your point this is after a battle?
Likewise, i keep proving my point several times, and when you finally notice that you might be wrong you go like “Uh you Alliance dumbos are all the same” instead of giving an actual response to what i said.
no im saying you people refuse to listen to reason ive tried providing evidence but you lot refuse to listen to it so i realise its futile arguing and i dont mean the alliance
What reason were you trying to provide for the burning of Teldrassil?
sylvanas working with the jailor manipulating the horde you know the actaul cannon story but no thats not enough for you is ti want me to call mike morheim or lore or ion hazacostas
honestly, with everything that happened to Night elves in Kalimdor, i dont blame you.
Even i feel bad doing the Ashenvale quests
especially since i have Alliance characters
The Horde made their own choices, she didn’t mind controled them to follow her, that’s why Baine defied her will!
Your logic is that Sylvannas is the only one to blame for the burning of Teldrassil and i proved my point here:
meow meow meow
Your not going shift ur opinion I’m not changing mine so what’s the point
Night elves blew up the planet killing countless and destroying entire cities.
Humans betrayed the High elves in the middle of a war.
Humans killed an entire Tauren village just cause.
Humans are the reason we have the scourge, they murdered countless and raised them into undead slaves.
Alliance has Gnomes which is worse then Vulpera and Goblins combined.
Dwarves released Ragnaros.
Draenei lured the legion to Draenor resulting in the Orcs being enslaved by them. Then the Draenei hopped on their ship and took off.
There is a ton more things the Alliance races did. Neither the Horde, nor the Alliance is innocent.
Very well then.
Ah that. The Alliance was not yet aware of the influence manipulation and danger of the Sha. Something that took over or compelled the worst traits as it feeds on peoples very emotions and stuff.
Horde always expect mercy when they surrender. But Alliance under the manipulation of the Sha chose not to.
Do not compare the Alliance to the Horde. Own your own atrocities.
Already proved it but you will constantly change the goal posts.
Eitrigg. Came through the dark portal - involved in every horde war - advicer to Horde Warchiefs - Led Horde military offensives including against the Alliance.
So the false narrative that there is a seperation between the more overtly evil Horde as the “old Horde” and the current one is nonsensical at best.
Had the Horde chose not to follow Sylvannas order “burn it” then the Night Elf children would not have been murdered by the Horde.
The Alliance does not murder children. The Horde does. Draenai children in Outland - Magnataur children in Northrend - Night Elf children in Darnassus.
lol Vladimir Putin is not an evil man. You believe the propaganda. But yes a nations leader is a reflection of the people.
No matter what the Horde does and the evidence people present. Your response will always be the same: The Horde done nothing wrong.
This is not surprising coming from you
I honestly can’t take your opinion seriously after the previous comment so think what you like
People should not infantalize Sylvannas Windrunner. She has agency she made her own choices and led those that followed her down her path.
Attack of Brennadam forced those of Stormsong Valley into the war. Either that or wait for the Horde to murder the next peaceful defenceless village.
An Alliance ship was on a mission to capture Horde. The Goblins was part of Horde operations despite the Bilgewater cartel joining them.
Greymane took pre-emptive strike against Sylvannas. But no doubt the Forsaken fleet of peace would not have targetted Alliance.
After the Horde violated the neutrality of Dalaran. Jaina did over react but did not harm any that did not take up arms against her.
Manipulation of the Sha. Pandaria was unknown territory with unknown dangers.
Technically it was the Quillboar that killed the civilians of Taurajo.
Alliance does not kidnap children. Defeated Horde was clothed - fed - taken care of in the interment camps. To the expense of the Alliance tax payer.
This made me chuckle. So Horde infiltrators find themselves in territories of the Alliance. What you expect a warm welcome?
Tried and failed to play the race card there.
Arthas was not part of the Alliance when he purged Dalaran.
Alleria was ran out of her home by the Blood Elves then took in the rejects of the blood elves. The Silver Covenant is simply a race civil war as the High Elves and Blood Elves are the same people.
The interment camps safeguarded the defeated horde. Or did you think the more militant elements of the Alliance did not want the Alliance to simply wipe out the defeated Horde?
An inconvenient truth to the Horde apologists.
You sound like an NPC.
First it was Orange Man Bad. From the SJW types.
Now Vladimir Putin Bad from the virtue signalling people.
Who knew thinking for yourself was a bad thing?
You only come to the forums to argue for the sake of arguing.
Your points are defeated time and time again but you constantly try to shift the goalposts.
No I just feel judging people and invading countries is wrong for some reason
My opinion has never shifted