Positive Spell Batching Interactions Worth Preserving

So TBC Classic has been finally announced and one of the more sweeping changes that was announced with it was the reduction of spell batching to 10ms, as is being tested on the Classic PTR atm, effectively removing it.

While I understand that a lot of people wanted it gone, I feel it’s important to point out that spell batching brought a few quirks that were more than just “cute”, as the developers described them.

Certain spell batching quirks made the PvP aspect of the game deeper, providing extra counterplay in some situations, and were loved by many people back in the day, hence spell batching was such a commonly requested feature prior to Classic’s launch.

In this thread I will attempt to list some of these interactions that I feel were healthy for the game and it would be amazing if Blizzard tried to preserve some of them through artificial means, such as the change they’re making to paladin Seals in order to facilitate Seal Twisting post 10 ms batching.

  • Shadow Word: Death / Judgement of Blood

The self-damage portion of these abilities happens 1 batch after the damage part, which enables skilled PvP players to use them with good timing in order to break CC effects that break on damage, such as Sheep, Blind, Gouge, Repentance, etc.

This was a very popular trick back in the day, that increased the viability of priest significantly and was prominently done in tournament play as well. It was so popular in fact that Blizzard themselves kept it in the game after spell batching was reduced on retail, by giving the self-damage portion of SW:D (or Premonition, after SW:D was removed from disc priests) an artificial delay.

I think I speak for a lot of PvPers when I say that the game is lesser without this interaction and it’d be great if this artificial delay was instated with TBC Classic’s Shadow Word: Death and Judgement of Blood.

  • Vanish / Shadowmeld

Another skill-demanding move that many players viewed as generally healthy, was the ability to Vanish (or Shadowmeld, with WotLK and beyond) in order to become immune to incoming spells for a fraction of a second.

An example of this interaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUMZ2JmvLlM

This added counterplay to many abilities in the game and made arena feel less scripted, as it introduced variance in how you avoid CC. It’s a very high risk high reward move that takes very precise timing which makes it fun to use without it being overpowered.

It would be awesome if Blizzard replicated this effect with a short (0.2 - 0.3 sec) invulnerability component to these spells, as it is next to impossible to do with 10 ms batches, your latency is higher than that.

  • Double CC

Spell batching was originally explained with an example of 2 mages sheeping each other. This is more than just a “cute” interaction, I feel it actively made PvP better as it essentially serves as a buffer that equalized latency. Let me explain:

2 druids are mashing their Cyclone button while they’re running towards one another. With no spell batching, the druid with a lower latency to the server (or higher spell haste value, in case of similar latency) will ALWAYS win the CC trade.

Both players being CCed is the fair outcome in this situation, as you cannot know if your latency is lower than your opponent’s, nor should 1% spell haste make this much of a difference. Accepting the CC trade is a strategic decision, 10 ms batches make simultaneous CC situations mostly a game of chance.

This affects nearly every CC obviously, it was just a lot more common with Cyclone, Polymorph, Fear, and to a slightly lesser extent Psychic Scream.

  • Shadowstep / Charge

When a rogue Shadowsteps a warrior on the same batch as that warrior used Charge, the rogue will end up behind the warrior’s starting position while the warrior will end up on the rogue’s starting position, effectively having swapped places.

This adds an element of outplaying and mind games where you can avoid a warrior’s damage without having to use a defensive cooldown, which makes PvP all around better in my opinion.

  • Dispelling Nature’s Swiftness / Fel Domination

Most dedicated PvP players use a macro that casts Nature’s Swiftness + an instant cast spell (Healing Touch / Healing Wave / Cyclone etc) at the same time so the 2nd spell is always effectively instant.

With batching however, it is possible to dispel / purge the Nature’s Swiftness buff before the next spell starts casting, effectively taking away their instant cast. This applies to all spells that make other spells instant / faster, such as Fel Domination, and it adds an outplay possibility to that interaction.

I will admit this is one of the more niche applications of spell batching and I wouldn’t be too upset to see it go, but it’d be nice if it stayed nonetheless.

  • Smaller niche applications

These are just some of the major interactions I could think of off the top of my head, but there’s many more smaller applications that added variance to the game and made it feel less scripted, with more opportunities to outplay an enemy or interesting mind games being involved.

For instance, a rogue being able to Cheap Shot a mage then Gouge him on the batch he uses Blink on in order to stop his Blink, making the rogue vs mage fight more interesting than just Cheap Shot → Blink → Shadowstep → Kidney Shot over and over as there’s no variance whatsoever.

It would be amazing if you spared some consideration for some of these interactions as they legitimately made the game a lot more fun to play for many players, with your spells having interesting secondary applications besides the obvious stuff that the tooltip states, and in many instances, helped improve the game’s balance by offering counterplay opportunities where there were none.

Thank you for reading!


Still possible, you just need tighter timing.

Still possible. Same as before.

Still possible. Same as before. I have played “redacted” servers where batching wasn’t present yet warriors could charge e/o mages could poly e/o.

Not possible in classic the same as you can’t jump a charge. The stun isn’t batched and is instant.

Yeah, I will be missing the skilled gameplay that to spam dispell magic/purge on a target that will likely NS so if you are lucky you can take it off as it’s not guaranteed so much.

Also in a game where you can get haste I’m not going to miss the fact that my kicks are batched so the last parts of a cast aren’t kickable. I’ve failed one too many poly kick as after 1.2 sec cast on a 1.5 sec spell earth shock will not work nor will grounding.

All due respect but when your latency is larger than the batching window, doing these things is not an issue of tighter timing, but a lot of the time straight up luck :slight_smile: You can press your button at the correct visual timing but a variance of 3 ms gives you a 30% chance of missing the actual timing due to latency.

Realistically speaking I think even top tier players will struggle to Vanish a HoJ at 10 ms. :slight_smile:

Wishing you the best either way!

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Main issue with the current batchin is the window is too large. 100ms would feel a lot better, yet I can’t help but being biased against it as I’ve had nothing but frustration with how clunky the classic gameplay feels from a healer PoV.


I agree 100%, a smaller window would be the perfect solution to me. 400 ms is a bit too large, 100-200ms would feel mostly right, without having to manually adjust a bunch of spells to keep their interactions. :slight_smile:

I get your pain from a healer PoV as well.

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It is weird how few people understand how impactful this is going to be in arenas. Rogue is a class that has lost a lot of benefits from the removal of batching.

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I think it looks that way because rogues have some the fanciest spell batching tricks that popular rogue streamers highlight, but most classes lose out on smaller batching tricks, for instance the double CC thing affects nearly every class.

Warrior is the only class that mostly benefits from no batching as Spell Reflect becomes insanely strong without the batching issue causing you to get CCed with Spell Reflect up, while priests arguably lose the most as SW:Ding CCs was one of the biggest benefits they had over other non-druid healers.

I think most people are just not aware of many of these things as they started after Cataclysm / MoP when most of them were already removed. That’s why I feel it is important that we raise these issue so developers can take note, and I think it’s important we are thorough with which quirks will most affect arena.

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I tried explaining this to some guild members the other day and they don’t seem to understand the impact it has in PvP. I’m glad you posted this and I hope Blizzard addresses this issue. It’s definitely something that enriched PvP.
I think something between 100ms - 200ms would be fine. 10ms is just too much and makes it pretty much impossible to do any of these tricks, especially avoiding instant cast spells.


Agreed on both fronts.

I am hopeful that they may do something, because they did do something for Seal Twisting for paladins, another trick thhat was lost with no batching, and on retail they explicitly kept a few tricks (like Shadow Word: Death having a delay on its self-damage) after they reduced batching to 10 ms there.

If we make some noise and get a lot of responses on this thread, they may yet listen!

In one word Arena … You can’t have 400ms in Arena … People will stop playing. Warlocks using Hellfire to break poly and such … Kick/Pummel not landing …

I mean no offense but I am confused, people did play arena with 400 ms batches (which would translate into ~200 ms latency), and they loved many of these tricks back then too! In fact most popular PvP-focused private servers specifically added batching for this reason. :slight_smile:

Kindly do read the thread before responding because we are not arguing for batching to stay as is, but rather that some of the tricks it enabled to be preserved! Thank you!

How about a conpromise? 10ms in open world and PvE instances and 100-200ms in PvP instances. No missed heals and spell lockouts in PvE and you keep your PvP tricks.

I as a diehard warrior disapprove of OP’s plea.

Or we just get rid of spellbatching so we can have PvP where you can’t use exploits to win.


never thought i’d see the words “spell batching” and “worth preserving” stringed together in an unironic sentence like this OP title.



People had dial up! We are all on fiber today with gaming rigs … Especially if you are a esport gamer …

Do you not realize what gamers of today would do if spell batching went live into arena and rated BG? All cancel sub instantly.

Ideally we keep the PvP tricks without any spell batching to be frank! It’s possible to preserve all of them,

You can keep your Spell Reflect! Just let us have the other things :frowning:

That is a very unfortunate and I would say 1 dimensional view of the situation. A few of these “exploits” as you call them went on to become actual parts of how these spells work after spell batching was removed on retail! :slight_smile:

You may have missed all of the threads calling for it to be added prior to Classic’s release then! You go away, meanie. :frowning:

You seem to have misunderstood. I am not suggesting we bring spell batching back, but rather some quirks it introduced are good for the game, and ought to be maintained, like the Seal Twisting mechanic Blizzard manually re-introduced for paladins. :slight_smile:

I would like to add that it is fairly disappointing to me that people appear to be coming to this thread to either hate, or to troll. Kindly, it is not that difficult to be respectful to one another, or to engage with the discussion beyond trolling or hating.

I’d rather have 0 spell batching at all in my arenas/BGs/raids etc.
It was such a bad feature in general.

Please read the thread. :frowning:

I have, and I dislike any type of spell batching :man_shrugging:
Nothing says fun like having people die from spell batching.

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