Pls delete

My thoughts exactly!! Where’s erevien already?! Might be a adouble agent aswell thought … you never know! :joy::joy::joy:

Trolls - not genocided by the Allaince, but themselves through their history. Fought wars, yes, but never got exterminated
Tauren - Centaurs drow them to the brink of extinction, if you think the Camp, I will pee on your backpack
Blood Elves - Scoruge, you know the team where the Forsaken comes from. But before that? Orcs, Horde. Trolls even before that

lokter oger brothers in zug

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I wish all alli-lover who hides in Horde cause “mOaR PpL MoAr gRoUpS” go back to alli as we were in Vanilla.
Small but fierce group of Horde pwn alli nabs all day long!

Which is why they joined the fold of the Horde with Thrall,they were at the brink of extinction. Taurens has been harassed by Clans of the Dwarfs,and countless blood elfs was killed by Arthas(former human prince) and Jaina in her bloodrage. Not to mention all the HUMAN wizards and mages that joined Arthas ofcourse.

In short,both sides has caused and fought wars. The Thrall Horde was formed to keep the remaining of the races safe and both sides have warmongers,the only difference is how Blizzard pulls the strings and paints the picture.

Greymane got just as much blood on his hands as Garrosh.
Thrall got just as much blood on his hands as Varian.

The former human prince of Lordaeron, which now is part of the horde and majority of its people are also part of the horde as undead

Even his sister is part of the horde now.

Actually, I’m reassuringly expensive :slight_smile:

Becuase we of the horde have embraced the fury lifestyle.
Cows and foxes and bears, oh my.

Why I’m playing horde… High Elves :smiley: plus as tank I can get a magical removal debuff every now and then.

Why I’m playing an Alliance Void Elf Hunter: again, High Elves :smiley: but the Alliance has something horde doesn’t, something much much more important: the bee mount! It fits very well with my bee pets and bee companion. I am after all The Queen Bee :wink:

Remember Stranglethorn… I miss that so much

HEY!!! That’s pretty low!!!

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I had half a stroke trying to decipher that, but i think i get the general gist of it, you have pride hiding behind the real orc warriors, got it.

those aren’t bangers though :smiley: they don’t play those at the darkmoon fair or the annivesery event :smiley:

Well, when you’ve been playing horde since cataclysm, it’s kinda hard to look back, also, when Blizzard cross faction guilds, i’m the first one to switch back to alliance.

Miss my main man Varian.

TRAITOR! how could you abandon us brother i’m going to go rat you out to lady liadrin

[quote=“Lutia-draenor, post:182, topic:414753”]
lady liadrin

This, this is why, y’all weird asf on horde, ngl

heh it’s all in good sarcasm though but how could you change to the alliance they don’t even have proper high elves that’s like a major downgrade :smiley:

Ngl, i don’t really care about the race, if i could play a troll paladin i would (not talking about zandalari) or whatever their name is, a proper troll, with berserk (busted racial) would line up perfectly with wings for massive burst healing and damage.

Also, u kinda can, void elves is a thing u know.

discount elves can’t be paladin U know … :stuck_out_tongue:

There are so many elves in horde that we need to consider using elf meat to save Azeroths animallife from extinction.

Elf pizza.
Elf kebob.
Elf sparkling eye smoothie with caper surprise.
Elf toe salad.
Elf double xl cheese flame grilled burger.
Fried elf eyebrows caramel seasalt.

Yummy :plate_with_cutlery: