Pls delete

which you wish to ignore

of a genocidal maniac who attacked the orcs who they made peace with about 20 years prior

did you actually play the questline yrel is clearly the villain

ok now your flat out ignoring lore

disgusting chasing after the army that murdered their king

im proving that you are not and you continually spew the same garbage

How awful. Getting chased after dunking on a neutral party. Alliance life seems tough :joy:

Written in the blood of every troll ever since humans colonized their lands.

They really don’t need the Horde. But the Horde needs them because it’s a strategic trading hub connecting all the south sea.

Irrelevant. The choice was meaningless. In the end everyone was on the side of Saurfang. Blizzard doesen’t care about the Horde.

A mary sue without trouble. Until the alliance came her enemies were no big deal.

The Horde council is a bunch of cowards. We know that already. Only a handful of it’s members will be willing to stand by our side when the judgement day finally comes.

Defending yourself against an alien race that invades your world is not genocide. The alliance should be warned not to aid Yrel and her fanatic crusade to spread the light.

There was no choice beyond death. Stop lying.

he continually refuses to listen to anything bar his extreme hate to anyone differant as continually shown and will ignore every point made and claim no i refuted it bs

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you havent refuted anything your just trying to ignore history to push you agenda as always

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Do you actually play World of Wacraft? or just on the Forums all day?
Those that actually play the game would have come across the lightbound Orcs. The son of Hellscream led his people to join the Lighbound.
What was shown in the game from the Horde perspective are just the renegade few that refuse the offer to peaceful coexistence.

The Draenai tried peaceful coexistence with the Horde before. Until the Horde slaughtered them and sacrificed the souls of their kin. Making sure that the Horde can not do so again is a way to actually maintain peaceful coexistence this time.

Some among the Alliance beleive that there are reasonable people among the Horde that some of them can be rationale and conversed with. This thread is proving those voices to be foolishness.

The Zandalari Trolls that simply got in the way of the Alliance did their duty When they were put down their King violated their very souls in Undeath denying them the peace that they should have earned through dying in the line of duty.
But yet you claim disgust? The Alliance makes sure that our dead stays dead

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Do you ever get tired of your own BS? You are as bad as Zerde back over in the american forum.

There is no peace with colonizers. Give the land you stole back or face the consequences.

No. Those are the majority. They refuse to be subjugated by the light unlike those traitors who are willing to kill other Orcs to execute the will of Yrel. Showing them no mercy is the right thing to do.

The Zandalari have made multiple incursions outside of their little Island that the Alliance have had to deal with.
But when they fired on an Alliance navy they broke all pretence of neutrality. Their actions have consequences that they will face. Naturally they wanted revenge but could not obtain it. Both Mekkatorque and Jaina Proudmoore left. Some Kul Tiran champions fell in the defence.

Not Troll blood. But the Alliance will keep the peace. Remember that the Alliance did not dismantle the Horde at the siege of Orgrimmar.
You keep forgetting Alliance mercy.

Talanji repeatedly petitioned her father to looking into the threats against the Zandalari but he chose to do nothing. The Horde actually addressed those threats.

When you argue against in game content I am not sure what to say. Player agency matters and always have.
When the Horde plagued Undercity some players CHOSE to let Horde die to pursue the Alliance forces than to save as many Horde as possible caught in the plague.

Whether you like it or not Talanji is the sovereign ruler of the Zandalari Trolls. Unless her rule is challenged or replaced.

After the 4th War the Horde are not in condition to wage another. Simply protecting their peoples and territories is all they can do at this point.
Which is why the Forsaken are having to withdraw their troops from Gilneas.

That is false. High Exarch Yrel as of yet have made no attempt to reach out to the Alliance or to chase the remnants that fled through the portal and now call themselves Maghar Orcs.

It was no invasion or genocide. But peaceful coexistence.

But yet so many former Horde chose to embrace the Light. Are living peacefully under High Exarch Yrel’s rule.

Renegade for not wanting to join a tyrant who murders anyone who disobeys

Oh i agree sylvanas and the apothecaries were evil expanding that to the whole horde is disingenuous

Exactly certain people are so stubborn they refuse to listen to conterpoints and keep me right me right

An act of war against someone who hadnt joined remind me what started ww1?

You really cant see yrel became a tyrant can you? Then again someone like you wouldnt recognise that

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Yrel is a tyrant and a fanatic. Killing her and the rest of her Draenei will bring back peace to Draenor and allow the Orcs to resettle.

Carefull now!
The Horde and Orcs are/were invaders on Azroth and colonizers on Kalimdor - by this logic, Kalimdor and Horde territories are belongs to the Kaldorei - and before you say it, they have a legitim calim to it, since they were Dark Trolls, so Troll Lands belongs to their descendants too (and following that the High Elves had right to the Troll Lands, since both the Dark Troll Tribess, and the Amani and Gurubashi Troll Tribes were originally Zandalari Trolls) no matter how they evolved/changed/mutated… their roots are with the Zandalari
Not to mention, during their long history the Trolls had the bad habit to war among each others and each tribe belived they are right… and the Zandalari just let them be, their wayward childrens; less problem if they go away

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Which they keep failing to do since the alliance has forces in lands of all their allies except Mulgore.

She has no authority over anyone and it will slip away any other day Jaina is allowed to live unharmed.

It never mattered in wow. This is not Swtor. Blizzard sets the story. We merley interact with it. They have a handful of pet characters like Anduin and Jaina who are the drivers.

That was not the Horde. The Zandalari dealt with most of it by themselves. All the Horde council ever did was standing in our way to shield their human friends.

You are delusional.

Hostile invaders.

Sure thing. I have no love to spare for some that rather kill their own family before they even think of questioning the religion behind this.

I have no idea who Zerde is. You should at least make sense.
The Alliance does not turn to Necrmancy and the Horde. For all of the false claims that the Alliance and the Horde are the same. This is one of the many differences that set us apart.

What land that was stolen?
You neglect that that Horde destroyed Draenor and turned it into Outland.They also turned alternate Draenor from a land filled with life to a life-less planet.
The Horde are almost like locusts in that regard.

What they refused was peaceful coexistance. Why hope that the Horde will not attempt another slaughter and atrocity again? or take measures into trying to ensure that it will not happen again.

That’s the biggest understatement in this forum.

Erevien is literally :bat::poop:-insane!

It is a choice.

Yet few Horde actually spoke out. The hypocrisy of the Horde was always that as long as it is done to the Alliance they will overlook it. But when it is done to the Horde they still overlooked it.

lol what do you think firing on a navy of a global superpower is? a friendly handshake?!! The Zandalari Trolls CHOSE to F around – They found out WHEN the Alliance showed up and put down their King.

Sigh. I can understand the motivations of High Exarch Yrel. The Horde are incapable of Mercy. Whenever the Horde are in positions of power not only do they abuse it but they commit atrocity after atrocity.

So making sure that such acts can never happen again. Does actually make sense.
Under the Light the Horde can gain a new perspective that could addrees their more savage nature.
Either way safeguarding the future - the interests - the wellbeing - the safety - the hopes and aspirations for the Draenai and their younger and future generations is actually possible.

Lightbound Orc children could play with and coexist alongside of Draenai children. The Horde propagandists would convince others that there are in some kind of Shingeki No Kyojin style interment camps or something.

Yrel gave the Horde a choice. Will not risk what the Horde done to her sister and people in Shadowmoon Valley to be done to other Draenai. An unregulated Horde can not gurantee peace… A lesson that the Alliance knows well. Peace is simply until the Horde starts yet another War that the Alliance will have to once again deal with the Horde.

The iron horde totally separate faction but yes the same orcs she later brutally murdered. Actually even then she was killing frostwolves who were her allies against the iron horde

Two war chiefs were responsible and both were stopped by the horde

Speak out and get murdered or hold silence and live …
Again and again I always show the kind of person you are and yet you never listen. The horde aren’t villains anti hero’s at most blizzard wouldn’t make one of the two playable factions flat out evil and you constantly spewing nonsense doesn’t change that.

‘Don’t you want to die nobly for a just cause?’
‘I’d much rather live quietly for one.’
-Terry Pratchett quote about survival from Weird Sisters

The Horde is neither of these things. They don’t threaten the rest of the world enough to be villains and don’t have enough spotlight in the main plot to be considered heroes. At best for Blizzard they are a sidekick for the actual protagonists aka the leaders of the alliance.

I try pointing that out to him and just get called wrong and “proved” with wrong evidence