Pre-Purchase the World of Warcraft®: The War Within™ 20th Anniversary Collector's Edition

Absolutely outrageous pricing. One thing is the CE itself, which is double as expensive as last time around, but the cost of shipping on top of it!? It’s 99€ to Denmark!
This might be the first time I’m not buying the CE. Very disappointing, Blizzard.


I wouldnt buy the CE box anyway, but reading this topic and shipping is 99 euros, how will they send it?

Will it be hand delivered by Ion?
Is it packaged in a titanium chest?

Sure, its a bit of a bigger package but i can literally order a bike of thousands of euros and pay only 50 euro for shipping.
But that is a literally a different package / size to handled by the post office etc.

But a freaking statue, book and some other must haves costing 99 euro’s… thats insane

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I saw this article the other day but not sure if there are any on the EU shop.

After having collectors editions since MoP this is just insane, how are we supposed to accept paying 100 euro for shipping to EU (Denmark). Does it weigh 50 kg or what? It’s cheaper for me to order it for UK and fly there myself xD


I’m here for team go to the warehouse yourself and pick it up.
Or order it for some random place in UK and fly there xD


Hmm i have a question…

When do you get the game key? I would like to get the beta access but if the key ships with the collectors edition at a later date it seems somewhat pointless, it does say under the legal lines:

“Redeem the key in the separately provided envelope to access the content”

It also talks about Beta access under the product description.

Does this mean that you get an email when you purchase it and get the key?

I don’t really want to buy the digital version and the physical edition because it seems like a waste of money.



nah not worth it. there are much better looking fantasy statues on temu / shine to get for much cheaper if someone wanted chinese low quality junk like that figure of ragnaros on 15th aniversary :slight_smile: ( yeah blizz got me there never again . )

Steep price, that statue better be high quality, but why is the shipping so damn expensive?

€99 - Standard
€192 - Express

For that price I expect it to be hand delivered by Ion himself! :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: I’d oder it from the UK, but I always worry that I won’t be able to use the key for some regional reason, I’m in Norway so I’ll be charged for customs regardless.

If shipping include customs fees, like they do at Amazon, it helps, but this is not mentioned anywhere.

Otherwise I have to wonder why shipping a videogame costs more than having a lorry full of furniture delivered home from IKEA…


It better be properly packaged this time around, mine have been fine, but others have not been so lucky with previous deliveries in a bubble envelope…


Shipping starts at 100€

No thanks

rebellion altogether!

what do you want with that ugly plastic mousepad?
i never used one of my CE mousepads.
get a decent large one for 13€ from amazon. much better.

transport is a bit much. 40€ its almost another game.

i’m still using the awesome legion one and used the ones before, they are just showing no respect towards their players…

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I also wonder this

BLIZZAAAAAAAAAARD +100 for shipping ??? wtf are you doing ?

More pins…


I got a collection to maintain.

Statue looks nice though!

I work for a company which ships a lot internationally from Sweden. The EU Blizzard Gear Store ships from Spain, when we ship from Sweden to Spain via FedEx a similar sized shipment and roughly same weight costs about 20€ plus VAT. Asking 99€ for a shipment from Spain to Sweden is 100% a scam and at least 200-300% upmark on their shipment costs. They might even have a better deal than my company.

This is just ridiculous. Their previous shipping costs for my DF CE was 23€ and the D4 box was 29€, that was still on the high side but manageable. I have talked with their support which claimed that 99€ was the actual cost and I said there was no way and asked them to bring this to their superiors’ attention, and they said that they were going to forward my ticket. Let’s wait and see if they even care to check it, otherwise 100% a scam, no doubt about it.

Edit: Just got their reply:

Thank you for contacting Blizzard Gear store
Unfortunately we’ve been confirmed that the shipping costs you reported are correct.
All the shipping costs are generated by the system depending on your address location and the volume of your items.
Please see our Terms and conditions so you can have all the information about the updates on our online store.
We are sorry for the inconvenience this may cause you.

Best regards,

PR | CS Advisor

100% Scam. They must be high on crack.


for comparison - we pay less for like 500 kg + pallets of leather/materials shippment costs from spain / italy to poland :smiley:

blizzard went bonkers on this :smiley:


more like blizzard get’s ripped off by their partner

Yepp, just now shipped a pallet between EU countries for less than the shipping cost of ONE CE box between EU countries.

They must be smoking something. I can’t even…

I call for a class action