Pre-Purchase the World of Warcraft®: The War Within™ 20th Anniversary Collector's Edition

It will work the same way, even if you bought CE first because you wont get the CE code until the box arrives.

So you can buy your digital and then when you claim the CE code you’ll get the credit.


Interesting but are we talking about refund to our bank account or refund into the Bnet wallet, not the same.

'cause not because its not a good things but personnaly except WoW i dont buy other blizzard things :stuck_out_tongue: I tried Diablo4 but… haem you know… :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

They always do it as a credit to your Bnet.

so you can buy game time, or toys or mounts or whatsoever :slight_smile:

Two hundred euros for the collectors edition and ONE HUNDRED EURO SHIPPING?
Cant you just remove 60e? For the digital stuff?

So, statue measurements:
24.13cm x 22.86cm x 33.02cm.
Box measurements:
27.2cm x 30.6cm x 7.4cm

total: 51.33 x 53.46 x 40.42 cm which equals to aprox 22kg of volumetric weight.
If we add some packing materials as well (if needed) We are well above those statements of 15kg volumetric weight which the freight cost is based on.

If we use standard 6000 for truck/road, we end up at around 19kg of volumetric weight. It´s still not huge warranting over 100€ in shipping as the D4 box was around the same total volumetric weight which ended up around 30€ in freight to sweden. Unfortunatley the support does´nt really seem to be able to answer the questions about this as i´m just still getting the same reply…


Suppose i should be sending tickets to CS too, i’ve cancelled my sub but unless this gets more attention i doubt anything will come out of it and we just have to eat the shipping, find a forwarding or just stop collecting these ripoff things blizzard tries to sell us.

They never reduced the D4 CE box thing and recently just removed it off the storefront with prob who knows how many unsold units, they would rather trash the extra stock than sell it cheaper.

Prime example of how bad customer support is when it´s not even comperehending the questions…

I had the same issue with the DF collectors eidition, which took me more than 30 emails to finally get that my mouse pad would not be shipped…

But this is after all a small indie company…

Dear Pashmack,

Thank you for contcating Blizzard store.

We inform you that it is not possible to change the delkivery adress of an item in preorder. We inform you that no changes can be made once the order has been accepted or confirmed

Best regards,

AP | CS Advisor

On Tue, 23 Apr at 7:54 AM , Pashmack wrote:

[EXTERNAL EMAIL] - Do not click links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

I did´nt get any reply. According to the web page the measurements of the box is just the same measurements as the previous collectors edition boxes. It does´n include the measurement of the statue, unless the statue is really small.

If that statue is really small the freight cost to for example sweden is just wrong. It´s not possible that the freight calculation of the box i three times higher than the D4 Collectors edition when be box is 1/5 of the size.

Please give me the correct measurements of the total package. Thank you.


On 2024-04-19 15:21, Pashmack wrote:

Thank you. Bu that meana the package i smaller than the D4 collectors edition but with three times the freight cost?


19 apr. 2024 kl. 15:16 skrev Blizzard Gear Shopify Order Email address
Dear Pashmack,

Thank you for contcating Blizzard store.

We inform you that it is not possible to change the delivery adress of an item in preorder. We inform you that no changes can be made once the order has been accepted or confirmed.

We inform you that you can find this information in the description of the product

Best regards,

AP | CS Advisor

On Fri, 19 Apr at 8:52 AM ,Pashmack wrote:

[EXTERNAL EMAIL] - Do not click links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

That is really bad.

What is the exact measurements of the entite CE box including the statue?


19 apr. 2024 kl. 14:44 skrev Blizzard Gear Shopify Order Email address
Dear Pashmack,

Thank you for contcating Blizzard store.

We inform you that it is not possible to change the delkivery adress of an item in preorder. We inform you that no changes can be made once the order has been accepted or confirmed

Best regards,

AP | CS Advisor

On Fri, 19 Apr at 7:35 AM , Pashmack wrote:

I´m travelling and have multiple homes, thus i need to know i can change an pre-ordered items delivery and shipment address later as i do not want the package to end up at the location where i´m not. And as there is not delivery date set yet, i can´t plan my work scehdule based on it either.


It does contain information on how big the statue is.
The statue is pretty large and weighs a good amount as well.

But yeah the shipping costs is still crazy for what it is, and that you are forced to get that option.

Yes, but it does´nt contain information about total package size, which is important for some addresses and shipment methods…

the reason why the eu store was established in the first place was to make purchases more accessible to EU customers. but it seems not all issues can be solved with a regional store. i ll say it again. these CEs are supposed to be there for the fans that really want something more from the game. however these practices only suit the ppl who have huge amount of money or those who can pay whatever price because they only plan to sell the CE in the future for 3 or 4 times the amount.
If the size and weight of the statue justifies the shipping costs then the only solution is for them to sell a different version of the CE without the statue and perhaps the digital goods for those that are at least interested in the rest of the items.

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True, which is basicly ruined with these shipping prices, if we didnt face import taxe it would be cheaper to just buy the US version, like really what the heck happened here?

Something happened between D4 and this. D4 collectors was big, but with normal shipping costs. this new CE is just stupidly priced for no good reason

So i have ordered both the TWW and the DF collector’s edition in the same order from the EU store. I live in Switzerland and payed 100$ shipping.
The DF CE already arrived from spain and UPS charged me another 32$ for import charges and stuff. Probably the same will happen when the TWW CE arrives so in total i would pay 164$ shipping. 100% scammed on this, even ebay shipping prices are cheaper

Most likely u’ll be paying even more once the TWW box comes as it costs about 70€ more, so add import taxes to that amount in addition.
It’s just a scam, i reckon if im not picky about getting TWW CE box right away i could get it mail forwarded for less ordering it form the states to denmark than the service blizzard has given, which really cant be right.

if TWW is still focusing on the end game and make the lvling experience to easy then i prob will just by the basic version lvl up my toons and then go back to Classic.

at these shipping costs we’re probably cheaper when buying off ebay

it will be so go ahead already

I’ll buy it, at least for ebay Kekw