Pls delete

Too bitter for my taste.

Well I play Horde because my RL friend was on this faction in October 2005.

Iā€™m used to Ogrimmar and all of the Horde cities. I get lost when Iā€™m in Stormwind.

Remove the Horde and the Alliance can go plant potatoes and flowers, raise a farm just like in Farmville.

Thatā€™s what I used to do in my Alliance character created in another account during Legion Pre-Patch on her garrison.
I think she was in her almost fully upgraded Draenor Garrison until BFA Pre-Patch.


they say pandren ale is superior in every way :wink:

The alliance is pretty damn pristine and saintly when compared to the Horde.

I find it funny that when Anduin tries to talk back to Saurfang at the end of BfA about how the Horde ā€œhas no exclusive claim to regretsā€, all he can actually mention in terms of non-Horde bad guys are Arthas and Daelin Proudmoore - two characters who never even were part of the Alliance.

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Anduin is missing in action. We have Turalyon now who I hope will actually take action against the Horde for good.

Youā€™d probably be the sacrificeā€¦ But iā€™m sure you would enjoy it more.

This whole thing about ā€œwell the alliance isnā€™t pristine eitherā€ Is kinda like saying that a thief is just as bad as a murderer because both committed crimes.

Yea sure, they both did bad things, but there are certain differences in who committed more atrocities. Like itā€™s not even close.

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more likely he will be a jaina style raid boss where we kick his a rear so anduin can reclaim his throne and contiune being a horde simp :smiley:

This is your regular Horde player. Exactly my point.


I intend to do loremaster so Iā€™ll see how they do. Iā€™m pretty sure they have shady stuff as well they are not entirely proud of.

You mean bad writing? Sure. The lore is alliance biased, everyone knows thisā€¦ alliance canā€™t be bad, canā€™t do bad they are fine whatever they do.

Even dabbing with the void slowly poisoning their minds

heck now that metzen is back the alliance will be Captain America forever so enjoy being our punching bag in the future as we pull of another the warchief/ council made us do it ā„¢ excuse :smiley:

Dude, the horde has been written as the bad guys since the inception of warcraft.

Itā€™s pretty clear that they are supposed to be the antagonistic faction.

Even now that the whole theme has been toned town, the horde is still much more antagonistic. So it is bad writing, or is it just that the horde is objectively the more ā€œevilā€ faction?

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slander we are the noble savages trying to live our lives while the alliance haters are trying to put us down at least thats what the narrator told me :smiley:

Thank you, my dear friend. Itā€™s always great seeing you.

Iā€™m farming the Horde in the Dragon Isles every day, doing my part.

Thank you for your blessings and I wish you the best in your adventures!

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gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

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The horde doesnā€™t want true freedom, they want freedom from consequences of their own actions.

They started as basically aliens that invaded a world, even if they just wanted to settle down after the destruction of their planet, why not just do it in a better way? Why start a war with the native population?

And to this day, the horde has still committed far more atrocities.

Itā€™s like the person who just wants to do whatever the hell they want with no consequence. Freedom doesnā€™t mean freedom from nature, and actions have consequences, and the consequences if the story was being realistic is that they would have been annihilated.

Because they are literal pests.


The Horde literally invaded an alien world. They are pests for Azeroth.

The horde started with puppets and this continues for agesā€¦ except Green Jesus, all the other leaders were some kind of puppets to some greater power, which is kinda boring. Alliance canā€™t be corrupted? Where are our Azshara? Another Arthas maybe?

Where are the vulnerable minds of the alliance?

At this point, Iā€™m so done with caring about WoWā€™s story, I kinda wish they just went full-on Warhammer with the Horde, and Orcs in particular.
None of this shaman introspection and ancestor BS - all WAAARRG and DAKKA all day every day. It be de will of Gork anā€™ Mork dat them puny element lizards be crushed under de Ork stompaā€™s, so let the boiz get ta work. And if da puny hoomies get in da way, they gonna ge ta right good bashin, too.

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They destroy everything they touch. They are too chaotic to exist.