Pre-patch - Evoker

Able to play Evoker first week or later? I am unsure if I miss any info about it. Thanks!

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During the pre-patch.
not clear if first day tho

Later. There’ll be 2 phases of the pre patch. First will give us new UI, new talent system, not sure about new profession system and new race-class combos. Second phase, two weeks later but I’m not sure will give pre patch events, Dracthyr Evokers and Uldaman dungeon.

Evoker will be available during the pre-patch event, not when pre-patch launches.

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Current estimate is two weeks after pre patch. So Probably November 9thish? But nothing official yet.

And only if you pre-ordered.

Not giving Dracthyr at the start of pre-patch would be a mistake. It would really annoy a lot of players.


Not from the start but somewhere in between you will have access. Though from what is being understood you wont be able to play further than the Evoker starting zone. Most are reading this as you cant leave that area at all not even to participate in pre launch activity. You stuck there until the expansion official launch late November.

They gave Evoker SL Unity Legendary, Conduits and all that. What would be the point of doing so if you can’t even leave starting zone?

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to expand in that, why have that if you can only play an evoker for 2 weeks before launch? :confused:

Agreed but there was thread a couple of days ago (I cant find it now) and there was a post quoted in it that said it would be available to play later in the pre patch but you could not venture past the starting zone. Hence I said:

Meaning this is how players have interpreted the post. There was also arguments stating the Panda and DH were able to so they could not understand why Evoker would not.

Edit: Found it - need to scroll through for the links as I cant paste external links.

Evokers start at level 58, and will have access to their starting zone in the Dragon Isles, but will not be able to venture beyond that until the expansion launches.

I hope that isn’t true. I was hoping to settle into my Evoker and so some older content in the pre-patch. If you are essentially locked in your starting area until the launch date then there doesn’t seem much point in playing pre-patch if you want to main Evoker.

I read it as ‘The starting zone is on the Dragon Isles, but you will not be able to explore them any further until the actual expansion’.

Similar to how demon hunters ended their starting zone outside the Vault of the Wardens, on the Broken Isles, but couldn’t explore the Broken Isles any further.

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Where is the official information for this?

u cant play evoker in prepatch not in the first prepatch

Says who and where???

becourse it is 2 step prepatch evoker will be playable 2 weeks before DF realice …

Pretty much this, as Blizz have already stated Evokers will come during pre patch not at the start.

But WHERE did they state this? I have not found anything that actually says or confirms this, just players.

Please READ and understand below! P.S I bolded it for you;

Blue Tracker | Official Post

Don’t delay. The winds will shift once more when the new dracthyr Evoker becomes playable during the Dragonflight pre-expansion patch, and the experience buff will no longer be available.

You are looking at Evoker’s becoming available 2 weeks before Dragonflight’s release sooo 15/11/22.

Thank you but I’m sorry but that doesn’t explicitly say that Dracthyr aren’t available straight off the bat or that there are two phases. I can see how it may be read that way but I don’t read it that way.