Are you sure about this? And if that wasnt the case, should that justify putting in everything that doesnt belong there even when its not a community driven thing such as LFG?

People back then COULD boost (and did, and RAFed). They COULD do GDKPs. But since the system wasnt implementet, they couldnt LFG their way to 80. Do you understand the difference?

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1 for sure

LFD or no LFD will not change anything about the social aspect of the game. The server community is not and will not be the same as back in the days. Would work if we could rollback internet, start using thottbot and have no streamers to show us every thing there is about the game.


To use the same argument back in 2006-2007 tanks and healers were not selling their services as a commodity because there were less people on any particular realm compared to now. Wrath added heirlooms and RDF to trivialize part of the leveling experience so new players could catch up.

Instead of joining a dungeon run and working together with a group of strangers (and maybe getting some experience for your spec along the way) you instantly boost a character to 58 (and 70 once Wrath releases) and don’t even know how to play your class.

I shouldn’t have to remind people how boosting worked during Mists when it was introduced and players flooded the RDF and LFR scene with greens that were better than the first tier of Mists, while having no idea how to play their class.

I would rather take the group of strangers that I choose to be social with in chat, people emphasize how non-social RDF is but during Wrath I never experienced it as that.


Yes, I was there many years ago.

There were very few extreme cases of guilds buying tanks and healers from other guilds to progress their classic (vanilla) raids. But those were very very rare.

Players did boost one another but not for profit and gain but to actually help a friend for free. It was called making friends and having a friendship not trade chats being spammed 24/7 WTS BOOST SM 19G PER RUN.

When I was questing in actual TBC back in the day. people would whisper me out of the blue if I wanted to join them for a dungeon run… eventhough I wasn’t queued up in LFG.

I have leveled a rogue to 60 last week, started a hunter yesterday and he’s now 33.

This hasn’t happened once on either characters.

I did manage to do 2 dungeon runs on my hunter.
But only after hours of searching and spamming.

despite there being over 50 people online in my level range.

I agree, but thats up to the players, not to Blizzard - right?
Heirlooms could only be bought by level 80s, which means at some point you were “forced” to work your way up to endgame without any help from items or systems. Even RAF only worked to 60 (or was it 70?)

People play more in closed communities now than ever. Thats why a server which would be considered “normal” or “high” back in 2008 nowdays is looked upon as “dead”. 200 guilds + PUGs (thousands of characters) clear content each week and we barely see any of the players during the week. Add the fact that people are boosting (people which I dont think would play LFD since they want to be AFK, but I could be wrong) and what we will get is another closed (leveling) system for guilds to get ahead of solo players and smaller groups initially.

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Considering the current mega-servers in Classic are a monster of Blizzard’s making due to the poorly managed communication, I would say that it’s up to Blizzard to fix this mess.

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1, but I would wait, and release it with Ulduar.

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Easy 1, why is this even a debate. Dont like dungeon finder dont use it.


I’d rather play the game (do some quests, AH) while in a queue, than to play the whac-a-mole-lfg-bulletin-board-version instead.


Thank you for confirming my point that the community no longer is social and a LFG alone isn’t a viable option anymore.

It is social, very much so, but in closed communities (like said).
While Im doing Heroic or Dungeon number 23 for the day, some random Rogue’s yelling in chat that nobody plays Dungeons and that the game is dead. And there I am with 4 other people talking sh!t having fun. Difference is I took the step into a guild, because I didnt want to depend on PUGs, GDKPs and LFGs in a “social game”.

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Don’t care about such things. They need to fix bugs first. Game is bugged af. Once we have a game not full of bugs we can talk about features.

That’s nice and all, but keep in mind that a lot of people who originally played Wrath and want to go back for nostalgic reasons lead different life styles then when they were in school/college.

I work different shifts and I reserve the evenings I have to raid, having to find a group to do a dungeon with in the middle of the night is problematic, especially when you play a class and enjoy a hybrid spec.

Having a guild isn’t a solution to this problem, because most of the people will be offline when I have time to level/play the game. Then there’s also the problem with players being stuck on lower-population servers where it’s really hard to find a group, your solution isn’t as much of a solution in these situations.


I want pre-Cataclysm content with the all of improvements of the latest retail version, UI, graphics and optional tools like group finder.

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Yea me too!!

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I choose 1 - in any form. Ideally full cross-realm and from the beginning.


I see that the retail players are returning to destroy the game, play for 2 days and leave, how nice of them


No classic Andy’s that spam LFG with WTB BOOST! WTS BOOST GDKP PUGS
Are destroying the game, it’s the reason why many people want DF back.


How exactly would df solve boosts? Or why are you throwing that there? You really have to make arguments that doesnt affect eachother?

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  1. please only make minor changes like DK in PTR etc ( which is a good decision)
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