Pls delete

Vol’jin - the guy you complained having too much spotlight after his death and dragged Rezan down the drain
Talanji, Ratakhan, Zul as honorable mentions
Wouldn’t call them “sidekicks”

Zul was never horde

Horde still has their territories. Despite a few contested areas here and there.

Your objection to the Zandalari Troll government does not mean it is not the Zandalari Troll government.

Actually it does. Battle for Azeroth was exactly that. Player agency. Wether loyal to Saurfang or loyal to Sylvannas was a player choice.

Talanji turned to the Horde because of Rhastakhan’s apathy.

The same Hellscream that led the Iron Horde led the forces that High Exarch Yrel fought against.

That does not make them any less Horde than the rest.

A live dog has more options than a dead lion.
Thing is that never again should they have the power of the Iron Horde as a whole. Not just the global power on Azeroth. However threatening Azeroth as well.

As part of the Lightbound and a new perspective through the Light then yes there can be peaceful coexistence.

Sound alot to me like you say “join us or die”…

Sylvanas was flat out working against the horde for the better part of a decade

Let me guess the scarlet crusade are heroes to you? Actually no the scourge more likely murdering indiscriminately

…as part of Talanji’s entourage and member of Rastakhan’s Council, he could be considered one
But thats why I said, honorable mention
They are of course are not horde

He betrayed them before the zandalari joined the horde but that just arguing semantics. I remember the cata cinematic where voljin told him to stick it. ( one of my fav characters who got shafted)



Won’t shut up about Anduin.

Is being ignored like most trolls and dragged the belief system of the Zandalari down with him.

Not a major character. Those usually show up outside the expansion they were introduced in. Like Jaina and Bolvar in Shadowlands.

Villain who tried to use G’huun to enslave the world.

Also dead.

Was sent to superhell to fatch souls from the Maw for the rest of time this game runs out.

The green human that didn’t affect the lore at any meaningful way when Deathwing was finally dealt with?

Sorry to say but None of these qualify as main characters.

Forget Zul then; my point was, the Horde “cast” were not the sidekicks in the show

Lol sorry not trying to be that guy just pointing out an inaccuracy

Funny way of stepping around what it actually is. Invasion. Let’s see. Ivar and the Bloodfang pack occupy half of Silverpine. A fresh garrison was installed in Tiragarde keep in Durotar. Night elves are currently attacking Azshara. Zekhan fears they might take it If the Horde council doesen’t act on it. Mor’shan ramparts were taken by the night elves too. The southern barrens is still contested between Theramore survivors and the Horde. Rokhan travels between Zandalar and Orgrimmar constantly to make sure Talanji’s informed about Horde politics since she mostly doesen’t show up to the meetings of the council anymore. Meaning that the Echo isles have no supervision. Horde was kicked out of Arathi refugees fleeing towards Tarren mill.

The ONLY zone that is not full of hostile alliance members is Mulgore and that is only because Baine chose to be passive. Without Back-up from Thrall and Calia this mess of a fractured faction should logically disband, since most member nations can not survive in a peace that benefits the blue team only.

They totally were. I didn’t see any Horde members during anything meaningful neither in shadowlands nor Dragonflight.

The Horde didn’t show up until the war campaign started. And got tricked to go to Nazmir. The Zandalar quests were done by Rastakhan and his allies.

No Horde to be seen.

But but but they’re the good guys :rofl::rofl::rofl:

The current Horde in a nutshell. I leave it at that for now.

Some people have a long memory.
The Lightbound Orcs are not living in fear of High Exarch Yrel and her forces.
The difference is making sure that the Horde will always be unable to slaughter the people and such than to hope that the Horde is unwilling.

Call it an insurance policy.

The scarlet crusade murdered all that were not scarlet crusade. False equivalence is a logical fallacy.
Not all humans are part of the Alliance. Just as not all Trolls are part of the Horde.

No some are alliance

Considering you ignored my post I can assume this argument is over.

Arathi was the territory of the Trollbanes for some time. Horde made an incursion and was repelled. The Alliance met the challenge of the Horde and put down Eitrigg.
The Wildhammers did face the Dragonmaw Orcs at the Twilight Highlands as the Horde made incursions.

The Horde came to Azeroth as would be conquerers. The 1st war did not go so well but the Horde menace was pushed back since then.
The Vulpera Kentarro knows the Horde for what they are without the propaganda.

So you did not play Battle for Azeroth then?
Even the Alliance players were seeing princess Talanji moving with the assistance of the Horde. Watching Horde operations is what the Alliance does.

Except in the game were Horde champions were fighting Prophet Zul faction in what is clearly a Zanadalari Troll civil war.

He will always ignore you unless he can “refute” it

Watch the cinematic. No Horde.

I did. And the war campaign was the doing of a handful of individuals lead by Nathanos. No Zandalari were involved here.

Googled it. That person doesen’t exist.

People record in game footage. Nobbel87 on YouTube has been a long term story teller. There is more to that clip than the cutscene.

Doesn’t exist? He lurks on the forums. Surprisingly reasonable for a Vulpera. Even in this thread.

So Princess Talanji daughter of King Rhastakhan that became the next sovereign ruler of the Zandalari Trolls. Is not a Zandalari.
Do you even here yourself?