Positive Spell Batching Interactions Worth Preserving

wasnt spell batching one of those “u think u do, but u dont” things.
ppl wanted it prior to classic release but as soon as it was there, the majority started to dislike it. ( thats what they mentioned at blizzcon, and is one of the reason why they gonna remove it)

and yea it will change pvp gameplay, but i highly doubt that Rogues, Warlock (sl/sl) and restrodruids are gonna be less dominant in high rated arena.

Then it’s a good thing the OP doesn’t mention anything about bringing spell batching back so it won’t be possible for people to die to it :slight_smile:

It is impossible to know without any type of survey but the most realistic scenario is that players who played on private servers / were big fans of vanilla / TBC era PvP did want it, and like me, still do, except are okay with it having a different form.

Meanwhile a lot of players either were not really invested in the private server / old-school PvP meta game, or did not participate in it at all, so to them spell batching is purely a negative thing. Over time they became increasingly frustrated with it, and as a result, vocal about it.

I don’t anticipate that the meta will shift very much. Warriors are a good bit stronger, disc priests are a lot weaker, those are the biggest changes I would guess. However the game as a whole becomes less enjoyable for a lot of us, as options are removed from the table, balance aside. :frowning:


This still needs to be addressed by Blizzard. 10ms will remove gameplay elements, that a lot of people loved TBC Arena for. Doing something similar to what they did with SW: Pain would be a good compromise, if they don’t want to make it 100ms - 200 ms.

Not surprised it’s a paladin that made this thread haha

I play a rogue and I can say that most rogues would prefer their vanish ability to work correctly which it does sort of in retail, it only required multiple expansions, and multiple patches to fix from the lead devs, anyone remember Ghostcrawler?

Get rid of it all I say, it’s exploiting terrible technical limitations, if your playstyle was built around that then it’s kinda pathetic really, looking at you paladin mains with your op beginner class.

Another annoying things that happens because of spell batching and wasn’t even in the original vanilla game that I can recall is Rogues hitting other rogues in stealth but because they go out of range of your vision the hit doesn’t register and you fall out of stealth while the enemy rogue remains stealthed without being saped/stunned/hit.

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With all due respect, but every Rogue I know prefers their vanish as a tool to negate spells, like Blind, Deathcoil, etc.
Every other annoyances are easily avoidable and if you can’t, then you probably don’t play at a level, where it actually matters. No disrespect.
Also Paladins don’t even profit the most off of spell batching. Why you are making fun of him is beyond me, since Rogues actually profit the most lol.

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Spell batching would also cause Mages to be able to steal Divine Shield. It happened back then and had to be fixed.

Its good spell batching is not there, now fix this shet melee range hits, i am away but nontauren race still hit me with autoattacks.

Just not true at all. A niche minority of arena players care about that, that’s about it. If you were around back during 2006- present wow you would know that the forums were filled with calls to do something to fix vanish where even the lead dev tried to fix it multiple times and failed.

And how do we profit the most, the stealth issue I mentioned, sap not going off, not even showing in combat log because the game doesn’t register it. The rogue in classic wow is the worst state it has ever been due to batching.

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Dunno if its worst for rogues, but i hated when my paladin were running and got 10sec CS.

Paladins aren’t allowed to be good, same old story from Vanilla to SL (except that time when Blizz screwed things so much that Tankadins were able to solo Raid Bosses).

Good old WoW forums, you can’t just have a discussion without someone coming in with the good old “Hah, you play X class!”

I have 5 level 60s, soon a 6th, I can post on another class if it’d make you feel less angry. And the only thing that paladins really gained out of batching - seal twisting - has already been manually re-implemented into the game so even by your very flawed logic, I’d have no reason to be posting this as I already got my way.

Except no, the game is bigger than just my forum avatar’s class. Things like SWDing sheeps and vanishing Death Coils define high rated play. Even if I didn’t play a priest or mage, I’d still want them to stay because they enrich the game, they make it deeper, they add healthy counter-play.

Rogues benefit by far the most out of batching and they’re one of the strongest classes in TBC. I still want them to keep their batching tricks, as indicated above. It has nothing to do with my “playstyle” either, these are all standard tricks that all higher rated players utilized and it made exceptional players stand out.

All due respect but you may want to put more thought into your responses. Have a good day.

So now that spellbatching is reduced to 10ms… is there any chance, that Blizzard considers implementing a delay for the recoil damage of SW:Death to make it work like it did before?
And what about the other things, that OT mentioned?

/use Mechanical Chicken
/use Smolderweb Carrier
/use Dark Whelpling
/use Tiny Emerald Whelpling
/use Cat Carrier (Siamese)
/use Cat Carrier (Black Tabby)
/use Truesilver Shafted Arrow
/use Disgusting Oozeling
/use Parrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw)


Did this actually work? If so, that sounds fun lol

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yeah it did - Here is a video i just uploaded to youtube

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game is fine without spell batching


That’s not what this post is about bro…

Impactful for the better.

A class that can already CC you for 15 seconds with zero setup on a 1.5min cd, has 3 damage immunities, and like thirty interrupts really doesn’t need epic ninja deathcoil jukes added on top to be S tier.


So is someone gonna fix my pets or what? because I realised the macro still SOMETIMES works but not all the time XD it’s really bugging me haha