Possible pickpocketing loot bug

So i’ve been pickpocketing mobs in Scarlet Monastery all day to get gold for my level 40 mount, and after pickpocketing all mobs in the Armory, i noticed something weird on my way out of the instance.
You see, on my way back, i tried to pickpocket the mobs at the start of the dungeon, and to my surprise, the pickpocket worked, and the loot table had reset. After doing some testing, i went out, reset the dungeon, pickpocketed all mobs in there again, went back to the entrance and to my surprise again, all the mobs had their pickpocket loot table reset, and i was basically able to endlessly farm them like that. Now, i am not sure if this is intentional or not, but I find it strange that elite mobs have their loot respawned that quickly. Now i haven’t tested if this is a general thing, but so far, every mob in Scarlet Monastery seems to have their pickpocket loot table reset on it’s own within 10-15 minutes after being looted the first time.
Would love to know if anyone else experienced the same, and whether or not it’s supposed to work like that.

Same with mobs outdoor. I found same when pickpocketed cultists in Hold at Felwood. They wasn’t killed and respawned, but was be able to pickpocket after time.
I don’t think that it’s a bug. I think it’s simple reset. Just imagine that some rogue will PP elite mobs at some area and they will stay “empty” until killed/server restart. =)

Of course it makes sense that it respawns eventually, but the time it takes to respawn seems very short, especially for elite mobs. I mean if that’s the way it’s intended to work, it’s perfectly fine, i was just very surprised and lowkey worried if I was unintentionally exploiting a bug or something

It’s well known that mobs, any mobs. Refill their pockets after ten minutes. So no, not a bug.

Yep, this. 10 minutes is the Pocket reset timer.

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