Pls delete

Then why Kiro insisted so much to join? He firstly said “ah well, they don’t need us” but then went to do them favors. Now when I think of this, the Horde itself pointed out that it doesn’t need the Vulpera, but the Higher Powers (Blizzard) still arranged it so they are accepted. (showed into…pushed into…kicked into…whatever you prefer).

I want to play an evil race in game, because you don’t do that irl. for the horde

Lot of people joined the Horde in Vanilla cause they wanted to be part of Thralls Horde which were noble savaged.

Unfortunately the writers throughout wow didn’t get the memo that Thralls Horde was not Blackhand, Doomhammer or Gul’Dans horde which was destroyed in WC1-2…

You do know that night elves are basically misshaped descendants of trolls right?

I would gladly see Stormwind nuked just like Garrosh did to Theramore.
I would also be just as happy to see the next Night Elf world tree blighted by the Forsaken.

Lok’tar Ogar.

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After the Sethrak opression, Kiro and his caravans had the idea, there is more to life than mere survival, and decided to join the faction he worked with (and not tried to burn their wagons…) in order to explore the world beyond Vol’dun.

EDIT: and as you can see, as the time passed, other Vulpera followed the example, joining the Kirin Tor, joining the Explorers’ League/ Guild / Dragonscale Expedition
Established the Artisan Consortium with others
And most of Kiro’s Caravan are neutral or outright friendly NPCs
But still most of them are Vol’dunai or pirates or freelancers

The enchanters of the Alliance mock your Warchief as they enchant a clock made of linen cloth.

way way in the begining … Horde was the underdog … i liked that :expressionless:

Come at us you filthy dog.

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Don’t cut yourself on your edge alliance scum.


OP has the masterbait here


Considering the Draenei brought the demons with them an argument can be made that without Draenei running away all the time many worlds would not have been destroyed by the Legion. Orcs only got lucky that Kil gave them the ability to fight the refugees with equal power.

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Lady Liadrin? That is the hill you die on? That turncoat who betrayed her loyalties to join the Draenei and their Naaru masters?

Are you kidding me?

Legion objetive was purify all worlds with the end of leaving nothing to the void.

Thanks to Draenei we was able to defeat the Legion. Without our ships and the help of light army, probably the legion would whipe us all.


Draenei were given every good plot other races had. It got even worse when they joined the alliance. They are already blizzards catered to faction and eevryone knows it. Without alliance bias the faction wouldn’T exist anymore.

Slow down there hippy. Horde already came at you Night Elves. Burned your tree and left you as refugees. Yes the rest of us were down at Silithus but did stomp them at Undercity.

But you Night Elves need to sit this one out. Plant a new tree or something. Make peace with your deity Elune for selling your souls to her sister for the anima thing.

“Deeper, deeper its roots will reach… welcoming our embrace”

Soon… Soon…
In Darknes we are One

Draenai were beasted by alot. They are forever on the run and forever replenishing their numbers.
Orcs genocide them, Eredar shredded them both body and soul. Few remain and their fighting force is mediocre at best, Their home is a fel ridden husk. Draenai are Blizzards punching bag.

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I still think that the Blood Elves need to take back their Void stained kin.
These junkies constantly hear voices in their head. But yes it seems that the Nightmare is trying to corrupt the Night Elves new tree.

Without Malfurion Stormrage it might not be stopped again.

What? When was this said? I didn’t heard anything about the Nightmare in DF.