Mage tower sucks nerf it

Can confirm. Designed a macro to cast Incinerate and Curse of Tongues and it only allows the Incinerate spell to be cast.

Pain in the backside when trying to do the destro encounter.

its almost as fun as kruul specially if you havent healed a lot before :smiley:

“Mage tower sucks nerf it”

Dont nerf it, just remove it!

Maybe it’s time to git gud.

Please don’t nerf it, in fact difficulty could be buffed or maybe add magetower+ mode to it?

attempt 2345 did it. now last day to try paladin


This was you crying how hard and impossibru it was before you edited the title.

It was one of the most hilarious cryfests I’ve ever read.

Doesn’t surprise me to see that you’re so dishonest you turn around in another thread and tell people to “git gud”.


It was hard at first, but then I got good. So others can do it too, pls don’t nerf or it will lose any purpose.

I admire your consistency.

^^ I guess I need to spell it out but thats sarcasm. :clown_face:

How is this thread still going?

If you lot spent half as much time learning how to play the game as you spend complaining about not knowing how to play the game you’d have beaten it by now.


Is it not fascinating how peoples perspective can change so drastically?

Life is change.

There is a TED talk that says if you give people a massive advantage in Monopoly (and also life), their personality changes and they attribute their success to their own skill. It’s probably the same with this, people gear up and think their skill level has increased.


I don’t know. Our 2nd tank is still fighting for it. Must be ~700 pulls in now. I just sended a new stack of flasks to the druid… A lot of video’s have been watched. It is consistently below 10%. Just need that lucky final oompf.

Also the player is not on the forum, not complaining here. But i think it is wrong to say someone need to l2p.


It was sclaed differently so that the devs had data on all phases. Not surprising they pushed a tougher version out.

It certainly gives insights into people. Not flattering ones, but insights none the less.


They finally gave the druid community the chance to get the werebear but at the same time they must have hated giving us the chance so much and actually listening to there player base that the trolled the living s**t out of us at the same time.


Gear hardly matters in mage tower btw.

Not what you said in your last thread.


or in WoW terms

Apparently the English Royal family is forbidden to play Monopoly to avoid the rifts it can create

I don’t think it’s wrong at all as long as it’s done respectfully. I’m not going to go after this guy since he hasn’t complained on the forums, although since you bring him up I’d say if you do make no progress for hundreds of pulls then I would suggest that you’re not getting better and you need to rethink your strategy.

Of course he doesn’t need to l2p, as I said earlier. It’s entirely optional content created specifically to judge his skill very harshly. He can be perfectly fine for everything you need him to do and yet be unable to finish the mage tower, and that’s OK.