Pre-Patch created dead keys that close the game on Mac, e.g. ^ and ´ with German keyboard settings

My keyboard is working now ˇand ’ will not crash the game with my own keyboard language selection. I dont really care for cmd+q, so didn’t try that.

Thank you.

Can confirm that ¨/^ and ´/` work as intended now, but Cmd+Q still shuts down the game (which works as intended, but unfortunately was preferable up until TWW, as Cmd is often used to right click, and Q is used to run / \ (whatever these directions are called), so game often shuts down just for me moving around lol)

Hey all,

Thank you for all the responses so far, I’m glad to see that the main issue seems to have been resolved now. :slight_smile:

Our developers are now investigating the issue with cmd+Q.

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Hey all,

As a final update, the cmd+Q issue was fixed in he last patch (55939).


New issue: Cmd+M now switches between fullscreen and windowed mode. This was not the case until 10.0.2. Can you remove this keybind too?

It’s insanely annoying.

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