Post if you want to make some in-game friends (pt3)

About me: 26 year old man from Oslo, Norway, Been playing on and off since early Burning Crusade, so I’ve been around for the ups and downs in WoW.

Age: 26

Personality: Laid back and easy going. Can sometimes get moody during PvP content, but that quickly gets better when the BG/arena is over.

Side: Alliance only

Chars: I have all chars in 120, but I am maining a warrior DPS now.

Playing time: I play alot these days. Due to the Coronavirus I mostly stay at home. Im on most days, at all hours.

Up for: Im up for almost anything. Achievment hunting, helping people out, transmog runs, PvP, raids, m+. Im up for anything.

Other interests: Running, painting, drawing and music

Battletag: johano3012#2915

About me: 29 year old man from Gothenburg , Sweden, Been playing on and off since vanilla and always somehow find my way back to wow.

Personality: Always happy! Even if i get ganked!

Side: Alliance and horde

Chars: I have the most chars in lvl 120 and some twinks ofc.

Hobbies: Medical school (student), food, relax

Playing time: Covid-19… anytime!

Battletag: GoldenPants#27749

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Age: 28

Personality: Well first of im a guy and bi, ive been told i can be sassy at times…my tongue is faster than my thoughts. Im downloading the game again atm, as im starting fresh i would love to have a leveling buddy.

Side: Starting fresh but Horde will probably be my choice.

Realm: Dreanor

Playing time: i mean…were quarantined …cmmon

Up for: Chat/voice, leveling mby some dungeons and raids after that.

Interests: cooking, pets, wow lore?, tech savvy, anime

Battletag: DemonWrath#2432


Age: 26

Personality: Easy-going techie who enjoys his fantasy gaming, DnD and music, plenty of other stuff besides!

Side: Horde right now, will try to max a character before trying alliance I think.

Realm: Agamaggan (picked a random realm, happy to switch if advised)

Playing time: most evenings 18:00-midnight UTC

Up for: Anything. I’m new to this and looking forward to explore everything

Interests: making music, reading, DnD, playing games, watching TV

Battletag: Nimbl#2984

Age: 28

Personality: Shy at first…Joyful when I get to know another.
Mostly Play on my Druid, but have all classes on both side max lvl.

Side: Alliance

Realm: Ravencrest

Playing time: Different times but almost every day

Up for: Anything when requested

Interests: Pets/Mounts and PvP is my thing mostly

Battletag: MetalGod#21256

Age: 20+

Personality: Easy going, friendly and generous.

Side: Horde

Chars: Regmi (Tarren Mill)

Hunter: (DPS)

Spec: Beast mastery

Playing time: (at the moment) Currently any time that I get online. Due to the current situation I am playing any time that I can.

Up for: I have just started to play games, this is my first ever game and therefore I am looking for people that are patient and willing to help me with starting to understand games in general and are happy to help with the basics of World of Warcraft. Currently I am starting out with leveling, I am just reaching level 50 as of writing this and in love with doing dungeons, I have done some quests but prefer to do them in small doses if possible. And that is why I have been looking out for some fellow gaming friends so that we could do fun stuffs together and etc.

Other interests: I like doing karaokes, playing ludo, basketball, learning new languages etc, (you’ll eventually get to know some other stuffs as well).

Battletag: Blue#25910

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Hey folks - very up for making some friends this time around on WOW (I’ve literally never made ANY on previous plays - really just did the set missions and didn’t get involved) but this time I’d like to explore the social aspect a bit. I might as well be a complete noob as although my character is Level 55 or so (Tag: Fessgaryn) this is only because I did mission after mission a few years back when I had a few weeks off work.

About me:

Age: 42

Personality: I’m a bit like a real-life Guybrush Threepwood from Monkey Island. Non-tech geek, can be moderately sarcastic and I tend to get on well with all types of people (especially the patient ones).

Side: No idea, really - I’m human alliance (Argent Dawn ser)


Warrior Lev.55

Spec: Combat only

Playing time: (at the moment): varies but I’m on lockdown in the UK so UK times! I tend to work Mon, Wed and Fri so Tue and Thu are best - I’m also available after 7.30pm as I often read to my two small smurfs before they go to sleep!

Up for: friends and being sociable!

Other interests: reading, writing, movies, music, retro-gaming.

Battletag: Fessgaryn#21994


My name is Kari, I am 26 and I am from Ålesund in Norway! I just started to play today and Druid - I picked a random server as I wasn’t sure (and my name was available!!)

My battletag is Kari#21504 if you want :smiley:


Sorry about the battletag. Didn’t realise it was any use.
It’s Kryspen#2146
As for being able to play - put at least some of that down to 40 years in IT - mostly as a unix consultant.

About me:

Age: 25

Country: Croatia (living in Germany)

Side: Horde only

Characters: Rogue 120 Level (Doomhammer) and Warrior 40 Level (Tarren Mill)
Willing to switch realm if we both agree on one.

I am looking for a buddy who will spend some time with me doing quests, farming, leveling a char, talking sht on Discord, maybe some PVP and all the other things that WoW gives us.

I am friendly, not shy, I can accept all kinds of jokes, I don’t talk a lot and I am not annoying (atleast I hope so)

I have a wife and a daugther, which means that I cannot play 24/7 like I used to do when I was 16.
I’d say I could play daily 6 or 7 hours. It all depends.

I really hope I can find a gaming soulmate.
Please hit me up if you think we can click as gaming partners (no homOo)



So yea, About me:

Age: 16

Country: Denmark

Side: I do both, Pref Horde tho

Chars: Rogue 120 (2, One ally one horde) and a bunch more haha
I will switch both realm faction and everything if we can agree to where ahha

I am just looking for 1(or more) friends to play wow with, All the people i used to play wow with have either quit or ive lost contact with them, which is very annoying and sad…

I will do anything in wow, i love this game and everything in it. Pvp, m+, raiding or really anything you want to.

I am friendly(i think), as long as you dont make me mad i wont be mad at you, I love humor so dont be too dry, I can play serious if what we do requires it.

I can play quite often, especially now that our government has cancelled school until after summer.

I hope to find someone(or more) to play wow with as the game is just not the same alone.


About me: 29 year old man from Sweden, Been playing on and off since vanilla and always somehow find my way back to wow. (Yes, I am plåtburken also) Did just take this acc in action again so have none to play with at this moment. So if u want to play with someone that have cool oldschool titels and dope transmogs im our friend! :wink: And ofc helpful!

Personality: Easy going dude!

Side: Alliance and horde (AD, Outlands, Ravencrest, Kazzak, Sunstrider, Genjours)

Chars: I have the most chars and some twinks ofc.

Hobbies: Medical school (student), food, relax and ofc WoW since 2005.

Playing time: Depends!

Battletag: Improve#2941


Hiyah! I’m very new to EU, been mostly playing on NA for the last 7 years, but I recently moved to Russia, so now I’m slowly transitioning to EU servers and coming back to WoW for Shadowlands. It’d be nice to just get to know some people!

I’m going to be maining a pally for the foreseeable future, mainly as a holy but I prefer to master all specs of the class I’m playing.

I enjoy the most mythic raiding and ranked arena as my content of choice in wow. Back on NA, the guilds I raided with consistently took world top 300-600 spots and I got around 2k mmr in arena. Nothing crazy or anything, but I consider myself a decent player with somewhat casual schedule. Had quite a few orange parses back in my legion days! Here’s my now forgotten NA main: us/aerie-peak/Envs

A bit about myself, I’m 23M, starting my career as a full stack web developer, I enjoy spending my time playing league of legends, watching anime(total weeb btw), getting out to play dnd with friends and new people sometimes, and lots of other nerdy stuff! What I value the most in people: kindness/wholesomeness, honesty, and open mindedness! :sweat_smile:

You can reach out to me via
bnet: ashh#21328
discord: Ashh#5672

Thanks for taking your time to read this and have a wonderful day! :kissing_heart:

Still looking for a friend :’(

hi, im looking for a wow-pal who is willing to waste their life on this miserable game and have a blast!

ive been playing on and off since late wotlk. i havent been very active at all during this expansion, it would be fun to explore it with someone!
my playstyle is very laid back and casual, ive also done my fair share of roleplaying in the past and wouldn’t mind trying to get back into it.

i am a filthy altoholic, constantly creating new characters is the bane of my existence.

faction: both
server/realm: argent dawn
battletag: #Aylie2578

about me:
age: 22
personality: you can be the judge of that since thinking about myself for more than 0.3 seconds gives me existential dread
interests: music, arts and crafts, league of legends is a bad game but i love it, weird occult stuff. the list goes on!
special talents: somehow managing to do a lux ultimate backwards on league, thats about it

cheers folks, i hope to see you in game! -Aylie :sunflower:

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Hey, i bounce on and off on wow but i love the game, but none of my friends plays it anymore… :((


i am from norway

im23 atm

i play horde
but have allys aswell
im rlly chill and laidback

i play dk

i just want nice/funny guys to play with

battle tag Fabby#21104

and im also looking for a good eu server to transfer my main is on grim batol atm, i look for a nice one with nice/funny people :smiley:

About me: not much to say

Age: 38

Personality: Sarcastic

Side: Alliance

Chars: Lufia

Hobbies: Games :wink:

Playing time: Varied

Battletag: Lufia#21420

About me: 32 year old man, Been playing MMOs and RPGs for a number of years but never Warcraft. Interested in guilds and friends that can give insight Into lore and background of older Content

Personality: Easy going.

Side: Horde (Draenor)

Chars: Warrior.

Hobbies: Family, fishing and gaming.

Playing time: most days around 3-5 hours and weekends.

Battletag: MightyBeast#2148981


I’m Nicole, I’m 27 and from Scotland. Would like to make some friends - usually like running old raids for transmog sets/mounts etc :slight_smile:

I’m on pretty much all the time these days - nothing else to do! Nicole#22893

Thanks :slight_smile:

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Im 19 yro M from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Would be great to find some friends to play WoW with cuz none of my irl ones play it sadly :frowning:
I have 2 chars on 120 lvl (Alliance - Silvermoon) , (Horde - Draenor).
It’d be nice to have someone guide me in the game lol.
Im up for anything basically, just need some guidance.
Thanks in advance ! :stuck_out_tongue:
Discord: Kazuki#2378