Plunderstorm need more rewards!

This game mode needs the :wc: dump

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I don’t think the majority is quite that old, here.

I’m Generation X, myself (barely - born at the very end of it).

Like you said all of those are in wow, plunder is separate mode outside of the game.

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At least we can queue for it now from within the actual game.
Baby steps, I suppose.

It makes no difference. Its just something how they think they make it “part of the game” by adding que for it also in group finder. It still prevents me from playing wow and still takes you to a minigame outside of wow. The actual selection for it in character creation is better as it atleast has all the options to customize the plunder character and all that on it.

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Well, I think it makes a little difference.
Anyway; they could be working to incorporate it into the game, maybe. We don’t know.
It could have some hurdles with the different gameplay involved.

Anyway… I’m still not a fan of it, but at least it’s way way way less painful this time around.

Skipped all the rewards they added as carrot on the first one and didnt think too much of it past the annoying blinking icon in character creation for it. Now they add option to hide the advertisements for plunder from wows character creation so thats progress. Now my only annoyment is that they baked possibility to gain tenders from it.

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Yes or at least the possibility to buy the trading post currency in plundershop as often as we want - then plunderstorm would have more rewards .

You sure about that ? I think in order to join Trio’s you would need to make a group first then queue up. If that does not work then use last years method via the bnet app . But when I logged in this morning I definitely saw the Trio’s version there. I can’t post images but log in via the old way and you should see the option. In other words not in game but in the warband screen.

I hated it the first time but that was because they didn’t tell us it was a purely PvP thing off the bat. Now I don’t mind it, I’m playing it for the rewards because it’s easy but I’m certainly not playing it the way it’s intended.

what you say makes no sense, it’s a mini game like MANY other mini games on wow

look at some games at the darkmoon fair or even the battlepet, it’s the same thing, other mini games

even panda remix had nothing to do with wow

no one forces you to play it, again, you don’t do gladiator or elite sets either I suppose? So do the same, some players like this mode, don’t be selfish

No renown track this time, it’s shop that you buy stuff from and if you had 40 renown last time (all the rewards) there are less rewards for you this time around.

Reckon it’s faster to get all the new stuff compared to hitting Renown 40 last year?

Its separate game outside wow that dont use our characters in wow. Thats why its minigame and separate game outside of this mmo, thats why if they put rewards on it they have to keep them separated of our game aswell. I pay to play retail wow, I dont buy expansions or pay sub that they can waste resources to create separate modes outside the game and put rewards tied there.

There is still a lot tuning that havent been done cause holidays, there is huge balance issues in the actual game for instance. All sort of issues in the main game that need their attention more than creating such modes like plunder. My money is not used on what I pay it for if I dont see anything done on these issues but instead used to create separate modes outside wow that I will not play.

Keep the rewards separated to wow from plunder and see the participation plummet, and by all means play the mode for just enjoyment if enjoy that kind of mode.

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Per cost value idk, but I already have the “new” Plunderlord outfit. And there are fewer rewards this time around for players that completed it last time.

One game a day for daily that’s it for me, we only want the rewards :slight_smile:

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I got everything from the event plus won the round in one night. I don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

Since I had gotten every reward from last year’s Plunderstorm, this year was easier and with no renown to grind made it more faster than last year. I got all the new rewards which were added to it this year in approximately 6 hours of farming.

No you did not

You right, just logged in and I only see Duos.