Possible ending: Sylvanas joining Team Honour

What if Sylvanas suddenly realises she has made a terrible mistake by being so dishonourable? What if she understands that the Burning of Teldrassil was an atrocious crime? Do you think people can somehow forgive her for what she has done? Maybe when she throws herself at the mercy of Anduin, Baine, Saurfang, Genn and Tyrande?

Discuss, Sylvanas has shown wisdom somewhere in the past so there is a chance she might realise it.


Even the tauren are not immune to the corruption that is ****posting


The ultimate Sylvanas redemption arc.


I hope this is true. She still has so much good in her. I know she can turn back.


I mean, I guess this could be the way to keep everyone happy right? The Sylvanas fans get to keep her, while the Horde and Alliance will be able to have vengeance by letting her face international law and justice.

Stop trolling!

Just checking and see if people want to have a friendly discussion about it, that’s all.

The only reason one could ever want that is vindictivness driving them to want to see Sylvanas’ character ruined to the greatest degree possible, as revenge for ruining so many other stories…

I personally can’t wait for Calia to redeem her in the light so that she may join the good guys for real and fight the true threats!


That’s actually an interesting scenario. We have seen the Light in a bad way, but we should also see its potential and look at the good sides of it.

First and last step after she joined team honor is to execute her immediately to save the world more if her “heroism”.


I’m okay with it, if we could also see the Void as a bad things for a change and have all Void Elves go crazy.

She’s never owned up to her mistakes. Her “wisdom” is relegated to coming up with a few creative war plans once in a while.

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Problem is, it would just be seen by Alliance players as a way to avoid punishment for her crimes. And I can’t imagine that Horde players would be happy with having Sylvanas character be even more assassinated.

Yes. If she will run to Pandaria. Remember the Garrosh? In the book they decided to leave Garrosh alive in Pandaria, to work there for ever.
But that was a spit to all Alliance fans of course. Dead Night Elves children in Ashenvale left without revenge.

“Honor” and “Sylvanas”… After Gilneas and Teldrassil, too! :rofl:


The Warchief is waging war,I see no issues.

Why should she join a gang of traitors ?


Poor thing, did the Blight catch you in the eye or something?


tbh at this point I wouldn’t consider anything impossible, no matter how absurd it may sound :smirk:

Not me, I had a mask in that quest.

Sucks for the rest though.

Oh well,respawn timer rather short.