Think this is an excellent video. Bloat has gotten completely out of hand. Every class feels terrible to play because nothing you do feels like it has an impact due to all the intertwining passive creep from the talents.
It annoys me to no end, because with all this bloat and needless complexity, how did Blizzard not remember why they culled all the bloat and complexity in the first place by the time Legion released.
I complain endlessly about Class discord mod design, and I do think that the current game is basically designed for WoW class discord mods at the cost of pretty much everyone else and the game is significantly worse off for it.
People laughed when I talked about this in my Hekili and Tier set bloat threads during DF. Well who is laughing now?
According to the stats some of the most played DPS specs are Retribution, Beastmaster Destruction Lock and Fury Warrior⌠anyone guess as to why lol?
Iâm not sure this relates to power creep. Not the right time to watch the linked vid, so I shall not.
Personally I donât think power creep is enough this season. Can walk into a +10 with everyone at 630+ and still deplete if any one person is having a bad day. Power didnât creep at all, it is borderline inadequate.
Blizzard designs with competitive content in mind, not with class fantasy. The problem lies there and unless theyâre willing to change the game back to how it was supposed to be itâll never change. The more things they add the worse itâs going to be.
Feedback falls on deaf ears so at this point it feels like you can either accept it and take the game for what it is, or give up and quit. (or live in the past and play classic)
You are right though, it is sad. Even more so that Blizzard doesnât seem to care.
Power creep is measured against a non-scaling target. The easiest way to measure it right now is through comparison in effectiveness between a player with introductory equipment for level 80 and 0 gems, enchants, consumables, etc. and another player with currently optimized equipment and every possible gem, enchant etc. The former player has like 2500K health and needs, I donât know, 10 seconds to kill an enemy of equal HP. The latter player has 7000K health (an increase of 180%) and can kill the same enemy of 2500K in 3 seconds. The numbers of course do not represent every single scenario, but are representative enough to give substance to the example.
Its not about you being strong or weak, its about spells having 10 different hooks instead of just being a single spell. Passives on top of passives. Classes having too big of a toolkit so much so that they donât even fit the class fantasy anymore.
Wouldnât use the term powercreep for it myself but the guy in the video does.
Edit: He also shows with a weak aura how many additional effects come from talents and argues that its too much and it shouldnât be like that.
Thatâs because you are trying to carry them in content that is designed for equipment way beyond what their current equipment is. Since I donât have concrete numbers to provide a real scenario, Iâll use an imaginary one:
Suppose you are trying to boost your acquaintances in a M+ dungeon which requires 2 million dps from the entire group to reach the end before the timer expires. In an ideal scenario, this means that the dungeon requires ~600k dps from each of the damage dealers and a remaining 200k from the tank+healer. But if the group you are trying to boost cannot provide these numbers due to low equipment item level and they can only add up to 500k dps total, that means itâs up to you to break 1.5m dps to time the dungeon. In this specific scenario, the power creep you need is of the order of 150% to overcome this.
The logical argument is âWell ok, so why not let people reach that high power creep or even higher?â. The issue then becomes with static challenges in the overworld and reward vs effort metrics. Stuff like World Bosses and Elite targets need to maintain a sense of difficulty to keep the game interesting and require some time to take down to disallow extreme gold inflation. And right now power creep is high enough that within the first tier of equipment of the expansion we can defeat without external help targets intended for groups with 70M hp. Imagine how even easier it will be with 11.1 and 11.2 equipment, weâll probably see people soloing Khaz Algar World Bosses before the end of the expansion, similar to how some specs could even solo the bear World Boss in Amirdrassil during the same patch it was released.
I miss the time when most abilities were âDeals between X and Y damageâ.
The passive bloat is real though. We are peppered with most useless and boring passives ever designed.
For real, let me ask you if you find this interesting, engaging:
New Tier set bonus: after you use X ability you get a stack of berries. Every 10 seconds, you consume 3 berries to give 5% for your Y ability to deal 60% more damage over 4 sec.
In effect, none of your gameplay rotations are affected at all, you play exactly the same as without the set bonus.
Just as you would say âthis meeting could have been an emailâ, I would say âthis wall of text could have been a +12% damage doneâ
Players asked for talents and this is what you get with talents.
However, passives never truly went away; we just get to choose them now. They would sneak them into ranks of spells etc. Did you play during Warlords of Draenor, âdraenor perksâ were extra passives.
Also, define strong? what canât you do? how do you feel weak? I mean, no one performs like Echo/Liquid players if thatâs your goal. But itâs hard for me to believe that with such an item lvl you are not competing with people that are maxed geared out, is all about skills.
1 man canât carry 4 people thru a a dungeon, delve, if they afk - but you for sure wonât hault them, is on the whole team if they overpull/stand in poop / donât kick - a lot of factors.
Iâm a veteran player and the complexity keeps me annoyed and detached at this point. I liked it for most part but they crossed the line of âfun and complexâ and went into âsim yourself to deathâ and âcopy warcraftlog talentsâ because itâs impossible to make even educated guesses at this point.
Like, every tiniest % adjustment in the talents can literally change the rotation, at least for mages, and if you are not up-to-date with class discord modsâ info you are gonna have a bad time as a lot of rotations get unintuitive.
Anyway, trying to keep track of all the passive procs is annoying - more and more weakaura because all Blizzard gives is a flashy button sometimes that is easier to miss than old school UI signals like say FoF or FFB had.
whatâs funny is that in the video, itâs the heal monk (who has been nerfed in gameplay on the number of spells since tww compared to df)
This is really the perfect addon for noobs, because you will remain useless if you use it
With 630 ilvl normaly you should normally +2 or even +3 all the keys
you can do +10 with 610 ilvl, 630 you will have to do 11-12 and 635+ 13/14, 16+ 638+
if the gear has an impact, but doing 10s with 630 ilvl is ridiculous, unless you want to do your weekly.
I liked the part on the video where the mw say that healing pugs feel like battle in trenches of ww2 cause people are just not using their interrupts or cc at all in the encounters so the healer just has to deal with it. Thats exactly what ppl do in soloqs in pvp too.
Okay they could do bit of less on the cc what they now gave for every class but they also cant tune the game entirely according ppl who dont kick or use half their cc if they dont understand the importance of it how to stop prio targets cds from hurting us and the like.
But I dont know whats the solution to that, make game like classic? Well then its boring for retail people, I dont know how to teach the guy play who only pressing his dmg buttons either, Im not a teacher.
I also like how the guy in the video bascially reiterates a looot of points I made back at start of expac in my infamous thread. Basically I see my points pop up everywhere. Except then I was called a moron and now âeveryone seems to be noticingâ.
Game often gives us info popups like âThis boss is doing this, take coverâ. So maybe on keys 0-9 when the game âseesâ according to algorithm that a lot or just too many dangerous interruptible spells went off - the players not pressing anything except DPS should get âMaybe you should start pressing, e.g. Pummel, to stop the dangerous casts!â
IDK. Seems logical.