There is no biological difference between High Elves and Blood Elves, the only difference is political. High Elves are alliance, Blood Elves are Horde.
Don’t forget it
There is no biological difference between High Elves and Blood Elves, the only difference is political. High Elves are alliance, Blood Elves are Horde.
Don’t forget it
Blood elves are also arcane addicts.
Don’t care didn’t ask
If i remember correctly there is now a cosmetic option for blood elfs to show they have overcome thier arcane addiction, so you know the MAA groups are clearly working.
Blood elves look like they would kneel down and cry if they broke their finger nail. F***ing softies.
That is very much true Lutia, but idk man, i’m just getting tired of the entire “horde and alliance” thing, i’d rather just be whatever for whatever faction (something like Ascension, if u know, u know) or if they introduced a humanlike character, something / someone like Nathanos, u know, the Dark ladies little whelp lmao
You mean druids?
Could say that about every damn race on WoW
For Orcs: " MY HONOR, NOOOO "
For Trolls: " MY WEED, NOOO, MON’ "
For Blood Elves: U kinda summed it up pretty well ngl, props
For Taurens: " MY BIG HOOVES, NOOO, wait- u can’t milk those… NOOOO "
For Undeads: " NOOO, NOT MY BASS GUITAR, MOOOM " (u know, edgelords only play them, just like DHs)
The list goes on and on
So you admit Belves are the softests?
Think of it like in sports. You cheer for Team A, want it to win every single championship it plays and demean any other team out there. And there’s even Team A’s main rival, Team B. You scoff at the thought of anyone cheering for Team B - “How can one do it? they’re so bad! Their jersey is ugly!”, etc.
However, what would be of Team A if Team B didn’t exist? You cannot have glory for A if B isn’t there to dispute for that glory. Likewise, fans of Team B think exactly the same about Team A.
That means people play Horde characters because they don’t want to play Alliance characters, simple as that. Same for Alliance people not playing Horde characters. It’s a Team X* thing.
*Although there are illuminated folks that play both because they just want to have fun and enjoy both sides of the story!
If Night Elves “once ruled Azeroth” then so did the Blood Elves.
Once upon a time (when they did do the ruling part) they were one in the same (all Night Elves).
So what you are saying is some People ruled, then those People changed so infact they never ruled? That dont make no sense.
I’m not sure anyone ruled beside Azshara and her elite…
Aren’t elves all 10k years old?
They took some of the well of eternity just like the night elves did.
They made the sunwell for their immortality and night elves made the world tree.
Both are ancient and used to rule the world.
Both used to be the highborne I think.
And night/void elf males don’t? Pretty ironic
Actually they don’t!
And that’s where i know you only say that because you have something against me or because you’re alliance xD
Because i’m alliance.
As long they did what Azshara told them to do
The minute they showed spine?
Ask the ghosts of Azsuna
They ruled in her name and with aproval