Being able to do low level dungeons with some bonus xp for queueing random might be better than buying gold and handing it over to a mage for some people. Leveling is tedious in vanilla and tbc, and that is why people boost. The dungeon finder makes leveling less tedious (and greatly decreases the time you need to buy heirlooms on your main, too).

The dungeon finder would absolutely reduce the need for boosting.


Please for the love of god 1!!


If you think that rdf would kill boosts, you are completly delusional and have no idea about this, just be quiet

If I counted properly there are currently 16 people for LFD and 1 against.


Ridley is actually making a good point. Just gotta ask the right question.

Why do people pay for boosts? No one wants to level from 1-70 through quests on their 2nd or 3rd or 4th or Nth alt. Paying for boosts is easy, fast and time-efficient + an argument about gold buying can be added in here which brings in the problem of bots.

You know what LFD is while leveling from 1-70? Easy, fast and time-efficient without paying any gold. If anything, the group playing aspect is actually brought back to sub-80 content through the dungeon-spam.

Only question left is, are enough people lazy enough to want to AFK on their second monitor while getting boosted to the keep the boosting community profitable enough to stay afloat? Leveling through dungeon spam with the Wotlk combat changes, pacing, and dual spec will make it very much worth LFD spamming imo, ofc we don’t have any numbers to back this up until it’s actually live.

Would it kill boosts? Probably not. Would it be heavily detrimental to them? Yes.

  1. from launch


Plain and simple. Nothing else to add.


You didnt count properly try again

It wouldnt hurt boosts, the lvling still isnt fast and easy enough even with rdf.

You know what would kill boosts? Actually fixing them, its so easy its insane, yet itvseems like noone wants it, why??? I thought its so important for you.

Pacing and simplicity is a big problem for people. Leveling through quests is terrible at both of them. Dungeons are fluid and fast (and potentially fun even). It’s far less demanding of a player to click LFD and click queue then it is to spam quests. It’s not about the speed of leveling, but about what it asks of the players efforts. It’s painful to do quests, however it’s simple and fun to do dungeon spam.

But yes, I agree. Everyone wants Blizzard to fix these problems, but the reality is they won’t so no one speaks of it, unfortunately. They instead speak of the problems directly at hand, i.e. LFD removal.

Yea thats how it is in us forums if you check the link… are the devs listening? Or they cater to boosters?

Its part of ICC patch, approx when Activision fully accquired Blizz.

I want cross-realm DF if they are going to continue with this zero population management approach.

I’d rather not have DF if they are going to manage server populations properly.

Oh, so there wont be anything from ICC patch at the beggining, right?

  1. I REALLY want LFD

.1 I want LFD

  1. LFD will help dead servers

Not interested in the entire world becoming deader than it already is or players further disassociating, at the very least add it at the appropiate patch if it has to be done.

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I choose 1

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Chose 1

You can still sell boosts to lvl 70
Give us Dungon finder so is easier looking for group to lvl to 80 why waste time in chat when you can find a group in dungon finder and go and don’t need to waste time to in chat