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I’m sorry but what the hell?

Are you throwing money at him to damage him?

Your numbers are absolute garbage. I just suicided my best geared character to see how much repairs cost (about 50g for a death).

You don’t need to dump gold into practice attempts. Theres literally zero enrage on the first phase, its rinse and repeat and to be honest DH’s have it easy with lol jump over the mechanics.

If you don’t want to do it, then don’t do it, but plenty of people are managing it and they aren’t bankrupting themselves to do it.

In the hope you find it helpful, look at kiting strats. You don’t need to drag him to the edge right away and it buys you quite a lot of extra time. I’ve not seen vids of it but I’m sure they are out there.

Flasks don’t reset.

And I have a friend thats done 24 of the towers and hes certainly not farmed up special “cheese gear” for all of them. Stop blaming external factors and work on what you can improve.

I was trying to help you with the kiting strat since I read about it, if you want to be a douche when someone offers you advice then I give in. Seems like you only do well when theres others to carry you <3

Yes, hes done the DH one.

First phase of Xylem is just about surviving so focus on that. It’s an annoying fight because it lasts considerably long. Second phase is very easy mechanically and comes down to if you can press your buttons right and if you kite the boss correctly.

As for the rest, it’s your basic excuses people come up with when they fall short. If you seriously need 50k gold for a single challenge, you’re not ready to take on said challenge. The only thing that is guaranteed to take gold away is repair costs, and that should be very negligible.

What kind of :poop: is that?

Help by telling me to ‘go lookup kiting strats I didnt see them but i think they exist’? Yeah super useful.
Thing is I tried to copy youtube videos exactly and somehow I just got 2x more damage than them while doing 2x less, so I guess they used some twink gear or even filmed in legion. Guides make it look like it’s possible and straightforward but in reality if there’s not enough dps with current gear (because scaling doesn’t work well FOR SOME REASON) then it’s game over in phase 2.

I did just that and there’s not enough dps with my current gear, and that’s it, nothing can be done unless I’ll go on journey of finding proper twink gear and right trinkets.

I needed 15k to practice to be able to do stage 1 and stage 2 mechanics consistently. Just to hit gear wall, lol.
What does ‘not ready’ mean? How can somebody ‘be ready’ before even trying? Or what do you mean?

Yeah, GOOD LUCK getting enough dps without drums + dps pots + food + flask.

What gear did he use for that?

If you’re doing as much dps as you say you are and you’re running out of space then you’re kiting poorly. I’m not going to spoonfeed you videos, I’ve said where the problem lies. go do some self help instead of screeching here how unfair it is and how everyone else thats done it all has cheese gear.

Thats the gear he did it in.

Cheese trinkets?

Haha, they aren’t cheese trinkets. Stay salty. It’s literally what he had.

Theres plenty of cheese trinkets out there, they aren’t them.

And you have access to set bonuses as well don’t you? Though I’m sure that out of combat health regen and phial of serenity thats disabled helped him tons. :clown_face:

Anyway, it’s well known how broken downscaling is and trash gear is always better there. Not the first time it happens.
Maybe I’ll go buy some trash gear and try out of curiosity.

I made a thread (and others aswell) about the shadow’s HP being too high for Havoc DH, meaning it’s one of the toughest mage tower challenges (I managed to complete it still). I still stand by the opinion that P2, which is nothing other than a dps check, should be made more easy.


This is not true and I don’t agree with this one bit. There is 0 RNG involved in Xylem’s phase. It’s all programmed and you can predict his abilities. If you fail to do so, that’s your own fault. P1 is nothing but a mechanics check and using your abilities properly depending on the timers, and nothing else. Yes it takes practice, but no where as difficult as the Shadow dps check.

The fact that you are dying to his teleports is your own fault. It’s been said (and it even was the same in Legion) over and over again, that save Fel Rush for the teleports. The teleports are always predictable, as it’s the set of his abilities. I agree you have to plan your attacks (i.e. when to fel beam to get demonform) according to his abilities, but you can learn this, and you will make P1 trivial. It took me maybe 15-20 wipes on P1 to re-learn, and 40 wipes on Shadow. During the last 30 attempts, I never wiped on Xylem, as it’s just a mechanics check, so don’t find excuses.

Idk then, sometimes he blinks and stays for 10 casts, but sometimes he casts one and blinks again.

No, it’s never RNG. Sure sometimes he stays for 10 casts, and sometimes for 12 during 1 fight, but if you have 20 attempts, he will behave exactly the same for every single attempt.

I suggest you get DBM Mage tower timers. It will tell you exactly how long till the spikes, how long till draw power, and most importantly, when phase switches.

Here are some advice on how to counter the timers and how to make P1 trivial:

  • Play unbound chaos. 2-3 sec before the spikes, use Immolation aura, when spikes hit you, double jump and fel rush. You will one shot the spikes aka shards aka free healing and free fury. Always save interrupt for when boss teleports, as it’s quite easy to move him during frost phase (always move him to the middle).
  • This is the most important advice I can give you. The DBM timers will say ‘Arcane / Frost phase’. When DBM says that, he always casts 1 - 2 more spells. I ate those (dont interrupt, maybe just use blur if you are low) and start going to the middle. Once he teleports, 2x fel rush is enough to find him. With this, you make the mirror image phase non existant. If you dont go to the middle and wait at the edge, 2x fel rush wont be enough, and you will keep dying as it’s hard to kill the adds inside the bubbles if you are fury starved and if you don’t get crits.
  • Once you learn the timers, learn how to use Eye beam properly. For example, once he transitions to arcane phase, you know there will be a Shadow barrage after 1 arcane barrage. It’s pointless to waste your demonic on this, since shadow barrage is not doing any damage to you. Same for blur / shadow etc. Always save 1 interrupt for Draw power (dbm tells you exactly when it’s gonna come).

I didn’t look at your talents, but you have 4 interrupts as a DH. You have your regular kick, fel eruption, chaos nova and imprison which stops the cast. If you rotate good enough, it shouldn’t be an issue.

No, sometimes he teleports → casts 1 or 2 things → teleports again → I’m out of fel rushes.
Everything else is super easy, but when he does that I can’t reach him and it’s over.

Idk what’s wrong but he hits me for like 1.5k through blur and often through darkness too (as if there’s just 10% chance to avoid).

Never happened to me inside these 55 attempts. If you don’t use fel rush during the normal rotation when he is not teleporting (which you shouldn’t as pointed out), I always had 2x fel rush available for every teleport.

The shortest teleport window incurs from switching frost > arcane. You need 2x fel rush to reach him during mirror images, then he does 1 arcane barrage, 1 shadow barrage phase, 1 barrage and 1 draw power. Then he teleports. This is roughly 35 sec window, so you get both of your fel rushes back and can use them both on the teleport.

One thing aswell, once I really knew how the teleporting / timers work, I would imprison him. He still casts teleport if he is imprisoned, but not the actual spells. This would essentially mean that he didn’t do a single cast when I came to him.

I don’t know man, I’m not gonna argue with you as I’m leaving a posiblity that they made some changes (I finished more than a week ago, and didnt touch it since then), but I really doubt they do. It’s just your skill issue I feel, and you are not following timers correctly.

No idea then. Happened to me in 1 of 5 attempts or so. Maybe he reacts to something like darkness or stuns that way.

I mean when he teleports twice in short period there is nothing I can do. I even try to waste time by imprisoning him and waiting (to get resets), usually it helps but not always (sometimes he teleports while stunned lol).
Everything else is easy and I don’t even need DBM, I just ‘eat’ his casts when my hp is high and save ccs for when it’s below 80%.

p.s. another thing is that IF I’M UNLUCKY I GET HIT TWICE WHILE JUMPING OUT ICE, it takes off 80% hp and often oneshots. No way to avoid that damage.

UPDATE: I did it, spent like 20k gold in total.

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