Population feels low? are people quitting?

feels like there is a lack of players on even at “peak” times

waiting 10min for RBG ques,
30mins for solo,
world empty outside of city,
LFG sometimes empty

anyone else noticed a drop in players?



Never been empty for me. There’s been a few times when keys I want to do haven’t been up or been available for quite a few minutes but that’s with me playing late nights.

We’re mid season. Most players have completed their goals by now and are just waiting for the next content drop.

Nothing unusual.


A lot of people level up alts atm. I have liek 2-4 min ques as dps when spaming dungeons.

Season is mostly over its time for alts and transmog farm

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dont think im going to level another alt, already got 4 at 424 ilvl for pvp
and vault capping them is a job in itself

Always been the same for randoms.

If you are que as dps then this is the norm.

i always seen people at hunts/rares/feast etc etc

WAT no idea to say about that keys from 2-23 are all over the place.

not at all.

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Yes COVID is over. People don’t waste time with the vault lottery when there are much more pleasant activities in RL. Like working, or going to the dentist.

Much more fun then spending time in 40 min dungeons without any reward


Pve wise no, i think the games thriving, and log counts and more kinda proves this. The player retention is higher and the data does prove that.

PvP wise yes, because amazing enough, a automated queue system did more damage then good, as pretty much expected.

there is nothing to do. you get MAYBE(!) 1 reward per week. its kinda a joke for such huge overpriced second job simulation.
and all this non-stop farm is a waste of time. so more and more people realize that.


Because its RBG. Not really attractive anymore.

Youre a DPS.

I always see people. So its your realm.

Its never empty.

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Players realized that Blizzard will never change and its always gonna be this endless marathon on the labrat treadmill. The problem is, the rewards are fewer and fewer and harder to get.
As other people have pointed out very well.
Thats what happens when you design game for the EAsports ambitions and the 1% elite players.


that does sound like the average wow player… going to church and hanging with family


Its copium. So many people are defending this abusive relationship they are in finding excuses for the game, not even realizing they are being disrespected for their time and money


people using these buzzwords have nothing useful to say

see if you really felt disrespected you wouldnt be here anymore

i said good day

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I was agreeing with you. Why so defensive?
Thank you, bye :rofl:

Love it how you people always blame the top dogs. Those changes are not relevant for the top ones. And an easier way to acquire said gear would in fact heavily play into their favour as they could stomp the content even sooner.

Debatable. You have numerous levels of difficulty now instead of just “A and B”. So in terms of getting rewards its easier than it was in the past.

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does it matter tho…i see people everywhere
i mean, i joined LFR today, we one shot Raz 3rd try…on a sunday, ez clap, thats all i need as a main LFR raider…

Except people are paying subscription to beat the game. You dont get the feeling of beating the game when you fo LFR. Nobody is satisfied with half assed rewards thats why people stopped playing and the numbers show just 10% of player base got 2500?!
Im surprised how the devs justify these numbers to their leaders.

im on a break from the game which clearly shows im not addicted to it. as i said, im playing Hogwarts legacy currently and have no time to play wow at the moment.

and all i said was people might be at the family gathering. it is sunday after all.


You are paying to get access to the servers. If you expect to beat the game just because you pay the sub then thats entirely on you.

You dont. Others do. And again you have 4 difficulties to choose from. If you cant beat it on a higher difficulty then settle for a lower one if youre unwilling to put in the time.

So you want the best rewards for not doing anything noteworthy. Gotcha. There are other games for it. Also 2.5k rating is a rating that merely rewards a cosmetic reward and people have the entire season to acquire it and can stack up their gear til then if they really need it. The valor upgrade rating requirement stops at 2.4k. A rating you can achieve with keys quite below 20s (+ you can cheese it with SBG and Court)

Because its how the real world works.

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