Hiiiiiiiiiiii, it’s been a while! Shame we can’t visit the forums when subs are off!
Right I’m fully aware that this post is just forum trolling (I guess “dwarfing” in your case) but this is fun.
Lore wise, pretty sure that blood elves have been cured of their mana thirst, as the Sunwell has been purified. And guess who helped? One of your very own alliance leaders. Are you going to kill him too when you do your little neon**i revolution?
The mana addiction kicked it, because the Sunwell that sustained them went down the drain
Kael’thas realised that the greatest danger to his people was posed not by the Scourge remnants, but by the Sunwell itself. The corrupted powers of the well, tainted by Arthas’ ritual, still permeated not only the elves, but all that they had built. Given enough time, the necromantic energies would kill the elves and cause a catastrophe. Kael’thas painfully concluded that the Sunwell, the heart of their society, must be destroyed.
The elven magi detonated the Sunwell and escaped, leaving the undead and trolls alike to perish in the ensuing blaze
Although the Sunwell’s threat was ended, Kael’thas could not have foreseen the effect its loss would have on his people. The elves suffered terribly from withdrawal, for many of them had been infused with the arcane energies of the well all their lives. Only in the absence of the Sunwell did the blood elves come to realize how addicted they had grown to its powers. Over time the elves grew ill, weakened, and the youngest and oldest among them died
When Velen used the “spark” of the naaru M’uru’s it reignited the Sunwell. This restored the Sunwell using the energies of M’uru, the Sunwell’s new energies being derived from both the arcane and from M’uru’s powers of the Light
But the “original” problem - addicted to something that sustained them - never went away
Like with the Nightborne and the Nightwell
But while the Shal’dorei were cured with the Arcan’dor fruit, the Sin’dorei never recieved such cure
Tho’ one could argue, the Sun and Nighwells were similar, basically the same with the same addictive effect, so in theory, the Arcan’dor, the perfect balance between Nature and Arcane that cured the Shal’dorei could and should cure the Blood Elves too
Thalyssra - while not the brightest candle in the chandelier - probably shared the fruit with her husband’s people
Maybe I used the wrong term, the addiction is now being sustained from the renewed Sunwell? And by the same token, belf paladins and priests use the light “properly” ever since? I have a vague memory from when TBC was first released saying that Blood Knights essentially “enslaved” the light to do their bidding as opposed to being empowered and elevated by it like their Alliance counterpart.
You’d think so!
Something is telling me this is probably another interesting aspect of the lore that will forever be forgotten going forwards!
Oh don’t worry aliance sucm. Your plot armor can’t protect you forever. Once the traitor filth called Baine and Thrall are purged from our ranks we will finish what Sylvanas started. The Alliancae will be dismantled. Your lands will be distributed to our most loyal races. Your leaders will be killed and your people enslaved. That is what I vow.
Alright to clear up the Horde propaganda.
First of all the Blood Elves are NOT cured they are still very much magic Junkies. Now they just went back to the old stuff. The Sunwell.
As for Prophet Velen. The Blood Elves murdered Muuru. After capturing him an forcefully draining him of his Light he died. Velen simply purified the remains of Muuru’s corpse in order to give the magic junkies a stable source to sate their addiction.
Regardless of this some of the magic junkies fed on the Void and fled to the Alliance where they are still magic junkies just feed on Void.
Draenai owe their continued existence to the Naaru. Similar to the Orcs with the elements. So purifying the corpse remnants of Muuru and preventing the magic junkies from simply doing to another Naaru what they done to Muuru kind of makes sense.
Especially since they will not do so alone but use the rest of the Horde for their Naaru hunt.
Not bait. Just another alliance lunatic who thinks himself funny when he is trashing the Horde story. Alliance players need to check their blue privilige.
The entire blood elf arc was trashed to make the Draenei look good. Especially Velen. Liadrin is a no name Paladin nobody cares about. Kael’thas is our main character and he was killed twice to make the alliance feel good.
Liadrin is actually something that tries to fix the public relations of the Blood Elves.
The San’Layn are Blood Elf vampires of the Scourge.
The Blood Elves are to magic and magical creatures what vampires are to anything with blood – Parasites.
She at least tried to redeem their image and give the Blood Knights new purpose. Like standing with the rest of the Paladin in Lights Hope Chapel against the Legion.
Kaelthas was built as a rival for Jaina Proudmoore. First with butting heads at the Throne of Tunder. Then with defeating Azshara. But the whole marriage to the former withered Thalyssra thing is kind of lame.
But the old Elf probably needs someone to keep him warm at night.
Liadrin is a traitor turncoat just like Baine and Thrall are. She needs to die. Period. Anyone who makes friends with the blue team is our enemy and needs to be removed.
The Legion was the greater thread. All would have been fuel for the Fel. Even Medivh recognised their threat. To pause your love of killing Horde at least until the Burning Legion threat was addressed makes sense.
Remove your racial and class leaders and you have nothing left to led your people. Give them purpose and direction.
The Horde cheat all their time in their “sacred” duel Mak’Gora.
Thrall cheated against Garrosh.
Garrosh cheated against Cairne Bloodhoof. Using the poison of Magatha Grimtotem.
Saurfang cheated against Malfurion Stormrage after he beat Sylvannas 1 v 1.
Sylvannas cheated against Varok Saurfang with the jailer maw magic.
People keep editing their posts. 2:54 of your link. The Naaru did not sacrifice himself Muuru was murdered by the Blood Elves.
Who will lead the Horde people if you get rid of them?
Replacements are needed.
A leaderless Horde with no sense of direction and purpose are easy to take down.
Teldrassil only burned because Varok Saurfang led the campaign. Sylvannas knew that only the Forsaken will follow her but they alone were not enough.
Unity is needed.
So assuming you remove Horde leadership. Who leads the Horde?
Everyone who Blizzard has taken from us since Warcraft 2. They all get back to life. Except for the traitors who made peace with the alliance. They stay dead. And then we will finally get rid of the blue team forever so that the Horde can rule Azeroth unapposed.