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Breadcrumbs… just breadcrumbs

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Nice to see that the community is once again plotting the demise of the Kaldorei, might as well just nuke Hyjal already.

Would be quicker, thats for sure
But it is not the community (theorycraft at best)
It was Blizzard who designed the Game, recorded the new Old God whispers in the story quest
Sure, the whisper: “Deeper, deeper its roots will reach… welcoming our embrace” could mean anything, those whispers are Nostredamus-like prophecies, usually we realise/rationalise after the things happened
Buuuut in this case?
It is a bit TOO specific
…hiding the seed in the Dream wasn’t the best idea in my humble oppinion - especially if they hid it near the cave we triggered Xal’atah whisper in Legion ( "Almost completely gone, as if it never existed. But the rift is deep and vast, and somewhere down there it stirs. Something has changed, the last prison weakens. We must prepare. (interacting with the Remnant of the Void after defeating Xavius - The Remant of the Void is a Void flower found inside the Ancient Rest in the Emerald Dream. The spirit of Ysera walks from the lake to the cave as if to lead one to it. During the Fourth War, the flower seemingly spread and became the Void Roots, an infestation that allowed creatures of the Void to spread into the Emerald Dream. After the tentacles and creatures were purified by an adventurer with the Heart of Azeroth, the corruption manifested as a Void Horror which was swiftly dispatched. If a player goes back into the cave containing the remnant, they can use the Heart of Azeroth of purify the roots, seemingly destroying them.)
In the cinematic when they planted it and in game to me at least it seemed they indeed burried that seed near to it. But even if not, the Dream is NOT safe… :roll_eyes:
So we have a sapling in the Dream and the promise, the tree will not be there and an Old God whisper about something’s roots
I just hope Blizz not kick the Kaldorei in the kiwis… again

Oh, oh, but why not, that’s their favorite thing to do after all.
We have been serving as punching bags since cata, Blizzard has no idea what the hell to do with us.
We are a proud and ancient race, but we do nothing but lose all the time.
What happened to the Kaldorei who fought the Legion, the Qiraji, the Orcs, Humans and Undead?
I want them back.

I think thats the reason so many Kaldorei - especially Darnassus survivors - joinedd the Primalists and a few became story/raid bosses
Won’t blame you for your anger either

The Nightmare has been an ongoing threat. The Saytrs have always been at war with the Night Elfs. They were once Night Elfs themselves before they became demons.

Malfurion the dreamer was traded for Yrel the aspect of the Green Dragonflight.
There is no Druid powerhouse to face the Emerald Nightmare left.
With him gone Night Elf lost a lot of their powerbase.

They are a long running part of the Alliance. Gilneans will more than likely repay the debt to the Night Elves. Taken them in since the Cataclysm and the Horde jumping them and all.

Yes, but after the defeat of Xavius in Legion their threat was diminished,
And Ysera (The Dreamer) is back, she fought the Nightmare before, and she is far more powerfull than Shan’do.
And if there is still a Nightmare threat it won’t be the Night elves alone to fight it, the Cenarion circle and the Green Dragonflight will come to the aid of the new world tree.

This time we have an active Green Flight with a new Dreamer, while the previous aspect, mama Ysera is also helping her, so the odds are good
It would be nice if the Dragon Riders of Loreth’Aran would return… logical even
But knowing Blizzard…? :roll_eyes:
But if any Nightelf would reroll to Vulpera, we will welcome them in our Caravans and ships

The return of the dragon riders of Loreth’Aran would be epic.
But apart from Prince Toreth’s spirit they are all gone now, it would need to be a new generation of Dragon riders.

Me brute, me see ugly dwarf with peanut brain and filthy beard. Me ignore nasty little creature.

Because my brother mained Horde back when we used to play together, and I stick to Horde for the sake of nostalgia and because the Alliance races are, honestly, kind of dull. Human, pointy-eared human, short human, shorter human, spacegoat, werewolf (honestly the one cool race Alliance has), white spacegoat, N’Zoth purple Kool-Aid addict pointy-eared human, tiny human with robot limbs and diapers. Yay.

haha omg, is Erevien still about? What a legend this guy! Thought the same thing when I stumbled upon this thread, got to love some faction fanatic forum s**t stirrer! :rofl:

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Your forgetting majority of them
Typical alliance dumb thread. for the horde

He is still very much kicking about. I want to see them meet in a thread for a face-off.

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I’ve never wished more for being able to tag people in a forum before. Erevien vs Olfrick let’s make it happen. I’ll make nachos and dips.


He already replied.

I previously informed him that I’m not interested in mana addicts. His own people dismiss him as well. He’s but the court jester.

Getting back to the original post, seeing some of the replies here, I consider that once Turalyon brings in the army of the light and begins the extermination of the Horde, I will be more than happy to sharpen my axe with Orc/Undead skulls.

It won’t be long. Once we’re back into Stormwind from the Dragon Isles, we’ll see Turalyon locked and loaded along with the Army of the Light ready to purge Azeroth of Horde filth.

Can’t wait.


Why, felweed has a decent taste, honestly.

That, and healing can prove quite difficult so I need something to relax myself with. Would it be better to prey on mana creatures instead? No living beings are harmed if I use herbs for my addiction.

Dunkiee searches her pockets for a felweed roll and lights up.

That, and my frens also love to resupply from the stuff from time to time. And I get to replenish my wallet for even more clothes in return! :wink:

Why would you play a human race if you are one in real life playing with your life every day!!!11!!1!!!

You could try and open a new thread about it, see if it works. I’d be glad to see that happen too!

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Because its better than playing with an ugly orc.