Plz keep my mom in your prayers while you celebrate christmas this year.(update on her health)

hello . my mom had breast cancer operation 15 days ago .initially it went well .but lately because of medicines she hasnt been able to sleep or eat well and her weakness is increasing .she still recognizes and listens to us but sometimes her awareness wavers off .
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edit : just wanted to give an update on mom’s health .unfortunately her her health has detoriated and a viral infection has been found in her brain .doctors say only a miracle can save her as her organs have started to fail .
but i thank you all for parying for her .now we are just praying for a miracle or if worst is to come we are praying that she doesnot suffer too much with pain.doctors says she doesnot have much time left .

i want to thank each one of you personally who prayed for my mom . you people are the best .if you have mom and dad and other loved ones .keep them closer and love them . :heart:


Sorry to hear this. I hope your mum recovers and wish you guys merry Christmas.

Be strong for her :muscle:


ty very much .it means alot :two_hearts:

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I’ll hold your mum in my thoughts. I hope you are not going through this alone and have support my dear, these kind of times are so difficult. May she recover quickly.


Ty so much .yes me and my father are taking care of her .i really appreciate your support :heart:


My thoughts my dear. Just to ask, is she currently on chemotherapy? Sometimes the symptoms of this are brushed under the carpet but they can be very severe…my wife has had to go through this relatively recently and it was awful, in fact some of the complications of the immunosuppression it causes were life threatening and without my rudimentary medical knowledge and quick action I would have been a widower today.

This stuff doesn’t respect holidays but remember the most important thing with holidays is family time, and to treasure that time you have because whether you are ill or in perfect health, time is always short.

Thoughts are with you, lass. At least she’s got you and your father to take care of her during this difficult time. All the best, and Merry Xmas

I’d keep you too because this must be really hard on you. Have a :people_hugging:

I wish the best for your mother to recover quickly and of course you mean that these days are days of joy and love so I wish her a merry Christmas with love and health

I’ll pray for your mom, and everyone else fighting this dreadful battle. May she experience a full recovery. :pray:t3::heart:

I wish her a full recovery !

Hope she gets better!

Hello friend,

I need your mum first name and her father & mother first name to make a prayer.

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Merry X-mas, I hope she recovers! :pray:

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currently she had a tumor removed from her left breast cancer . the biospy was done some days ago and the doctor was going to determine further treatment but her situation as described in first post has dwindled somewhat .so doctors are saying that lets first solve this issue of her weakness and eating problem and when it improves a bit we will start 2nd phase .so i am keeping my fingers crossed for my mom . thank you so much for your concern :two_hearts:

my mom first name is dilshad . her father name was ghulam and mother name was sughara . thank you so much :two_hearts: :hugs:

thank you .you too :two_hearts:

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Sad to hear this. You coming to a WoW-forum to say this, really says alot about the desperation you feel and need of support.

If its worth anything; Sending positive vibes and hope for recovery. And that you people that show you extra suport


Wishes to you , mom and family take care and have my prayers :people_hugging: :heart: :kiss:

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May God bless your mother with speedy recovery and keep you guys strong through this tough challenge.

Sorround yourselves with family and friends and get help from whoever offers it.

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ty very much :two_hearts:

ty alaric :two_hearts:

ty that means alot :two_hearts: .all of you people are also part of my family so thank you all :3

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For your Mom, if jewish brothers & sisters (or hebrew readers/speakers) want to help :

in english :

May He who blessed our fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Moses and Aaron, David and Solomon, heal Dilshad daughter of Sughara and Ghulam, because pledged charity, without a vow, for her sake. In this merit may the Holy One, blessed be He, be filled with mercy for her, to restore her to health and to cure her, to strengthen her and to invigorate her. And may He hasten to send her from heaven a complete recovery to all her bodily parts and veins, among the other sick people, a healing of spirit and a healing of body; and let us say,

I’ll say it and hope Go-d and his light and love will help your mother.
Take care of your mum, we have only one.