Post can be removed

We have a few trials lined up so this post can be removed for now, thank you.

Hello there,

Feel free to contact either Ricecrackers or Etoia (both their info is at the bottom of the next link) We’re a casual raid guild with a 2 day raid shedule currently progressing on heroic, but also do a lot of m+. We also have an active discord channel to keep in touch with each other.

We’re HC raiding guild on Alliance side looking for bunch of friendly DPSes to join our ranks. We rather approach things casually, so your lack of end-game-content experience won’t be an issue as long as you’re willing to learn and listen :slight_smile:

Hi Sylvaina! We have an active, friendly guild on Magtheridon server (horde side) where we raid 2 nights a week, run lots of M+ and have fun social events! :slight_smile:
We raid normal and heroic and aim to get Curve for everyone who wants the achievement each tier.

If you’d like more info, hit me up in game (Tea003#2501) or accept my Discord request (Tea003#8087) for a chat and I’ll answer any questions you may have! :smiley: