Potential rerollers LF home

We are two potential re-rollers testing the waters on Silvermoon. Currently playing Horde and have been for both Legion and BFA, but kind of missing alliance and this seems to be the go-to realm for PvE anyway.

Who are we

  • Both over 30.
  • Fairly social and looking for a place to fit in more importantly than progress.
  • Want to raid on a 2 days per week schedule.
  • Experience in lower end of mythic raiding spectrum (currently 5/8 EP).
  • M+ Experience around 1700 Rio (season 3) on multiple characters mainly as tank (prot warr / guardian druid + holy priest / resto druid).
  • I mainly play as a DPS or Tank and she mainly plays Healer.
  • Right now i play a Fury Warrior as my main raid character and she plays a Disc priest.
  • Both have had previous officer roles in multiple guilds, me being a raid leader and her being a healing officer.

What are we looking for

  • A nice and friendly guild mainly with players of the more mature kind and a community we can be a part of for a longer time. Guild hopping is not interesting for us but this expansion has proven to be a challenge in this regard.
  • We are both fairly vocal personalities, if you expect people to blindly follow and never ask questions or challenge your ideas then we are not a good fit for you.
  • Mythic raiding
  • A place where we can improve, have fun, challenge ourselves and beat the crap out of some bosses.
  • A welcoming community, just as we will make effort to be a part of activities and include other guild members we expect you to make an effort to include and integrate us into your guild and your team.

I aplogize in advance for any spelling and or grammar mistakes on my part, English is not my first language.

Hey there I run a small Alliance guild on Silvermoon, here is our guild post. Please contact me if your interested!

Hiya Nemía, a lot of what you posted really rung true with me, both with what we offer and expect from our members so we might be a really good fit for you :slight_smile: We have been an active raiding guild on Silvermoon since January 2007. We are a strong group of friends and the social aspect of the guild is hugely important to us, respecting and being friendly to one another is key.
We have 2 raiding teams for differing difficulty and skill level so no one is left out that wants to raid.
We raid 2 days a week in both teams but from your post I think our Mythic progression team would be what you are looking for (we call it ‘Killers’) and that is Mon and Wed 19.45-23.00. Many people from this team have raided together for years but we are always happy to welcome new people to the fold.
We are just coming back from a raiding break now hence the reason we are recruiting so the timing is just right. We were 20% on Mythic Ashvane best try pre nerf so we are into Mythic already just looking to get going again.
When people join us we want it to be for the long haul, that is the kind of people we look for so if this appeals to you please get in touch. Asta#2730 :slight_smile:

Take a look at the guild - we have a main focus on PvE content with a rich history of completing CE. - Welcome to contact me whenever you feel like in game using the links provided there :slight_smile:

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