Pre-60 Warmode FP Camping

I’m not even talking about BfA warmode camping. I’m talking about max level players hunting players down in base WoW.

You know, I reckon we are being naive here. There is gold to be made out of this ganking of low levels business, becoming hired bodyguards to people levelling in WM would be no worse than boost selling…

NB: I take no responsibility for this idea if trade chat become full if WM bodyguard sellers. It is not my fault!

At the very least, the system should be designed so that one party is at least benefiting. There is literally no reward to camping an FP where only players not even a fraction of your stats are going to spawn. At the end of the day, no sane player is going to turn down a 20% exp increase.

Do we ? It’s BfA

Also turn off war mode if it’s a problem, I haven’t had a single problem with ganking since the release of BfA

Hey. It’s not Blizzard’s fault if you can’t find content to do or rush through it too quickly.

I think you said it yourself pretty well. Take your own advice, friend.

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The reward for those that gank (I don’t btw) is reading threads like this.

Once more. It’s borderline insanity to deny yourself access to more of your class abilities and a 20% increase to levelling. You’re also not representative of the entire player base.

WarMode xp profit is not for nothing. You check WM with responsibility and awarness of that you will be flagged, so any player of the opposite faction can kill you as many times as he wants. It’s a risk but it’s profitable to turn WM on even if you’re ganked for 30minutes in the long run.


This was in reference to BfA content. Content prior to that offers no rewards for such tactics and it’s a general waste of time.

Camping FPs in BfA doesn’t offer rewards either as people who land have a “honorless target” debuff.

To quote you once again:

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You’re making me blush.

At the very least, there’s more sport in BfA content regardless. One shotting a player repeatedly for no gain is completely pointless.

What would be the downside of war mode if they removed PvP? I don’t get it.
Low level ganking has been a thing since classic and probably one of the best things in the game because it encourages world pvp and makes the game feel alive. Remember the one south park episode with that one guy ganking low level players? Reason why I and many others started playing. If they showed an episode with only PvE content/leveling I wouldn’t have picked up WoW ever.

Blizz should rather focus on making less shítty expansions than changing systems that have worked perfectly fine over the years

I don’t really care for warmode as a concept but I’m not going to turn my nose up to free exp and extra abilities, some of which shouldn’t really be exclusive to warmode. I generally find that to be a pretty stupid movie.

I’d also like to add that there’s a difference between fighting a war and just nuking your opponent off the map.

I’m only ganking as a revenge if im leveling peacfully and doing quest after quest, passing by alliance with no harm done, sometimes even helping to finish harder elite. But there must be a moron who enters the area and 1 shot moonfire every horde player because he thinks he is so cool, not thinking about wasting someones time.

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It’s not any more sporting, people landing on top of a 10+ man group get killed just as quickly as lowbies in front of a 120.

It’s not there to be a free bonus for you to just nab without potential downsides. Blizzard’s words, not mine.

As far as I see, it’s system working as intended, the universe balancing out your experience. I suggest you take your own advice on turning off WM if it becomes too much.
You’d have to be pretty bonkers to play the game in a mode that you don’t enjoy after all, no?

Just to clarify once more.

When I’m doing BfA content, I generally don’t care if I get ganked on a regular basis. I’ve had times when I’ve been able to avoid ganks or get away, or have lured higher level players to their deaths because they haven’t been able to one shot me. I actually had similar things happen back when I’ve been ganked in the past during vanilla/tbc/etc. We’re not in those times anymore though.

I’ve had this happen. I’ve gotten away, or been in a position to retaliate.

And it pretty much is a free bonus because all I have to do is turn it on and there you go, free bonus stuff.

I don’t see getting attacked as a downside. I see being single shot on a new character repeatedly as a downside. It’s even more trouble for the whole zone when a flight master is just nuked off the map constantly.

The only thing the enemy player gets out of doing this is making your play experience bad for a small tinge of what should be considered negative satisfaction which should honestly be discouraged from a game-play point of view.

Heck, it’s not even so bad when it happens out in the questing zones themselves but when one member of the enemy faction can just steamroll a whole town which should serve as something of a safe zone, that’s a bit silly.

A guild on Outland advertise for being a bodyguard - I’m afraid you are too late with this idea :wink:

Ahh well, just goes to show it’s a good idea :rofl: and I can now rest easy that no blame for trade chat spam can be laid at my door.

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I’d be the kind of body guard that takes double the amount of gold from the gankers and let them gank my client while pretending to have lag or dc or somethings, then after a couple of times when the client is done with me I’d tab into my other account and corpse camp them :smiley: