<Poetic Justice>

Hello there! I’ve only only been with this guild for a few months, but I can safely say that it has everything a player could want. A good mythic progression team, fun social raids, people to run M+ with, and ofcourse the true “end game” transmog/mount runs. People are warm and accepting of newcomers, and the discord is almost always lively, even in this content draught.
If you’re looking for a friendly bunch of people, I really think you should give this guild a try!


Hi guys! I’m 30 years old and 3 months ago became a mom. I am looking for a nice guild to call home and be able to raid with other grownups who understand that real life responsibilities might get in the way :grimacing:

I have a priest (h/s), hunter, mage, druid (r/b), warlock that I’m willing to play depending on the needs of the guild, but wouldn’t mind to join for the social aspect even if there’s no room left for raids. :blush:


Hello Elvendream! That must be keeping you busy aha.
But you’re more then welcome to join us, as far as raiding goes that’s a convo that will be easier in game then here but along side the main runs we do social raids to which are great fun without the pressure of committing ect.
Feel free to add me on bnet or discord and we will get to sorting out your invite. Otherwise just message someone in guild on game and ask for an officer.
Hopefully we see you ingame soon!


Been in this guild for some months now and people here are really nice. Always people online, fun raids, nice and chill people willing to help. I wish i would have joined sooner than 8.3! Give this guild a try if you want fun!


Hi - interested in joining - btag is declan#21819.




Do you guys consider a Death Knight for your raiding roster? I’m also looking for a guild now (my post) and would love to have a chat with you on the opportunity to become a part of .

Feel free to add me:

– Battle.net: Aivenarion#1146
– Discord: Aivenarion#7438



Hello Rabx, ok awesome we will be in touch soon!

Hey Aivenarion, I’ve had a read through your post and seems like you’re looking for a raid spot, unfortunately our raid team is currently full so I can’t offer you a spot at this time, but thank you for getting in touch.

Hi there!

After been basically dormant for most of BFA and some recent occurrences, I am now considering looking for a new proper home for my Shadowlands main. I main spec tank on my monk but for now, I am not looking to raid seriously, especially given my current work schedule means I can sometimes finish at 10pm realm time. What I am looking for though is people to play with properly

I started playing wow in Legion with a hunter, was a Warlock in BFA and now a monk as I always enjoyed the idea tanking and throwing a keg full of beer at someone the first time when this character was first just another character I made when bored was very satisfying! With that been said, I am not the most experienced tank in the world and finding people to play with within the streamer community I am part of consistently ( and will continue to be a part of, regardless of whatever I join or not ) has been rough to say the least

I guess I am just looking for something more stable and less nichey ( is that even a word? )

I would prefer a discord DM if possible; My username there is; Misty_Chaos#7540

My Bnet is MistyChaos#2764



Hello Miststy! Alright well we have members on all sort of time zones and schedules so even finishing work at 10pm you’ll likely find members online to play with when you’re home, and you’re more then welcome to join, we will be in touch!

Been with these bois n gals for just under a year, without a doubt have made the game a much more enjoyable experience, great weekly events for social raiding and pvp, plus with constant active members never again does one fear pug-in those dreaded mythic keys, instead you can fail them with people you’ll come to know…
Overall an amazin commuinity and couldnt be happier with a different guild


Lets put it this way, I transferred servers and joined this guild few months back after reading the posts here, couple of weeks later I decided to pay for a character transfer to get my hunter in this guild as well, I wasn’t planning to do this but this might tell you how much I enjoyed being in this guild. The only downside to being in this guild is having Luke as a guildie, you’ll know what I mean when you join.


I’ve been with David and the others for a little under a year, and I must say this is the first retail guild that I’ve stuck around with. Their enthusiasm towards building a community has made me shift my alts from different servers to Ravencrest :smiley:
The guild chat is always fun and everyone is super helpful too! I’ve made a lot of friends just by joining in on conversations and random invites.
An irl friend of mine invited me to Poetic Justice, and I haven’t looked back ever since.



I’ve been in Poetic Justice a few months now. I’ve not been in such an active guild since the days of TBC and Wrath. There’s something for everyone here because of the commitment and organisation of the officers and GM.

Weekly there are:

  • A solid raid team pushing progression in heroic and mythic.
  • Rated Battlegrounds.
  • Social raids clearing normal.
  • Mythic+ Groups.
  • As well as many other player led activities such as treasure hunts/quizzes.

We’re a friendly bunch with a great, chilled out and fun atmosphere.



I had 9 max level characters on a different realm and was happy playing with friends across realms as it made no difference to me. After a while I kept getting told how good the guild was, and decided to grab two mains and transfer to Ravencrest so that I could join the guild.

Best decision I’ve made!

The guild is incredibly active doing every kind of content in the game. It spreads from top mythic raiding and high M+ keys down to casual social raids clearing Normals/Heroic and chilled dungeon runs. If PVP is your thing there are always RBG’s or Arenas happening.

David keeps things extremely organised, while still keeping things incredibly fun. Social raids are filled with banter, and it’s always fun to watch David die first!


I have been with this guild since September and I have to say it is incredible. Here are a few things I appreciate in my time with Poetic Justice:

  • Friendly environment for players of all levels. This guild welcomes all and doesn’t shame you for not knowing certain parts of the game.
  • Respectful and positive environment. Guild chat or Voice on discord. Things are very civil;
  • Guild cooperation. Aside from Social raids, RGB runs made by guild leadership, people in the guild, in general, enjoy playing together. You would see people calling for a mythic, arena, mog runs, achivs in gchat and being met with enthusiasm;
  • #hobbies-and-pets-corner chat on discord;

I just love these guys and their self-deprecating humor <3 You for them them too!


Hi there, any chance you folks are doing a saturday/sunday afternoon social raid roster?


Hello, I’m afraid to say the likely hood that we will isn’t high. We’re not looking to have a second set of social raids.
We all ready have a pretty full week of events already with 2 social raid nights (Friday/Sunday) along side our 2 main raid nights and a pvp night each week.
If its daytime raiding on sat/sun you’re looking for id have to say we’re probably not the guild for you sorry.
But I wish you the best of luck and hope you find somewhere that works for you, however if your schedule changes do feel free to get back in touch with us!

Alright, thanks anyway :slight_smile:


I joined Poetic Justice last June, and I’m damn glad I did.

At the time, I hadn’t played since near the end of Legion, I’d never stepped foot in a Mythic dungeon, and I hadn’t taken part in a Raid since Cataclysm. I was looking for a group of friendly players to ease myself back into doing actual content again, in a no-pressure environment. That’s exactly what I found.

Upon joining, I found people willing to guide me through my first Mythic 0 and then Mythic +. Soon after, I joined my first Social Raid, and eventually cleared Heroic Ny’alotha with the guild.

Hopefully, Poetic Justice can be for you what it’s been for me : an awesome community with which I can run the type of content that I’d figured was out of my reach but yearned to do, all in a warm, welcoming atmosphere. Sometimes people even joke around and such.

Don’t be a stranger and come say hi!


A grand guild indeed! Full of incredibly welcoming and fun people. The social raid is a great laugh and our fearless leader GM is an impeccable example of just how skilful a paladin can be! (Is that ok, David? You’re not gonna kick me now right?).
Great guild, great people, +100 agility guaranteed!