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Ruaargh lok’tar ogar!

The alliance is far weaker then the horde right now in the lore.

Factually straight up wrong if you learned the lore of this.
The alliance was so weak at this point that they where sending literally the farmers to war.
While the horde did not need to do this.
The horde did not lose sylvanas lost.

This right here is what is called alliance bias take things that has NOTHING to do with the horde we play ingame and assume it has to do with the horde we play ingame.

Yet bring up the facts that arthas is alliance or that the night elves literally called the burning legion to azeroth and suddenly those things has nothing to do with the alliance because of reasons.

It is typical alliance propaganda to bad Brigante (rip) is not here anymore to show you how amazingly wrong you are.

Gul’dan NOT a leader of the horde that has ANYTHING to do with the one we play in WoW so worthless.
Grom Hellscream Literally has NOTHING to do with the horde we play in WoW other then being like a brother to Thrall and killing the demon who gave the blood.
Thrall was held as a SLAVE just like this name implies by the humans.
Garrosh did what Thrall told him to do because unlike Thrall he actually lived with Grom and Thrall told him to make the horde the horde of his father that is what he did he is a mistake of Thrall no one else.
Vol’jin did not deserve to die and the only reason he did die is because game designers wanted sylvanas in the forefront.
Sylvanas was never part of the horde she always played her own game from the very start. And no she did not kill their second in command that is just you being VERY wrong on the dynamic of the horde in the first place,

You are showing your lack of understanding of the wow lore here.

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And the reason they did come was the Burning legion enslaved them with demon blood because the NIGHT ELVES summoned the burning legion to Azeroth literally nothing of those would have happened if the Night Elves had not done this.

So infact if we want to do the blame game the Night elves created Arthas the night elves created sylvanas without Night elf meddling there would not be an Arthas there would not be a Sylvanas.

Not anymore, we have Vulperas, Nightborne and more cool races if that happened. Blood elves are overrated.

Kiljhadden had a hate b0n3r against Velen. So used the Orcs to try and wipe them out. Which almost worked.
Azshara got ahead of herself but Sargeras wanted to find and take out Azeroth world soul anyway. Void Lords kind of got here first.

Horde will always make excuses for their actions.
Blood Elves overlook how they forced Muuru to the shadow then murdered him.

The Gilneans and Night Elves are refugees but they could get their homes back.
The Kul Tiran military is relatively in good condition. The Drustvar forces and Tidesages are in good enough condition. It was mostly the Admiralty forces that was slugging it out with the Horde.

What is your source?
The Horde military was much worse off for wear.

Arthas is trained by Alliance yes. But parted ways with the Alliance when he purged Lordaeron. Too late to save those that ate the infected grain. Had to be careful so they don’t come back as undead.

Guldan was actually leading the Horde and used the shadowcouncil to manipulate warchief from behind the scenes.
Grom Hellscream is another Horde leader but broke the slavery to the demon blood.
Sylvannas is about as Horde as they come. Including (despite being undead) her desire for survival. Warchiefs and their actions are not removed from the Horde.

Not second in command. Everyone knows that the only reason the Horde went to war was Varok Saurfang. Only the Forsaken would have answered Sylvannas war on Darnassus otherwise and more forces was needed, to take and hold it. ransoming the lives of Night Elves to bleed Azeroth dry of Azerite.

The current Night elves are the ones who opposed Azshara and the Legion, the Kaldorei who had supported Queen Azshara either became Naga or Satyr.
If it weren’t for Malfurion, Lord Ravencrest and Jarod Shadowsong, Azeroth would have perished to the Dark Titan.
Feel free to blame the Naga and the Satyr, or your own people, since your ancestors were Highborne that were allied with Queen Azshara but switched sides at the end of the war.

Says the alliance who is showing you know nothing about the lore.
The horde who was taken by the burning legion is literally not the same orcs that are in the game.

Blood elf did steal the power yes but it was Muuru himself who gave them the power after a time so this is just straight up wrong.

Gilneas sure there is a chance but the fact of the matter is that they have not.
Night elves do not have a home because the home was burned down you know this already.

Not really considering their fleet got bombed before invading dazar’alor.

literally not part of the alliance in anyway shape or form.
You should do some quests and you will learn this.

The literal game is my source for this considering you literally learn this ingame it was literally part of why the alliance and the horde had to buddy up to beat sylvanas.

And so that automatically makes him not alliance YET you think people like GUL’DAN is horde someone who has literally never been part of the horde we play in the game ever.
IF you are going to make that assumption that gul’dan is part of the horde then Arthas and the scourge ARE alliance.

Source for this is what?
because anything in World of Warcraft does not agree with this.

The horde we PLAY in World Of warcraft has NOTHING TO DO WITH the horde that Grom hellscream was leading.
If you do not understand this you are literally a lost cause because you do not understand that something can have the same name yet not be related to each other.

This right here proves you literally do not know the lore of sylvanas at all.
good job on that part considering how much it has been crammed down our faces over the years.

So Gul’dan and Grom Hellscream and the horde at the time does not count as horde right?

Because if you believe they should be considered horde then it does not matter it is the night elves who summoned the burning legion so it is the night elves who did it.

If you can understand that the horde at the time of Grom hellscream and Gul’dan are not the same as the horde today then you can have that the current night elves are not the ones who did it.

We GOT to at least give the right amount of who is to blame on each side not just blame one side while ignoring the same flaws in your own side.

The current Horde has committed as many warcrimes as the Horde that came out of the Dark Portal.
The bombing of Theramore, the destruction of Thal’darah grove, the Invasion of Gilneas, the massacre of Astranaar in the War of Thorns and the Burning of Teldrassil are all the proof of that, without demon blood or not, the Horde are still bloodthirsty murderers.

This, exactly.

You need us to be monsters so you can glorify your own monsters as heros. Anything to prevent looking at the bloody hands you all have.

Horde and Alliance are the same,we just find justification inn our actions based upon how the other side acts.

You know the saying “In for a stabbin,in for a beheading”

And we both do alot of that.

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Do you want to compare the gravity of the Alliance’s “crimes” to the Horde’s ones?

And there you have it,“Alliance Crimes”.

Neither side here are clean,look over the history of both and you will see that neither side is any better then the other.

Ok let’s see.
Crimes of the Horde:

  • Ashenvale War.
  • Invasion of the Neutral Kingdom of Gilneas with the use of the Plague.
  • Invasion of Ashenvale in the Cataclysm, poisoning of the Forest’s hearth with the blood of fallen Night elf Sentinels and fel magic.
  • Destruction of Thal’Darah Grove (School for young druids).
  • The Destruction/Plaguing of Southshore.
  • Bombing of Theramore.
  • Kidnapping of Children to elicit use of forced labor in Pandaria.
  • Forsaken Warcrimes in Lordaeron/Gilneas.
  • Targeting civilians during times of War.
  • Invasion of Brennadam.
  • Massacre of Astranaar in the War of Thorns

The list seems short doesn’t it?
It’s because I did not include the crimes of the Horde in the first/second/third war, or i would spend all day writing.
Now please, tell me the crimes of the Alliance.
You can’t count those of the first/second/third war as i did not count yours, only the ones in World of Warcraft

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Careful now, at some point people might just realise that a coin has two sides, but it’s still a coin.

Arathi basin the battleground is literally the fight for Ashenvale Horde won that battleground already in vanilla by lore.
That was a war.

Alliance kidnapped and made orcs in to slaves one of the biggest horde symbols was literally a slave you know the Orc called THRALL.

Over 90% of the population of Theramore survived thanks to BAIN BLOODHOOF a horde.

Alliance started a war by attacking miners.

At the time of this Kul tiras was not part of the alliance.

This was not horde or alliance it hurt both horde and alliance yet the alliance rescued alliance druids but not horde druids there.

But you do count things that has nothing to do with the alliance at the time of when it happened.

and the great number of people who play them as there the second most popular allied race just behind zandalari on the horde :slight_smile:

and that is so good about diversity ^^ for some there are the stereotypical races as the humans elfs and dwarfs and others the more uniquely flavored races

to be honest i think those who get ticked off that easily because of in game races or faction need to step a moment away from there computer step outside and take a fresh breath realizing how miserable the real world can be and be thankful we have a fantasy world we can retreat to with something for everyone including drunken dwarfs and ankle killer furballs :slight_smile:

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Does war imply the need of killing civilians and doing nefarious deeds?

With the capture of Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer and the destruction of the Dark Portal, the surviving orcs scattered at the hands of the Alliance. General Turalyon chose not to run them down, and after giving them an initial reprieve the Alliance took aggressive steps to contain the demoralized clans. Only the Bleeding Hollow and parts of the Blackrock and Dragonmaw clans managed to elude capture. The triumphant humans, however, all but tore their Alliance apart on what to do with their defeated enemies. While Terenas Menethil II of Lordaeron believed the orcs would one day lose their lust for conquest, Thoras Trollbane of Stromgarde and Genn Greymane of Gilneas demanded their executions. They effectively settled on a sentence of life imprisonment, although disagreement and anger over the issue remained entrenched as nations left the Alliance in various frustrations.
This happened at the end of the second war, wich i said it wouldn’t count since i did not count your’s as well.

If it was not for the good sense of the Tauren the Horde would have laid waste to Theramore, killing women and child alike, a cowardly move.
The brutality and destruction the Mana Bomb caused still counts as a warcrime.

Oh, Horde has been killing civilians far before the Fourth war.
But surely we can compare the killing of half a dozen greedy goblins to the mass genocide of innocent men, women and children.

I didn’t say “Horde’s warcrimes against the Alliance” did I?
Im talking about the Horde’s warcrimes in general.

  • Brennadam was a neutral town which the Horde attacked without legitimate justification.
  • The Horde killed civilians in the town.

Who blew it up? Horde.
Yes, we rescued as many younglings as possible, but you eventually blew it up and killed everyone in there.
And you were the ones that invaded the Tauren village btw.
Another Warcrime.

Im talking about the Horde’s warcrimes in general, not just the ones against the Alliance.

Ayellin coverd pretty what i wanted to comment,but im gonna add.

Jaina and her purge of Dalaran(Blood Elves only if I recall) + killing combatans that had surrendered in the jade forrest(this caused the sha to appear if i recall)

The genocide of the maghar by the hands of the Lightforged.

The summoning of the molten giant in Dazar alores shopping district,killing innocent shopkeepers and their children

Killing civilians in camp taurajo

Point being,its the same damn coin with two sides. Horde and Alliance are just as bad,non are the hero’s.

We are all victims and villains.

Oh, if you are going to count Yrel as a part of the Alliance then i will count the crimes you commited against her kin beyond the Dark Portal.
The Draenei genocide by the Orcs and the construction of the “Path of Glory” a road leading to the Dark Portal, made of the bones of Draenei women and children is one of the many warcrimes the Horde inflicted upon the Draenei people.

You mean the one the Dark Irons summoned during the Alliance war campaign?
It didn’t kill any shopkeepers or children, only goblin miners from the steamwheedle cartel.