What is Hekili?
Hekili is a priority helper addon that can make recommendations several steps into the future. It works by collecting information about the game’s current state, using a SimulationCraft-like action priority list (APL) to recommend the next ability to use, then modifying the game state and making the next prediction. All DPS specializations are currently supported as well as all tanking specializations.
The fact that Hekili an addon that helps people perform their rotations has 27 million downloads is insanity. In any well designed game you should not need third party software that TELLS people what to cast because the design of the game is so complex.
We are not even talking about complex weak auras to deal with overtuned fights so the top 1 % can have fun. We are not even talking about addons that yell at you when you are standing in bad. This is an addon that is enjoying success just because people can not perform their rotation to a satisfactory degree because of the needless and hurtful complexity of the game.
Why is no content creator covering how the game is clearly too complex and bloated? Are they all afraid of being called bad? Why is D4 massively popular when the game has like 6 buttons?
I know what people will say: bUt tHiS iS nOt a mObA.
Was Classic WoW a MOBA? No. Was TBC a MOBA? No. Was WTLK a MOBA? No. Was Legion after the great prune a MOBA? No.
The complexity of retail WoW game design is a complete failure and the massive demand for an addon like Hekili makes this obvious. Blizzard, please stop flirting with RWF players in their DMs or fooling around with Class Discord mods and get in touch with normal people who make up the foundation of this game. You know the normal people who made D4 earn over 600 million in a single week, the normal people who made WoW the biggest MMORPG of all time during the TBC / Wrath era. These are who the game should be designed around.
Complexity in retail WoW should never have been allowed to spread this far and wide. We can not allow this convoluted game design to spread any further. This complexity of bloated rotations must be purged. It is the only way.