Feigning ignorance now nice
and we have all the reasons to hate your faction
we suffered from Garithos, Arthas, Silver covenant, Jaina, and Voidy Alleria.
Tbf that was Jains vs the whole silver covanant some can differentiate the differance
The Silver Convenant have their reasons to hate you aswell, you let Trolls into your city, and ally with Orcs who burned and ravaged your lands, and then, you kick them from their homeland and call them “traitors”.
and the alliance locked them in concentration camps
After they laid waste to countless human villages and sacrificed humans as fuel for the fel.
one attroctity doesnt excuse another
Putting them in internment camps was King Terenas’s mercy, most of the human kingdoms and even elven wanted the Orcs executed, but Terenas believed the Orc’s bloodlust would soon fade away and decided to spare them.
that was the allaince of the past tho right not the present day alliance. see it works both ways like jaina attacking belfs in mop was retconned away and excused or raising an innocnet child as a slave but thats history right not on the current alliance? imo yes but clearly not to you
Darkspear trolls, who we have no beaf with.
we know how to forgive. if humans stayed salty about a war 100 years ago, nobody would be friends with german or Turkish people today lmao.
woah woah woah. the only high elves that were kicked out were the ones in Quel’lithean lodge.
Silver covenant refused to return after the blood elves used fel. they werent kicked out.
I didn’t understand what you’re trying to say here.
your accusing the horde of crimes commited by traitors and old villains who are long dead im proving how wrong you are but you refuse to listen as always
You mean Garrosh and Sylvannas?
Sure, Sylvannas was the one to give the order to burn Teldrassil, but what of those that loaded the catapults? What of those who chased after Night elf survivors across Darkshore? What of the Horde “heroes” who aided a Blood elf assassin massacring a Night elf village?
What of those who laughed as the world tree burned and the Kaldorei screamed in pain?
It’s not only your leaders who are guilty of their crimes, it’s all of you who followed them.
you lot never listen to reason on the forums
lmao i saw Orcs taking selfies with the burned tree in the background. fits their race perfectly.
but as for the Taurens i dont think they would have been happy.
neither would blood elves which i wass a tthe time
What? What are you talking about?
Did you not understand what i said?
Or any Horde druid in general…
i understood perfectly and i understand its futile arguing with someone like you