,bring back personal loot!

Bad luck? Blizzard tweaking the number of drops? Things that have nothing to do with Group Loot or Personnal Loot as systems?

And again, stop looking at your belly button when talking about systems. I swear to God we’d have people whining about how they don’t get loot and how Group Loot used to be better if we had Personnal Loot instead.

You roll for yourself in Group Loot, the system rolls for you in Personal Loot. Does that affect the rolls? No.

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You’re wrong. with personal loot you were guaranteed to get at least 1 item from the whole raid. With group loot there is a chance you won’t get anythig the whole season or expansion.
I only pugged the hc raids from the start of the expansion and I didn’t get any item from them. I got the 2-3 things that I needed only from the vault, but not the raid.
But the difference is that I accept the fact that you won’t get anything from the raids in the whole expansion.
The only option that remains is to do 7 bosses every week to get a 3 option vault.


I don’t know if it’s true, but let’s assume it is : What does that have to do with personnal loot vs group loot? Bad luck protection isn’t something specific to personnal loot.

Same, I also exclusively pugged this season, and I had about 2-3 weeks where I got nothing/very minor pieces. But I also got very lucky and got 2 pieces in a clear at some point. That’s how statistics work. Sometimes you’re lucky and sometimes you’re not.

And seeing how most of the criticism on the loot threads can be summarized with : “I’m not getting any loot now so GL bad :sob:”, It’s painfully obvious that most players don’t know how stats work.

And I don’t even care that much about having GL or PL. I like to see everyone rolling, but that’s about it. Both systems are functionally the same. I just wish I’d read words that go beyond “boohoo I’m not getting anything”.

Are they though?

I thought PL first rolled who get loot and then rolls to see what loot they get based on loot spec.

GL first rolls out items and then you need to roll if there is anything you can roll on.

I am ok with GL for guilds or a tight community but for LFR and other random groups it makes no sense because there is no accountability for bad behaviour.

You can’t decide who joins and you can’t block them from joining in the future.
So people just need on everything they can, even just to spite people and vendor it.

Only way to fix GL is to limit the amount of need rolls you can do per week or add some sort of karma system so people that are griefing can be marked and locked out of random group finder for a time.


When pl was up in lfr, i clearly remember, that from each wing where 3-4 bosses presented, i got atleast 1 loot (sometimes 2).

When group loot put in lfr, there were weeks that i got 0 loot from all wings. I call miracle if i get 1 loot from the whole raid.

So i assume there was somekind of bad luck protection for this, even if this never disclosed to the public.

I do think that there should be an option for personal loot instead in a PUG content. Including LFR raids. Or there should be “bad luck protection” or roll tokens we had back in BFA, it is at least something. Raids arent farmable unlike of m+ that you can just spam until you get what you need. At least that would help with purely bad rng (my vaults arent that great either,i get 3 capes/belts/gloves in my vault) which isnt helping me with gearing process
Back in SL there are also were cases when you were just getting kicked from the raid IF you rolled on an item,and all that selling gear in the raids or getting kicked for rolling on item makes wow community more toxic than it already is (or tanks asking for gold before the last boss or they leave the key)

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Getting loot is part of the player power progression which is the core of a mmo experience. Thats the main focus of the game and people will constantly point out when they got their progression in game,cut by such systems
Group loot was/is/never will be the same as Personal Loot just because theres no fair distribution of the loot and is based on luck
With personal loot ,every player in the raid got at least 1 piece,2 per average and 3 at times. Pieces that were tailored for their spec and needs
Now the same players getting zero items for weeks in row or winning some subpar item that they didnt really need but pressed need just because everyone does it
If the 1% needed group loot they can have it but otherwise,for pug groups or lfr, we should have personal loot the same way we have in dungeons.
Its the end of story really,no power point presentation will change the fact that 2 pieces per raid =/ 0 piece per raid

I suggest not doing raids because they are worthless and a waste of time. Next season you will get better gear.

Only play raid for storyline and do it once if you don’t have anything else to do.

I don’t play Dungeons and Raids because of the flaw in the system. It doesn’t reward but instead, it drains time. I am thinking of buying the next WoW expansion on season 4. The best experience you can get from expansion is on season 4.

These seasons, group loot, and so on are just a joke.

Play raids only if you want to challenge yourself but not for loot.

I doubt you got zero loot since day one.

I personally find it gets harder to get relevant loot after couple of raids big difference.

No. They already get enough.
They really don’t need to be rewarded with even more.

I’m all for PL though.

That’s what I want. But… For me it’s a way to get wyrm crests on a weekly basis.
Because I won’t be getting them through world content for a long time and even then it’ll be much too slow.

My main is cursed,i think worst luck ive ever had!

yea perso loot would be better, because you can get the same item twice(if you have it already equipped/in the bag) and can sell it more easy, thats the way

then play final fantasy tbh

just get fix raid groups and you get every item in the raid after a few weeks 100%, but to be social is too hard

Not everybody can join the raid group,my work schedule doesnt allow me to join a stable roster to progress with,so thats not an option. And regarding trading gold stuff,it seems a bit of silly,you CANT mail gold/stuff to your own alts on other realms,but you CAN trade all you wish to strangers. Well done,i guess?

I have 20 alts, i must need all loot is that okay?

That is not the point,i have every single class in game, what i meant is that people are being unfair/dishonest AND clearly are abusing the current loot system in order to get gold.
If i join a raid for whatever reasons on decent geared char i wont need on everything i can need on,because this is unfair towards other players.
In case with personal loot,you still can trade an item IF you dont need it. Also,you will get guaranteed at least 1-2 items,instead of hoping to win a roll against lets say other 10 players (in case with curio its against 29 people depending on the group size)

People campaigned to get master loot back for guilds, instead they just removed personal loot and replaced both options with group loot. Hilariously, group loot in LFR was the single biggest issue with LFR during Dragon Soul in Cataclysm, due to people needing everything to trade to their friends or sell to others from their server.

How we got back to that I don’t know. But yeah, for pugs personal loot was better, as was master loot in “trusted” runs. Master loot in pugs works well in WOTLK, with soft reserve and MS > OS, using addons like Gargul.


Yes, yes it was, but you had a “server reputation” to worry about. Now you’re just annoying people you’ll probably never meet again - I say annoying, because people have grown numb to it.

And I detest it and I barely PuG at all this expansion over it, but what can you do about it? There are no repercussions for needing on everything. There is no greed or transmog. There is only need, pass and pass with confirmation window.

What point is that? That this item that you might have won on a “fake need roll” but instead received via a “forced need roll” is still not going into the hands of those who actually need it? Okay, you do you, but there are people who would like to use Group Loot responsibly (like the OP), and they (we) will actually trade their unneeded loot under PL.


Yeah, and blizz changed that cos exactly this issue. Now they put back the same + you can trade/sell to other servers too.



So why did they kill pug raiding with this moronic change that set the game back 7 years? PL was the best thing to happen to pugs and it was objectively the best looting system. The only ones who don’t like it are guilds who want to funnel gear, which should never be incentivized.

To prove a point that there are socially maladjusted people in the game that thrive off of causing misery and annoyance for others? We knew that since 2004.