Plunderstorm need more rewards!

good player full top 1 = 1hour, ultra fast

bad player = 6hour+

Why you keep feeding the troll? Just report, ignorelist and move on.

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Definitely faster than the previous renown track. At least here, you select what you want and can forget the useless stuff.

All plunder gains are from the end of last plunderstorm, meaning you make 1k easy by just dying after the first 5 minutes.

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Gonna do 5k daily till I get all the new stuff. :+1:

a game of not even 10 minutes, you make a top 1 and 3/4 kill you have 3k + gain. You had fun, played the objective, won, in short it is much more profitable.

More And beter rewards pls Somthing rare

im off Topic but

I miss Solo pvp
And no race skills Advantages pls in pvp
And we need a good 1 vs 1 system With Classes And specs
No addons And a fast queue System

And make Orcs Orcs again
Blood and thunder & Make The Forsaken More Evil in the storyline


The rewards lured me into it.
And now I’m starting to enjoy it.
So win win

How about 15000 coins give you 1000 trader coins?


honestly, i would take even 100 trader coins for 15 000 plunder :frowning:

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