Well try Devestation. From what I’ve heard the APM is very low.
Passive wise I can choose some passives on Ret (the passive that removes crusader strike also being the best option sim wise). And yes Blizzard said that, but it was requested and stated that more active talents should yield higher results. You can technically get away with a full passive built and still clear the content, the issue isnt the built but the people going ballistic if you’re not cookie cutter (as long as you pull your weight I couldnt give less of a rats if your damage is like 10% lower of whats possible. Or even 20. Most of the stuff is mechanical anyhow. Including in keys.)
– Assa example incoming, you can skip.
But I can argue against passive options. At least they arent always better. Case in point Thistle Tea. Thistle Tea auto procs at 29 energy since the anniversary patch. This unironically made it more annoying to use because you don’t want to press it outside of when you actually want it (damage window aka kingsbane. Not neccesarily needed for Deathmark because youre getting spammed with energy during it)
Serrated Bone Spike was also turned into a passive for Assa. The only annoying thing about Assa for instance right now is, and that is unacceptable, is how Envenom works with Twist the Knife. The Blizzard UI isnt capable of properly tracking the double envenom stacks. Yes you can also ignore this but the moment you know how it works (which you see when you watch the debuff. We, the rogue discord, noticed this instantly) you just get heavily annoyed and get a weakaura to track the seperate stacks. Blizzard only displays one buff that stacks but the stacks have their own seperate uptime and pandemic that you can’t otherwise track.
Other than that the spec is as straight forwards as it could be. Get CP, don’t waste more CP than necessary (same principle as Ret), keep dots and envenom buff running and use your CD every 1-2min.
And despite this Assa, just like Rogue in general, isnt an attractive class to a lot if not most people. You would also see A LOT of ret players drop the moment the class either gets its damage chopped or (which arguably translate into the same) have their range chopped because rets are a pseudo melee.
– example over
And it may also be the class in general thats attractive. Look at the druid population for instance. Shamans are very high too and from what I’ve heard they are hard/annoying to play. Both Elemental and Enha. But their numbers are pulling them up playerbase wise.
Mage is another offender. Its very popular but the class is hard. You can watch mage performance do ping pong from key to key and from raid to raid, its fascinating (more than any other class. At least from my personal observation).