Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

i heard otherwise, many mboxers cried cos this and stopped mboxing.

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Its not cheating when blizzard says its fine tho

And whatever Blizzard says is not law, it isn’t absolute. They have the ability to change their minds on a whim, and they often do exactly that.

I can show you in game how easy it is if you want? The ones crying probably didn’t do it that way without software before.

Lots of people think every multiboxer does same things and plays in the same way and has a hivemind attitude about stuff. Doesn’t work like that.

Exactly. In fact, multiboxing without software is damn easy. Ofc you dont have the luxury of all chars doing the same after one keystroke, but thats really just a minor difference when it comes to an experienced multiboxer

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I’d like them to be clear about hardware boxing - especially when these 2 Blizzard responses contradict each other.

Hardware boxing cant be prevented, its not trackable and its not against the tos

and again shadowlands full of multiboxig why ?


well maybe because its not banned to multibox?

Since i can`t open a Ticket i post it here

Server: Nethergarde Keep - Classic
Player: - Bigeria
- Biger
- Bigerone
- Bigerit
- Bigerot
Video from this guy using input share broadcast

remove space after : and . https: //streamable. com/51kav0

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same on draenor-eu , i guess they never log out either :wink:

soo I can still use the multibox software with out the auto key stroke. am I still allowede to make them all follow 1 but loot bye hand on each if I wanna do that ?

There will always be botters out there, the ToS change didnt solve that… instead it lead to legit players leaving the game. They lost close to 20 subs per month just from me. Just report those you suspect to be botting and move on with your day.

You can still use multiboxing software: it just cant offer the “input broadcasting” feature, as thats now a bannable offence.

F.ex you can use:


Alternatively you can use a hardware solution, but that require multiple computers connected, 1 for each game.




He has cleared lots of content, watch his vids.

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Tbh, i wish it was possible to create a “contract” with Blizzard, and continue to use f.ex isboxer with input broadcasting.

F.ex i would agree to: never skin, herb or mine. Never farm mobs, aka: standstill farming. Never use the AH on more than 1 account at a time. Never do arena, world pvp or battlegrounds. Subs must be paid using cash. Cant use battlenet balance to buy items. Cant transfere guildbanks/characters/pets to/from other realms. Disable warmode / never going to use it.

Infact, i would like it if multiboxers could use a seperate realm. If making “contracts” are too bothersome, how about creating locked realms for multiboxers with said limitations implemented instead.

I was mainly interested in roaming around doing quests, dungeons (can limit these to once per day if need be) and raids, killing rares, collecting mounts etc, so i would love to enter some kind of “contract” or limited closed realm.

Sadly ive sold all my hardware except 1 pc, so you have lost close to 20 subs from me, which i mostly payed for in cash. At the current situation i wont be playing more than 1 account.

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pliz ban all multibox player to fix game

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Do /who druid at 5am u see the bots

What you wrote Blizzard would be very nice if it were not only in words but also in reality.
The game is full of trains with druids who farm and it can be seen that they use external software for this purpose , not to mention they are Gold sellers .
But you naturally know about the problem (otherwise it doesn’t speak well of you) but I wonder why you don’t really want to solve the problem ??? Maybe you benefit from these Multibox farmers. maybe unofficially work for you !!! Because your inaction leads to this conclusion.
Countless reports, tickets, reports with screenshot of hacks@Blizzard.com .
but these Multibox Gold Farmers are still online and continue to collapse the game’s economy, which will lead to a fairly rapid collapse in interest in the game, which means that a lot of people will start playing other games and in the end only multiboxers may play.
whether then your inaction will be justified ???
what it offers Forumtoon , don’t you think is a great solution: make a separate server for Multiboxers .

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No Activision. You LIED us to sell this shietshow more.

Your warcraft is a BOTCRAFT.

This game full of bots hacks rmt boosting companies. And you do NOTHING.

just login classic and write /who depths. Same bots working for 15 months nonstop.

Reporting? Dont FOOL us.


It certainly feels like most bot reports go to spam folder… But keep reporting and you get a blue mail that they banned someone…

By the time they ban a 5x druid bot group (1week - 3 months) they made 500-1000k gold…

Hire gms to ban botters! I feel like I’m doing an unpaid job reporting these bots.


Yes all reporting players get that automated mail. And same bots continue to farm same places for months.

If they hire 1 person per eu, us etc; and that 1 person would login classic and write /who scholo /who depths etc he would see hundreds of 7/24 bots to ban.

This cost minimization policy of activison is killing the game day by day.

I simply dont believe they care.