but do a clean swewp once 3 motnh with a gold erace, aldios AH, and kill all bots
They’re already banning bots in weekly waves, which also removes their gold. I see you even posted prior in a thread with my detailed sourced post about it:
so sorry dudu, byt you are so wrong. even at this monent blizz don’t care abount the 5000k bots online at the momemt
I’m quite sure it is more then 5000 bots. And yes, they won’t throw a lightning strike at them when you report them, that’s how banwaves work which you read about earlier already.
If not, the link is still there in my above post.
Discussion about pirate servers is not allowed on the forums. And despite daily bans, there are still bots on those anyway. So what is your point again?
And Ive yet to see one…
Oh no… John Wick of the forums is angry…
i did not say which server, so im allowed
Allowed by whom?
You realise you’re on the official forums and that being allowed “by the (pirate) servers” doesn’t matter here right? xd
by the servers
same, tho im pretty sure the bots are not into roleplaying so my server is kinda safe from them.
im silence, sorry