Stop doing it. If you’re level 120, you have better things to do than one shot people’s alts when they’re just trying to level, especially if they’re not even running BfA content.
Blizzard, please add more guards to low level FP areas, please!
Stop doing it. If you’re level 120, you have better things to do than one shot people’s alts when they’re just trying to level, especially if they’re not even running BfA content.
Blizzard, please add more guards to low level FP areas, please!
Ganking will always be a part of warmode/pvp. Some people gank purely just to gank, others do it as a form of revenge if they have been ganked.
Go get your main
If you don’t like it - turn off WM.
And miss out on a huge XP bonus? Are you mental?
The bonus is for the “time lost whilst dead” to equate to non WM.
Well no, that’s absolutely silly. The idea behind a game is fun/entertainment/etcetera, so the game mechanic should be designed to do that. The pay off to warmode is that you might have to pvp occasionally with other players in the world, but it’s not enjoyable when you’re level 1-60 and you’re being hounded by 120 players.
Yesterday on Vol’dun assault i saw Alliance boomkin who was attacking like 3, or 4 afkers on FP. Blizz should make FP and 20yd around FP sanctuary area, when pvp is not possible, to avoid exploiting it, when you go out of this circle, you are flagged, and when you enter again you are still attackable.
No different to PvP servers of old. The bonus is there for the time lost and nothing more. If they made lvl 60’s “unkillable” by 120’s etc then they’d have to remove the XP bonus.
I’m not even talking about BfA warmode camping. I’m talking about max level players hunting players down in base WoW.
You know, I reckon we are being naive here. There is gold to be made out of this ganking of low levels business, becoming hired bodyguards to people levelling in WM would be no worse than boost selling…
NB: I take no responsibility for this idea if trade chat become full if WM bodyguard sellers. It is not my fault!
At the very least, the system should be designed so that one party is at least benefiting. There is literally no reward to camping an FP where only players not even a fraction of your stats are going to spawn. At the end of the day, no sane player is going to turn down a 20% exp increase.
Do we ? It’s BfA
Also turn off war mode if it’s a problem, I haven’t had a single problem with ganking since the release of BfA
Hey. It’s not Blizzard’s fault if you can’t find content to do or rush through it too quickly.
I think you said it yourself pretty well. Take your own advice, friend.
The reward for those that gank (I don’t btw) is reading threads like this.
Once more. It’s borderline insanity to deny yourself access to more of your class abilities and a 20% increase to levelling. You’re also not representative of the entire player base.
WarMode xp profit is not for nothing. You check WM with responsibility and awarness of that you will be flagged, so any player of the opposite faction can kill you as many times as he wants. It’s a risk but it’s profitable to turn WM on even if you’re ganked for 30minutes in the long run.