Pls delete

Havent played pvp this season, however you are able to see i have gotten 2k+ multiple times…
Guess its not only hard to reach it, but see it aswell when you are so far down as an alliance dog!!!

Talk to me when you actually start PVPing this season. lol

Alliance wins most BGs? When did that change from Horde doing so in BfA?
Hey, did you consider mercenary mode or what it’s called? Is there no more covert mixing of factions for BGs?

Personally I favor Horde because of the character options. Even more so after the model remakings, I really can’t identify with Alliance races for various reasons. On Horde I like to play trolls, vulpera and forsaken. I would be playing on Alliance side if they weren’t hostile to trolls, though. Although the addition of the vulpera lured me closer to Horde.

There is some cringe in how Blizzard themselves described the factions in MoP, because they enforced a stereotype you are also describing. The truth is a bit more in the direction of the USA’s red-blue divide. Alliance like to portray themselves as clean and tidy morally, but there is just as much crap going on with them as in the Horde.
Also, the Horde could be seen as a nemesis for the Alliance, in part because of said arrogance. Remember how they snubbed their scourged fellows? Where was their saintly empathy there?
The potential spiritual lesson to be conveyed is the same in-game as in real life.

Blizzard already caved sighwortily by even giving void elves totally non-voidy appearance options. And they have blue eyes, so you basically do have high elves now.

Totally not. The mechagnomes symbolize the technocracy while the vulpera the naturalist, unrefined, wild life. Mechagnomes are pretty much regular gnomes but supercharged.

Totally missed the point. It’s only the basic model shape and some anims. It’s actually kind of a feat of design genius that they used the arguably most repugnant race (yeah, I said it) as basis for a very endearing race.

Joke’s on you. HE IS a dead human being, thus the only good one.

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You’re literally posting using a level 60 Alliance character.

Cope. You have had chances to reach said rating in previous expacs and seasons but havent. So infact, talk to me when you reach 2.1k.

Another weak point you make. Are you a casual and/or new player with only one main?
You also seemed to have not noticed the special purpose of this char’s theme.

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I do think he is just another casual alliance player that cant play with the big dogs.

Still unrated. Find me when you turn on War Mode. lmao

What logic is that? You’re afraid to post using your main then?

Having alts is unrelated.

You wanna talk about empathy?

What about the horde that invaded azeroth and started killing the population because they were too stupid to realize they were being used?

Where was the empathy there.

The reality is, the alliance may have done some questionable things. Wanna bring up all the things the horde has done? Again, it’s like saying that a thief and a murderer are the same degree of bad because they are both crimes.

Like, if you wanna talk about the merits of the horde compared to the alliance you really should avoid talking about “bad stuff this faction has done” Because for everything bad the alliance has done, the horde has done at least 3 .

Ps: I forgot, where was the empathy when they started killing draenei? Even when they did nothing to them, because the “spirits” told them to?


Still achieved more in pvp than u have lmao.
Keep running after the massive warmode and pvp bonuses alliance get that makes every form for grind take half the time since ur faction needs it seeing as it has weak players like you.

He doesn’t even know how to change his forum character to his main. I wouldn’t bet logic is his strong point.

Yes, yes, of course. Keep talking while I actually PVP (unlike you).

Do you even know how to queue for rated or turn on War Mode?

Nah, got it in my sleep cuz it was so easy, somehow managed to click the que button and beat weak alliance players named olfrick the logs showed me later. Just that easy. Suddenly 2k rating just like that.

At this point in time, I’m rated, you aren’t. Sorry but I can’t take you seriously when you aren’t even rated in solo shuffle.

As I said, talk to me when you actually turn that War Mode on.

Have fun killing boars. lol

Nah they can’t be paladins they will always be inferior clones of the high elves because of this…

The boys are doing pve so i do pve, if the boys do pvp. I do pvp.
I simply just do well no matter what. (Number 1 resto shaman on my server in m+ during bfa or something too. This char was named Megnarosh at the time though)

Cant take a man serious who has never seen above 1.5k rating. Thats basically what you get for free, instantly just by queing up.
You are holding a participation trophy atm as ur card while as an alliance player you get showered in free pvp gear in 5 mins because blizzard made it so, and its really not showing you as a good pvp player.

Meanwhile i have both pvp and pve trophies, not the greatest, but still way above you.

Nice excuse. Get on my level first then talk.

Its litterally impossible for me to get that far down shortie. Sorry no can do. I get above participation trophy instantly when i play because I am just that much better.
Keep grinding and get nowhere! Lol!

When you go to the store do you also show them your bank history to buy something even if you’re on 0 at that time?

Calm down, at this point, you’re literally 0 in PVP. lmao

Also, you mentioned “the boys”. Getting carried doesn’t count.

Worst analogy ever. Achievements used in a store lol.

When you go to a job interview you show them your cv, your achievements.

Now thats a better analogy.

If your “boys” don’t PVP, you don’t. How much gold did you pay people to carry you?

You’re 0 at this point. Get out of here with your lame come backs. PVP without your “boys” then come boast.

Or at least PVP in general cause this season you’re literally 0. lol