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Not the same Orcs?
Some of them are still alive today. Was it Etrigg? that was part of trying to break Alexstraza, breaking her eggs and smearing it on her face.
Or the magic to rapidly age Orc children since they needed an army.

Muuru had no choice. Muuru tried to fight back by driving some blood elves insane in screaming in their minds as they drained him of his essence. Then drove him to the void.

The Gilneans have been refugees since the Cataclysm. Have since been a part of the Alliance military and its campaigns. But this can not be sustained indefinately.
The forsaken withdrawing their troops from Gilneas could see their return to their home.

Night Elves yes lost Teldrassil but the seed made from the souls of their dead in Ardenweald brings new possibilities.

That was not the entire fleet. But a small part of it. Can rebuild lost ships much faster than the Horde.

Order of Embers - Waycrest family are part of Kul Tirans. The problem for the nation is that they were once a people divided. Tidesages are the spiritual leaders of the Kul Tiran people. They just had problems with the void.

Not all humans are part of the Alliance. Calia Menethil is not Alliance which is why the Alliance done nothing when Sylvannas murdered her.
Gilneas and Kul Tiras at some point was not part of the Alliance. Heck Rhastakhan was not part of the Horde but Talanji did join the Horde.

Arthas walked a different path that the Alliance would not follow.
Guldan is literally a leader of the Horde - Also lead them to Azeroth.

The first war. Besides Orgrim Doomhammer was a puppet. Guldan was the true ruling force of the Horde.

By this logic the events of Warcraft concerning the betrayal of Daelin Proudmoore is not relevant. But yet Daughter of the Sea - song is a massive hit and her story was part of Battle for Azeroth.

You simply want to pick and choose.
There are lots of cannon things about World of Warcraft that are not in the retail game.

You are not actually making any rebuttals. Sylvannas had to qualify for membership into the Horde. Saurfang himself says that she is the old Horde.

At least other Horde players brought actual rebuttals and points despite being defeated.
Angry Hordies are entertaining.

And there you go adjusting the narrative to fit your wanted picture.

Ill just keep telling you : the horde and the alliance is just as bad.

The gravity of the warcrimes of the Horde can’t be compared to the ones of the Alliance, you have commited genocide, laid waste to civillian settlements and cities.
The Alliance main goal during the fourth war was to end the war swiftly and bring peace, your’s was to cause as much chaos and terror as possible.

the next quote explains it.

There are still Horde that are alive that have lived from Warchief to Warchief and seen how the Horde as a whole has changed.

This is a silly - Its current year - current day - current Horde mentality is silly.
History is still history.
Alternate Guldan even led the Horde once again. The Fel Horde remnants of the Iron Horde before their defeat at Hellfire Citadel.

Incorrect. Your actions are what proves that you are the monsters that you pretend not to be.
The Alliance will not murder Horde children. Can the Horde say the same?
Even with things like the Purging of Dalaran. Yes Jaina over reacted. However gave the choice. Those that did not take up arms against Jaina were not harmed.

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I play horde mostly because my friends play horde. Blizzard doesn’t allow me to play a race I enjoy AND do the things I enjoy in the game with them.

That is the biggest crime, in my opinion. Such a shame.

The Alliance exists BECAUSE of the Horde.
Defenceless civilians were murdered and their souls fuel for the Fel.
Horde keep on committing atrocities and instigating wars.


That was the old horde a different faction. Need me to explain the difference. We killed the last of them in tbc with kargath

Your focusing on individual characters and ancient history. GULDANS VERSION OF IF THE HORDE IS LONG DEAD


Ah its you again.
There are still plenty of elements of the old Horde that remain in the current one. It is the same tired old “it’s the current year” deflection that was never an argument in the first place.
Eitrigg was among those that came through the Dark Portal. An advisor to the various Warchief’s and a general that led Horde military offensives against the Alliance in the Warfronts at Battle for Azeroth.

But but but thats the past, lets do away with the old Horde and this brand shiny sparkling new Horde has absolutely nothing to do with the old Horde.
What the demon-blood unlocks was always present within the Orcs. With Grommash Hellscream defeating Mannoroth simply removed the “demon-blood made us do it” excuse.

Incorrect again. While the shadowcouncil does not have the influence over the Orcs that it once did there is even some members of it alive today. One made an appearance in Legion expansion.

Ensuring that the Horde will not repeat some atrocities again is in the Alliance interests.

The same tired old Horde apologetics.
Finding and toruring Derek Proudmoore was a collective effort by the Horde as is burning Night Elf children alive in their own homes and more.

Who among the Horde spoke for Baine Bloodhoof when Sylvannas was set to execute him?
I get it you enjoy being adversarial but at least try to make a decent argument or points. Stop pretending that the Horde are not the bad guys.
Horde conveniently attempt to shift the goalposts when they wont address or cant rebut points made.

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The demon blood was removed in the third war the old horde basically disband after the second. What remained of that faction was killed in bc after they sided with kargath with the current horde helping stop them. the derek proudmoore stuff was the undead as was most of the stuff sylvanas pulled in bfa otherwise most of the horde wouldn’t have rebelled. If the horde was so evil garrosh wouldn’t have needed the true horde or iron horde. Being at war with a faction doesn’t make you evil.
But no it’s the same tired current year argument. No you just want to ignore facts as per usual

Did you miss the fact that there was a rebellion against sylvanas and that the proper horde characters snuck into orgrimmar and saved baine?

I think its cos its a game bru

First of all. Could you stop with the multiple responses? Gather your thoughts and put it all in one response.

More Horde apologetics. A Warchief is a reflection of the Horde in and of itself. That there are much of the Horde that follow their Warchief is evidence of that. Outside of bad writing that shows a power imbalance. Why do you think it took the Alliance and a Horde civil war combined to defeat Garrosh Hellscream?

Horde was fighting Horde.

False and more Horde apologetics. If the Forsaken on their own attempted to get the body of Derek Proudmoore they would have been stomped all over by the Kul Tiran forces.
It was the combined Horde forces that saw to the discovery of Derek Proudmoore’s corpse then the Horde willfully doing to Derek Proudmoore what the Lich King once done to Dranosh Saurfang. All to use him as a bioweapon against the Kul Tirans.

If that was true then war crimes would not exist. Burning children alive in their own homes as what the Horde done to Night Elf children?
Ah who am I kidding. Most Horde will never accept they are the bad guys.

Try to follow along. Like yourself several Horde apologists would make the same argument. That the Old Horde is removed from the current Horde. Until you prove to them that the Old Horde is still very much alive in the current Horde.

The racial leaders of the Horde stood by and done nothing. Thunderbluff at the time was controlled to stop the Bloodhoof Tauren from freeing Baine.
Thrall left to raise his children, Even then Sylvannas sent assassins to put him down.

^^ Look for yourself^^
Silence is Complicity .

The one thing I miss the most by playing Alliance is the glorious orc models

Again,you do quests as alliance where you kill surrender horde soldiers,or even gun them down in the water only to have the sha spawn.

But again,dont fit the golrified “Alliance” picture of yours so its a-okay.

We are the same,Horde and Alliance.


Go ahead prove it

I’m reading a comment then replying to that one as I go seems easier

Commit by the leader or a set faction with the horde not the entire horde

Is putin a reflection on Russia or is he just a evil man? Same logic applies

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if Alliance so good so why is all girls all over when i playing Vulpera :rofl:

You say that like it’s a bad thing, but I would gladly see more atrocities committed by the Horde and I’d stand by their side whilst they carried out their actions.

How many times? That was not the horde of today that was the old horde which became the fel horde which we killed on outland. The new horde was formed around the time of the third war